No Silver Dragon Portrait:

dude cant take his own joke advice…lmao

Well thank you for letting me know you’re the sort who trolls (and possibly harrass) other people with malice intent who don’t like the things you like. Not very positive of you.

Again, you don’t understand that advice since you’re using it against me without the context of why i’ve provided…

This IS blizzard we’re talking about.
They do a LOT of stuff that dont make any sense.
And if ‘he’ has decided he wants it gone, he’ll double down on it and we all know it.
Better to find an addon that replaces it most likely.

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Do you know of any Classic UI addons that are updated for the new UI? I had used this one:

But, it hasn’t been updated since Feb, of this year.

I’ve never had a UI addon because the WoW one was perfect for me. Well, I’m looking for a UI addon. To many weird changes, or not the right ones. The silver dragon portrait is a good example. I also thought it was weird we still can’t silence the talking heads or shrink the extra action button.

On a side note: Does anyone else find it odd the you can’t see what level your profession is without hovering over the bar under the prof. tab? Wonder why they don’t have them automatically showing up so you can just see it at a glance.


I posted that very addon in the third post on this thread

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Yeah, sad to see it go. No more rare mob spotting euphoria triggered by in-built conditioned stimulus spanning numerous expansions! xD

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Right alongside the Warlords armor. :rofl:

I did download it. Thank you for pointing it out. I’m assuming you don’t know of any other Classic UI alternative, otherwise you would’ve answered my question by now. Oh well. I think I’m getting the hang of the new UI and editing it, in “edit mode”. Still not liking it, but I put it together to the best of my liking.

Unfortunately not, I pretty much used stock UI with Bartender & Plater before the UI change, and new UI mode with Bartender, Plater & Rare Dragon mod after (well bunch of other mods too, Can I Mog It etc…, but those are overall UI ones). I can check around to see if I could find one to recommend, but I don’t know of one currently

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yeah, I was rolling my eyes hard enough when I thought it was those two action bar dragons. Now Im gonna have to run over to the ER and get my eyes pried loose from the back of my head after seeing what the actual issue is here, lol.
I honestly did believe I was the one complaining the most about nothing on this forum. I nearly took pride in the thought. Now Im realizing I aint even in the top 100 here.
off /thread

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I’ll be honest this gives me more worries about DF than any of the criticisms. How someone could look at these side by side and think the bottom one is better I can’t understand. This should not even be a thing. It is like the poo in a bottle “art” next to a Leonardo.


That’s just it though, the first pic they linked? That’s the new art coming after the backlash, so in this instance they were responding appropriately to the negative reaction and are pleasing fans.

They’re trying to remove information from the game and make it a guessing game where players will have to spend more time trying to figure out what is what.

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  1. Your NB’s portrait looks magnifique!
  2. When the creepy dungeon finder eye winks at you, wink back!
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Poke it to establish dominance.

I wish we had a T-pose emote to establish dominance over our enemies!

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Goodness, that website is the reason ad-blockers exist!


If that little star wasn’t a sign of malicious compliance, then i would be going out on the limb saying that the art team dropped the ball on that one then.

What i don’t even get is why redesign the actual silver dragon (the top. Which looks fine by the by), but then not use it?

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My guess, they made both and had a bunch of meetings over which to implement and since we’re still in beta/prepatch they went “let’s just do the most extreme and see what the players say”

Going a bit further owing to my paranoia and suspicious nature they did a common tactic regarding getting stuff approved, either by the bosses or the populace. They wanted the silver dragon from the get go and we’re concerned over the reaction so they went with the extreme option knowing it would agitate people, then when they reintroduce the option they wanted to to begin with it’s seen as a win all around. They listened, they changed from bad design to good, people like the new art, etc etc.

But again I’m just generally a paranoid person.