No Thunderfury

This is pretty much a rant, our guild has been running MC full clears since late October and we have seen ZERO bindings. Then we see other guilds who have been raiding a similar amount of time as we have been, who now have 2-4 TFs. Even some newer guilds that have only been raiding for 1-2 months have a TF. Seeing as how important this is for Classic these days for threat generation, where is the RNG protection? It’s extremely discouraging to see ZERO bindings and then see another guild talking about their FOURTH TF.


Sometimes you’re worthy of the RNG Gods… sometimes you’re not.


Get out with this heresy


It happens. My guild is in an identical situation. We have 0 bindings in 8+ months of MC weekly clears with 2 raids going for 6 months.

It’s gonna happen to a couple guilds on each server. That’s just how it goes.


We have 7 TF. BL, OP. Change your seeder and time of entering the raid.

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Our guild runs 1 raid, has 3 TF’s. Clearing MC every week since first week of October. We stopped clearing once AQ got released. Wanna also know something? It took us till May/June to get our singular pair of Bloodfang pants for our 7rogues… We had 6 bindings drop for every 1 pair of T2 pants. Since then we’ve had 3 more pants drop in the span of a month in July.

Sometimes RNG just hates you, sometimes it loves you.

We’ve also yet to see a single Chrom shield or Vael dagger. We also have only seen 2 DFTs. Clearing BWL since day1.

“And thus RNJesus spaketh, ‘Make not demands for thine loot table, but have faith in my wisdom that justice in drops is conceived behind a veil of ignorance.’” Book of Tiers 18.25


We finally got our first TF recently and we run 3 raids. Funny thing is, 2 of the raids have been going since the beginning and those poor tanks don’t have any, our third raid got up and running with an alt as the MT and he got TF within 6 weeks.

RNG be like that some times.

Go play retail.

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You have to become a big streamer first to get that :slight_smile:


Only option is to level some alts and run 3-4 MC clears a week.

TF isn’t as mandatory as people think it is.

Knowing how to threat properly will net a bigger threat increase than someone with no clue swinging TF.


change your raid to thursday, our thursday raid sees a binding every other week, we’ve started considering meme classes for it.

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Frag off with this crap.

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We’ve been raiding about the same, full clears, 3 baron bindings and no garr bindings. Also, we’ve seen zero eyes of sulfuras.

It sucks…but it is what it is.

We also have terrible luck with weapons in general…

Sounds like an authentic Classic experience.


Just get a death sting, it’s better anyways

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My daddy always used to tell me that using RNG protection is like washing your foot with your sock on.

Wait, maybe that was some other kind of protection. :thinking:

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We just saw our first Staff of the Shadowflame two weeks ago.

The first 3 weeks we got Nelths tiers, haven’t got one since.

We finally got a Lok’amir just a couple of weeks ago. /shrug

And this talk about TF being a necessity for Naxx is dumb. Is it nice to have, yes. Required, absolutely not.