Onyxia Fireball Threat - Is this intended?

You must have gotten lucky with fireballs. If you dont get fireballed before phase2 youre in a very bad spot because tanks get the first fireballs usually and their threat drops, and since they cant hit Ony in phase 2 they cant build aggro unless they hit whelps, then they just get fireballed again.

Well ony spends like 10s airborne… she goes up and comes back down pretty quick.

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ah, makes more sense. our guild split our raid into 2 onys and 2 mcs so we dont blast her down like we would with a full 40 man

We do that sometimes but we’ve been training our new raid team so we haven’t lately.

Seems to me good old Battle Shout spam should completely trivialize phase 2? Tank sits In The middle of the room surrounded by his party of hunters and pets, spams battle shout, builds stupid threat on Ony and all the whelps come straight to him where they can be AoEd?

Fireball could screw that up, but not if all you need to do is have someone with a lower Guid standing next to the tank.

This stuff with the GUID stacking works. Tried it tonight even though we’ve had no issues killing onyxia since week 2. I was curious to see if it worked and I wanted our raid team to try it.

Had our MT run the macro before pull and find out who would be the best pair available. One of our usual OTs had a lower GUID than our MT, so they stacked. Started the fight and got into phase 2. We did it with like 30 people tonight so phase 2 didn’t last very long but this is what I observed. I knew it was working right away because Onyxia wasn’t targeting anyone other than our MT for fireballs. No one else ever took a fireball except the MT/OT pair that were stacking. I think they took about 4 total before she transitioned. The OT with the lower GUID was the only one receiving a threat drop.

As soon as she landed, she immediately targeted the MT and he pulled her back into position and we were able to go full-out on dps immediately because the tank started the phase with all the threat he generated from phase 1. And since our casters don’t do a lot of dps in phase 1 anyway, they couldn’t generate enough threat from bursting in phase 2 to make it an issue for when the tank picks her back up in phase 3.

So yea, I don’t think this is working as it was in vanilla but then again, no one really “knew” how the fight was coded in retail vanilla 15 years ago because no one was really doing the research as far as I know. All we knew back then was to use aggro dumping abilities going into phase 3 and to hope for the best. I would like to see Blizzard issue a comment on this. We’re going to keep doing it and I recommend everyone else does to if they want to make their life easier on farm content. The macro script needed to check your raid’s GUIDS are floating around/available. Can check warrior discord for them or this thread I’m sure. If Blizzard doesn’t want people doing this, they can hot-fix it.

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Wait, so Onyxia targets the nerds who rolled characters first? LOL


Can also confirm that this definitely works. It will be very interesting to see the blue response on whether this is a quirky classic “mechanic” or something they intend to fix.

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Exactly! When our OT died we were using the hunter because he literally saved his name the minute servers came up for name reservations.

If this is really how it worked back then and we’re just figuring it now that’s pretty awesome and funny.


She targets the person with the highest threat. The threat reduction is appliedt o the person who made their character first, though.

That’s not how it works. MY lvl 8 paladin alt has a higher GUID than a fury warr who has been 60 for some time, and I made that paladin ~2 weeks ago.

You just confirmed that’s how it works. Newer characters have a higher GUID, so what you describe is expected. It’s a hexadecimal incrementing value that goes up 1, probably, with each character created. For this strat to work the tank needs an older (lower GUID) character standing by them to soak the fireball.

Oh whoops, I misread something and thought they were saying the opposite.

Yeah, that’s how it works and I’m an idiot.

we did this for our ony last night. tank put me on follow, we both eat fireballs and he never loses aggro. can confirm

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This is what I’m curious about, I don’t remember Ony working like this back during vanilla but that was 15 years ago so…

It is entirely possible she did work this way or worked this way for a time, players are just insane about meta gaming now and high end players are much better at theory crafting/testing.

It sounds like it comes from the days when people thought every patch affected how often she deep breaths.

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Maybe they changed it all the time just to be funny, and this was the last iteration of the logic. Forever preserved in Classic for our enjoyment.

Was thinking about this…

Shouldn’t you be able to take your heavy threat players like ham mages or warlocks, and if they’re older than the tank, simply cycle them in for a fireball as a deagro shower to get clean. Simply cycle then in, and then go back to going ham?

ID’s as an ordinal number to determine uniqueness, are almost universally assigned in ascending order and incremented by one each time. A good early example is Magelo.