No timers, PERIOD

You don’t know how much farther people are going to get by waiting. A lot of the powers are tied to cooldowns as well, making them more powerful.

It could be the difference of getting a legendary that week or not.

Welcome to HOW I feel about mythic plus currently…it’s not a nice feeling is it.

1 week difference in getting a legendary to me is not worth adding a timer to Torghast.

I also hate M+, but it’s required to get the most efficient gearing. But it’s timer also doesn’t really matter much.

You don’t actually need to finish on time to get loot.

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They don’t need all of them, just enough to make it work. They already do some of that type of work on ye olde D3 with greater rifts (which DO have a timer).

The layouts I’ve seen are easily compartmentalized to where you could say you have N compartments - and are not static in number. So they could easily determine density (w/bosses counting as extra perhaps) per “zone” and adjust up or down from the median count. Say start with a 10m OOC timer and adjust up or down based on sum(zones w/ density > X). Fairly simple - you just gotta figure out the base numbers and only they have the data to determine that. :wink: Oh and perhaps scale the timer based on people in the tower as is done w/deaths. But perhaps inverted - solo gets more time (think of the mage who has sit and drink more often for example)?

A lot of the calculation they’d need they already have to do in the floor generation process. But te more I think on it the more I think keying it to the debuff for the 'lust abilities is the real trick.

That could mean the difference of someone having a raid spot vs. not, all because they let degenerate gameplay win.

Why don’t we remove enrage timers from bosses while we’re at it, just let every group take nothing but healers and tanks.

For that one key…that may or may not have item levels that are upgrades for you. And if you don’t get it done in time it goes down making you spend more time in content that does not have upgrades in order to get back into the content that does have the upgrades.

I love how people miss this punishment. Yes it does matter. That decrease makes that timer matter. And while you can add a timer with the ease of a app. I can not remove that timers punishment with ANYTHING!

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I mean, if you’re pushing for gear from them sure, but right now it’s just getting your weekly done. Who cares if you do your 15 on time for the weekly chest.

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His point isn’t a personal enjoyment of the timer, it’s one of gameplay vs content reward. It is a valid concern. I’d just like to solve it in a way that won’t make another form of content that eventually functions similar to M+.

I understand fully. However it is a point I would like to make. That timers are forced onto everyone and it does not matter if you ignore them or not you are still punished in a way for not completing them.

Right, I actually hate timers, can’t tell you how many times enrage has been hit on a new raid boss and I wish it wasn’t there.

But I understand why they exist.

Enrage on raid bosses is not only a dps measurement tool, but prevents groups from cheesing by running excessive amounts of healers.

Without a timer, M+ would devolve into who can wait for cds the longest “oh, we did a +35 this week, only took us 6 hrs”

As long as there is a power reward involved degenerate gameplay has to be curtailed.

Oh I know, I see your points. My point is that no matter how “generous” you make that soft enrage… Eventually that is going to be the point at which we’re forced to stop progressing in the tower. Which is pretty much the exact same feeling of difficulty that M+ provides.

Can I finish a +20? Yes… Without a doubt… Can I time a +20? Now that’s a completely different question.

That’s not the type of gameplay I’m seeking for with this tower. I don’t want a soft enrage on the entire experience. I’d rather have vastly more challenging trash packs be the counter to my success, than simply… I ran out of time on the map.

They’ve made bosses that are relatively challenging for solo players with the brawlers guild. I’m fairly certain they’re capable of doing it for this.

In other words: I’d rather it feel more like a raid, than like M+. I have no urgency in my raids. I just have challenging encounters to overcome, but not… urgency.


But both me and Synsha want Blizzard to implement tools that substitute for the same overall effect of timers, without inserting the actual timer itself. And it can be done. We just have to work together to figure out conditions that have no effect on the time between pulls.

We want a bitt of a breather between the pulls you see, unlike the current mythic plus.

What is the deal with others speaking for so many other people? Many of us enjoy timers. If timers weren’t a success then they’d already have stopped using them.

That’s what I mean, come up with something that fixes the problem without creating other problems, just saying “no timer” and offering no other fix (i mean, i hear the respawn thing, I just don’t think it would work unless they dump your respawns directly on you… which is basically the same as the timer they’re suggesting) is not the answer.

Timers are a means to an end, not something added for fun. Some may find them fun, but that’s not why they’re there.

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That’s part of the whole idea, to force players to make snap decisions.

Ok, here’s a simple one. An end-boss for each floor with an enrage. Can’t kill it in 3 minutes, it 1 shots you.


Did you miss the cap on major cooldowns per floor?

NO, the tower is being built for those who do not like mythic plus style. If you enjoy timers and snap decision making then you can always download a timer app and compare times online with your friends. But you do not need to force it on the rest of us to have that happen.


But that just further enforces CD waiting.