No Thunderfury

Exactly. Our tanks pull so much threat that most people won’t ever have to worry about aggro, only one has TF and they’re not even our MT.

Funny thing, our old MT got the Garr binding then quit. A few weeks ago our current MT got his Gedon binding. Guess we have two TFs now?

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Are we really at a point now where people feel so self-entitled in this game that they think having a thunderfury is mandatory or something? It can definitely make things more consistent but it sounds to me like you’re intent on using it like a crutch to cover up low level play instead.


Doesnt work that way. Rng is rng


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RNG that is entirely possibly generated in batches dependant on seeding. Do you know how computing randomly selects a number? It’s not as random as the name implies.


Yea bro, I’ve taken comp sci 101 too. Thanks for the 1st grade interpretation. The real world application of it is MUCH more complicated

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Show us the math.

Blizzard uses IBAA PSRG for its seeding which is incredibly complex and also used in high level cryptography. While, to my knowledge, we dont know what the seed is based off of, it is always going to be something so random you wont possibly be able to replicate it.
IE: It is entirely possible it’s based off time. But even then it wouldnt be “Thursday” or even 5:30, it would be 530 to the millionth of a second making it almost impossible to replicate and even then you’re probably not going to get the same result because the algorithm probably works off multiple seeds.

TLDR: Thas not how any of this works. “Luck is probability taken personally.”

You’re welcome


Tell that to the Hearthstone players lol.

We all thought the same thing when it was discovered that Onyxia was targeting players by the number at which their character was created. A player’s GUID is possibly relevant to the instance that is created when they first enter it.

What in the world are you talking about? Do you know?

Was patched out after it became known.

World chat admin is given to the player with the lowest GUID online. Each player is assigned a number based on how early they created their character on the realm.

I’m not going to estimate how many different loot seeds for an instance there could be but it could possibly be distributed based off the first player who enters it.

The truth is, this is more a Psych 101 issue than a Comp sci one. Humans need to feel like they’re in control. It’s why we come up myths about “sky daddys” to explain why the sun shines and the rain falls. Taken to extremes we get “proportionality bias” so for large events we have a particular block against accepting that things are just random or uncontrollable. We need large events to have large causes so we feel Important. We can possibly accept that each swing with our weapon is uncontrollable and random, but a Thunderfury is a legendary!! Surely our results, good or bad, cant possibly be just random chance. There MUST be some replicatable pattern behind it!

But the truth is… there just isnt. Zeus doesnt exist. Aliens didnt cause 9-11. Random loot is random. Sorry… but that’s just the way it is. :man_shrugging:


There are no participation trophies in WoW classic.

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Good talk.

We’ve been running 2 MC clear since last year. 2 Garr bindings, 1 Geddon binding. 5 Eye of Sulfuras.

We would trade every single one of those eyes for a single Geddon binding.

Absolutely zero evidence of any of that. More alchemy and witchcraft

Hey man. Keep that tin foil hat on. It’s probably cutting off circulation to your brain but hey, doesnt seem like you get much use out of that anyway. :man_shrugging:

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You obviously didn’t read the links I provided you. Thanks for the insults, it really shows your own bias.


Player GUIDs are local on a per-server basis, making the “global” scope to be bound to the specific server. Every time a character is created, a new GUID is assigned from a simple +1 counter and then given to that character.

“Witchcraft” “no evidence” You’re as uninformed as the rest of us. There’s nothing more dangerous than a smug man who thinks he’s smarter than the room.

Sure I did. They just dont prove anything close to what you imply. Did YOU actually read them?

I am biased. Mostly against stupidity and ignorance. No surprise then we dont agree.