What do I do if our BWL raid drops are horrific?

maladath is pretty mediocre for warriors who are not human, it puts you to 304 weapon skill which while it reduces the glancings slightly, it does not adjust the hit cap and is generally worse than brutality blade. It is great for non human rogues because so much of their damage is white (a lot more vulnerable to glances than warrior) and their weapon skill is only 305 with their combat bonus, 305-> 309 weapon skill is actually a pretty reasonable dps increase

Human rogues already have 310 skill so it is useless to them unless they don’t have combat talents.

Human warrs have 305 which makes it perfect for them
All other races of rogues have 305 also which makes it real for them too.


Horrible gear itemization & RNG - welcome to Vanilla/Classic!

This guy gets it

There really is no such thing as RNG in binary systems, but you can disguise an algorithm of dictated numbers to look random.

RNG systems aren’t perfect, it’s a very interesting topic, and well worth a good read when you have the time.

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I understand how it works just fine, lol. Which is why I understand what you’re saying is ludicrous

(No Thunderfury - #28 by Bearhands-faerlina)

Blizzard uses IBAA PSRG for its seeding which is incredibly complex and also used in high level cryptography. While, to my knowledge, we dont know what the seed is based off of, it is always going to be something so random you wont possibly be able to replicate it.
IE: It is entirely possible it’s based off time. But even then it wouldnt be “Thursday” or even 5:30, it would be 530 to the millionth of a second making it almost impossible to replicate and even then you’re probably not going to get the same result because the algorithm probably works off multiple seeds.

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I know how it works also, what I was pointing out is that the seed could be something as simple as the guid from the player who formed the raid, or zoned in first or what day and time you raid.

I’m assuming you really understand, that even though WoW is an awesome game it’s not as high tech as some like to claim.

The seed could be as varied as the wind, like you elude too, or it could be as clunky as spell batching.

Considering that Blizzard takes often the past of least resistance, I lean toward it’s something clunky.

A good example of how crusty the RNG actually is, and how it’s not down to a gnats rump even on something as simple as pick pocket resist, if you get a resist and vanish and immediately pick pocket again the same target will resist, but if you wait a few seconds you can pick pocket and get your loot.

This is why I lean toward it being really crusty.

I mean… you say you get it then follow up immediately with a comment that illustrates you very clearly dont…

You’re aware the seed could be literally anything, they could be using the hour you log in + guid for all we know.

That’s literally not how it works

Y’all realize “RNG” stands for “random number generator”, right? Even if there’s some mysterious bug with the seeding of the random number generator, it’s still a random number generator.

RNGs are pseudorandom. If there’s a problem with the implementation, they can display patterns, but their name isn’t different.

You don’t know that, are you a blizzard engineer? Nope.

You don’t know for certain if GUID works into generating a seed or not.

The reason it has potential to be the situation is because of a certain exploit a friend of mine and I used in TBC to get him warglaives.

Thing is, unless the OP tests things in hopes of a different result, he’s in a bad spot.

Instead of giving them some hope, maybe test things out, you are here telling him “nope you’re screwed”

Remember when people were getting multiple legendaries in legion, others getting zero and players kept saying “rng is rng?” Blizzard denied there was an issue for months… until they finally said “yeah… there’s a seeding issue.”

Remember this before mindlessly repeating “rng is rng.”


Horde guild… BWL weeks 1 through end of last week never missed.
1 Maladath

F that place

1 CTS, 1 Maladath, 3(?) Crol’s, 1 Ashjre’thul, 1 DFT (finally), 1 Lok’amir, 1 Ashkandi, 2 Staves, like 8 or 9 Rejuv Gems, and 5-6 Nelth’s Tears.

It’s extremely depressing to run around capital cities seeing all of these warriors with Thunderfury + Maladath, and all of these rogues with CTS (or TF) + Maladath. The struggle is real, and you can’t do anything about it.


I tried to explain that in a really down to earth way, I hope people will listen, because right now you can kinda exploit the seed on certain types of RNG because it’s a bad system. Talking about the combat mechanics, like crit, hit, glancing.


Complete nonsense. Unless you have some really really hard proof people are able to exploit seeding to gain advantage in combat this is one of the most absurd things I’ve heard suggested on these very absurd forums

Lol. I 100% call BS

We have yet to see a single CTS.

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It may actually work in this game, I’ll have to find out who’s got what weapons on the server. Basically what you do is make sure you log in right after instance reset, and your atlas loot does the hard work by giving you the instant loot table showing all the items it has seen active since you were logged on. It’s been years, so it may nit work this way any more, but in TBC we found out that loot tables were scripted soon as you zone in, and as long as no one on your server had the loot you are after was not on, then if you zone in and see for example war glaives then you camp the instance and form the raid and shizzam the glaive gets a home.

It may not be possible to do that any more, but it 100% worked in TBC. Blizzard may have obfuscated things so it’s not possible to detect items like this.

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