No Silver Dragon Portrait:

Bartender4 offers a lot of options, including changing things the current UI cannot. You might want to take a look at that.

I would be thinking the most extreme ActiBlizzard has done is terminate most of their employees by the hundreds. If not that, the lawsuit they had to deal with from California.

A lot of things that were just fine have been redesigned. Like lots of icons. Did we really need new icons for so many things? Were players asking for this?

See how your idea appears to support mine after I rearrange the order?

Except there is a few issues with that reasoning, one is that they changed
In the first place, and the only reason they say they are going back is because of backlash.

Secondly the picture I posted is from the Rare Dragon mod, which has had that art since 10/12/22, only a few weeks after Blizzard posted about removing the silver dragon ( So it has been in game files since at least then, Blizzard backtracked on the change because of backlash sometime before the article linked before on 10/27 (

And yet we still have the ‘new’ rare icon in game now, and on the current Beta patch, when the ‘new’ Silver dragon art has been in the game files since at least 10/12.

Live WoW:

Beta taken just now:

Non sequitur is noted.

I don’t think we were disagreeing to begin with?

Ah my apologies. I thought I did my due diligence in making sure I was looking at examples of the Blizzard one coming and comparing it to what you posted but I guess I wasn’t thorough enough.

No worries, it likely is the new official Blizzard art, as the mod does say art by Blizzard, so it likely is pulling the art from the game files themselves.

But that means the new silver dragon art has been out there since at least 10/12 when the mod was first released, but has not been put back in the game after they said they would bring it back yet, even in the latest beta build.

I personally am fine as I am ok with using mods, but I do hope they do indeed bring it back, even if just as a ‘use silver dragon rare icon’ toggle in options for those that prefer the silver dragon (regardless of its a redone silver dragon or not)

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I actually found silver dragon / npc scan to be super super useful while leveling! Those rares are big exp!

I did some digging and not finding much right now, the ClassicUI you linked comments say the author intends to update it, so it may help in the future, but not right now.

However in the comments on that there is two things that may help, Bartender ( has a Classic WoW profile with or without the gryphons, that may make things closer to what it was before.

There is also an import code by a poster to put into the Edit Menu that they say should make things mostly like they were before and have some pictures. If using this though I would absolutely save what you have right now as a profile first, so you can go back if needed, as apparently import code layouts can not go to the same places based on monitor resolutions.


Maybe if you want to find a rare mob you should have to put in some work and effort and not just fly around in a circle and let an addon do the work for you.

The point of this thread, is the icon that shows on a rare mob when it is targetted, base UI, nothing at all to do with mods to find mobs.

The mods that have been talked about are to try and get the icon that shows on a mob that is targeted to show as what it used to.

And some people talking about making the UI look like the UI before the edit menu UI changes, but again, nothing about mods used to find rares.


So is the Sliver Dragon back on rares this week or not…anyone know?

also the new icons for fish and herbs and nodes are extremely confusing. they all look almost exactly alike and are tiny. it is atrociously bad for people with bad vision. not everyone has perfect 20/20 vision and is a perfect specimen of health.

Amen Breadisfunny…I had eye surgery earlier this year too…need my left eye to be done too but have to wait till my sisters knee surgery is over with she is only one that can take me tooo

yeah its really bad on 27"+ monitors with 1080p+ resolution. i shouldn’t have to visually downgrade my monitor because the devs are too privileged to even consider people have anything other than 20/20 eyesight. I’ve resorted to mostly turning off the nodes for herbs since it is really confusing and eye straining to sort them out from the fish nodes when im trying to level fishing on my herbalists.

I do all my herbing on my Druids on both sides…which is nice I can fly low and spot herbs on the ground…same mining too with them…but your right we shouldn’t have to strain our eyes to read a map. I also have good recall of where most herbs are located in zones same with ore nodes…which is a big help to me.

i don’t play druids. can’t stand the playstyle.

And to top it off, that crap addon ruins the system that forces me to deactivate it.

I really don’t understand Blizzard at what point they decided to erase the true meaning that there is a rare boss, is that what the new UI was for? to gradually eliminate the perfect environment that sympathizes because we play this game.

IT’S NOT JUST ANY MMO, it’s Warcraft, and the world of Azeroth has to look like it was in all the game’s expansions.

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The make the best herbing class around though…even great in mining…being able to pick flowers in flight can’t beat it…yes I know there is that one mount you can fly but its a big ugly rust bucket of a mount and noisy too…there is nothing better then a Druid for picking flowers.

i just can’t. not gonna play a class i dont enjoy.