No Silver Dragon Portrait:

There is one to put on yourself that only you can see. And I used to have one that would mark all rare mobs with it and you could even select what mobs you wanted to add it onto. Only you could see those as well. Screenshots and WoW vids will capture as well.

so, can we redesign the Dragon portraits?

here is my idea.

Do Bronze Dragon for the Elite mobs.
Silver Dragon for the actually rare mobs.
and then make the “suggested 2 or more player elite/respawn weekly” the Gold Dragon

and then lets throw in a Green Dragon for quest elite mobs
and a Blue Dragon for the daily kill elite mobs.

and for fun. lets have a skeleton dragon for things that have Raid Boss status. because nothing says “deadly” like a skeleton :skull:

can’t do that for the chinese client…

sure you can. just make it a BREAD dragon. a Dragon made out of BREAD.

thats how they usually deal with it i think. :dracthyr_hehe: :bread: :baguette_bread: :croissant:

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those fiends!

Literally unplayable.

Here’s my idea just bring back the Sliver Dragon for rares and leave the other stuff alone…Silver Dragon on rares has worked for years and years with no issues.

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I kind of liked the Silver Dragon portrait scrolling. Removing it was kind of stupid, IMO.

Old saying …if its not broke don’t fix it…Blizzard fix this now put the dang Silver Dragon back on rares…it wasn’t broken when we use to have it…all you have done is cause more issues for the player base by removing the Silver Dragon from the Rares…when will you ever learn if its not broke don’t fix it.

This would make it confusing.

They removed the map markers again for version 11.

“You think you do but you don’t” playing out again.
Someone thought players were wrong and tried again next xpac.


Pls don’t necro my threads.