No timers, PERIOD

I like timers and the added urgency they bring. Makes the game exciting. But hey f@#$ me right?


The problem is people can add their own timers to content, but once a timer is added it can’t be removed.

I used to like timers in games but these days I’m just really sick of them. I don’t know why, just the very sight of them now turns me off


You really think that won’t result in a whole new wave of complaint threads threatening to never play shadowlands and how it is a slap in the face (do I drink if I am the one that says it?). :slight_smile:

There will always be someone that is angry and something in the game.

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Someone forgot to take their meds?

I don’t want to be “that guy,” but technically if they are going over to Classic, Blizzard isn’t losing out on anything lol.

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see I would say what will kill togash for me is how the acquisition of the currency to get into the place. If it’s gonna like how horrific vision is now and can only get in there 3-4 times a week then I can see me get tired of it really quick. If it’s good content then let me repeatedly do it even w/o reward.

Why are you afraid of timers. No insult meant I actually want to understand where you come from. Why does a timer change how you perceive fun?


It needs some sort of soft timer like they’re talking about (sending increasing numbers of mobs) or it will end up having to be balanced around waiting 10 minutes between each pull for lust.

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I haven’t been following super closely as far as specifics, but as I understand isn’t the “soft timer” something that only activates if you die X number of times? There has to be some sort of lose condition otherwise there’s no real challenge to it.

Personally I like the idea of some super mob that slowly starts chasing you after you die X times and if you continue to die he gets faster and faster. (My current understanding of how it works)

To me that’s a good system cause you have some room to make mistakes but you can’t just attempt a floor/encounter endlessly with no consequences. Way better than visions where you have a hard timer AND if you die once (for solo) you lose immediately.

The only other option that doesn’t include a timer but still involves losing would be to have a set amount of lives and when you run out you lose. Which is essentially a slightly less forgiving version of the Torasque or whatever

Just look at the forums. These people go up in arms if there is any difficulty or resistance to their play. These people who make the whine threads want gameplay that offers no real challenge.


these people want a 1 button nuke everything that they dont have to keybind


I think a better question is why must you play in micro sessions over a period of time? Why, exactly, do you need to spend 20% of a dungeon AFK?

It is artificial forced complexity that is not engaging and only serves to gatekeep the content. It creates an illusion of challenge, but does not add to the challenge at all.

When I play video games I want to relax and play at my own pace.



What’s so complex about a timer? It’s just a clock ticking down. Also, what exactly is being gatekeeped? The fact you can walk in at all kind of kills that argument.

I mean I hate to break it to you, but based on these forums alone, if they made it actually difficult with no timer, the crying would probably be even worse. People can’t even be bothered to hit a single button in LFR N’Zoth lol.

Nothings stopping you.


Timers don’t add to challenge, that’s the point. But to people who lack insight, the sense of urgency that it creates makes them think they’re playing something more difficult than it is. It’s all an illusion.

And no, nothing is stopping me, that’s why I do that. The problem is the vast majority of modern Blizzard game design is no longer built with immersion in mind, it is built with #CHALLENGE as the PRIORITY, sacrificing a good RPG experience in order to appease the vocal minority of #HARDCORE gamers (aka, mental stimulation addicts)


Yeah, I never argued that point. Honestly though, that’s pure opinion.

Yeah, nothings stopping you.

I mean it’s going to take a lot more changes outside a timer from a single piece of content to have any weight towards that goal lol.

A soft timer wouldn’t be bad for Torghast like it’s being discussed, sort of acting as an invisible enrage timer that triggers if someone just takes an unreasonable amount of time to complete a floor or whatever.


Blizzard! Absolutely no PERIODS in Torghast!

The only timer that should be in Tor is an AFK timer for groups if you go afk for longer then a few minutes it could kick you out.

And if solo it you should be allowed in there for as long as you want.

But if they do add any form of timer disallowing us to go as many floors as we want remember this thing was advertised as Infinite. IT SHOULD NOT just kick you out cause you were in there a few hours especially if you’re doing a more slow run with slow pulling or solo with a class that needs foods and drinks.

You don’t make a rogue like tower climber then say “Well you could get to floor 2000 but you only have XXX amount of time to do it”

I’m also very worried about entry how they are gonna handle how many times we can enter a day cause i want to be able to enter whenever i want for as many times as i want i don’t care if i’m not rewarded for multiple runs i just wanna kill stuff and have fun.


Adding a sense of urgency is adding a challenge.