No Silver Dragon Portrait:

I was sad when I realized the silver dragon was gone. I was casually levelling a character that had been floating on the alt list for awhile and I enjoy rare hunting in whatever zone the character is in. I had to use an old macro to help me out. Geeze. I’m looking forward to its return.


Same. Maybe in a new format too.

wut? these?

I use that addon as well. I sometimes would get invites on characters that were in a guild and a whisper spam. Haven’t gotten a message from anyone in a couple years now.

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I agree with you.

I don’t think it’s right for Blizzard hide options or take away things like that, only for us to download more addons. Including something simple like Camera pivot. Especially to those who don’t want to make a sick all over their monitors when they look up in the sky and the camera deattaches itself.

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I dislike the new target frame in general; difficult to tell which mob is the rare at a glance if it is standing in a pack, and many of the icons/numbers are too small to notice without looking directly at them.


Needing a silver dragon to know if you killed a rare or not is exceedingly wasteful. Like how can you know said information if the rare is not up for you to check? Also it’s not like you can click on mobs from the other side of the map.

Yes it should return but players should really change how they gather/process information.

Not sure what that is supposed to be the these in that picture. The post is about the rare silver dragons around targets that have been there since vanilla, ala:

Being replaced by:

And those not happy about that/asking for it to go back.


Both methods are inefficient though.

curious if it was more UI whining about those two dragons on the action bar.
seems to be an epidemic of complaints about it the last while or so.

I really like that look of that portrait. The star is just lame city.


Yeah how dare people not like the things you like. /s…

You know the forums is for feedback and that’s exactly what their doing? And them not liking the UI and given their reasons even if it’s referring to the aesthetics is still valid a feedback, right?

A YUUUGE difference in saying “I dont like that new dragon art” and “OMG…THIS UI IS CRAP…ITS UNPLAYABLE NOW…I HATE THAT NEW DRAGON ART”

Which is literally how some are acting.
Sorry, but THIS IS USABLE…END of discussion
…and yet some in here are trying to PRETEND that it isnt AND have been whining about it for days.

There was no reason to remove silver dragon to begin with. It is also easier to spot rares with silver dragon.



The latter is a minority of people that you don’t need no pay attention to, nor it’s valid to use to discredit any valid criticism, concerns or complaints the former people had.

You can like the new Ui, but it doesn’t mean it’s objectively better then the UI, especially considering people have given lots of reasons why this isn’t as good a lot of people proclaim it to be or does what it’s set out to do decently. Even in terms of functionality (the one you’re sort of offhandedly praising) it’s iffy for a lot of people where the old UI didn’t give them that sort of problem before or if so, very rarely.

Your subjective like to the UI does not erase that fact that there’s just as much people disliking the new UI.

Do you really want to open that door? Because love/like can faked too. Not just hate/dislike.

Especially considering like/love is often used to dismiss people’s criticisms and complaints, or even attack/insult/gaslight people for not liking it, all to defend what is at least, a divisive feature. I’ve seen way too much of that and that’s always (if not, usually) a bad sign with the topic in question their talking about.

Also, you’re not forced to look at people’s negative feedback if it really bothers you that much.

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thankfully. With a few alts, Id imagine.

nonsense. it needs work. It IS OBJECTIVELY BETTER to have OPTIONS than to have NONE.

please dont start playing Freud with me…you’ll lose.

and yet you responded to me

I wouldn’t think it would be too hard to add the silver dragons back. Just use the same graphic for elites and recolor the gold dragon silver/grey.

Betting someone is working on an addon to replace it as we speak.

Before it releases. Not 2 years after it’s launches.

You’re not wrong, but you seem to think having any option at all means its automaticly a huge upgrade that makes it so much more better, but you’re ignoring the underlying problems it has that pretty bad on what it set out to clearly do; emulate Bartender 4 and a few others addons.

Bartender4 easily trumps Blizzard’s new UI and it’s just a single guy or small team. Blizzard has the backing of Microsoft, and couldn’t match up to what Bartender4 is. Only like a quarter of it at best.

As for why the new UI isn’t objectively better. Because it hasn’t lived up to it’s purpose.

The old UI only had one purpose and it did it just fine, just give the basic information. You can argue how the end result for the old UI is worse, but it served it’s purpose there.

I mean if you want to be wrong and think love/liked can’t be used to dismissed or gaslight people for not liking their stuff in the same way how somebody can use dislike/hate to do the same thing, then i hate to say it, but you’re a lost cause. :man_shrugging:

Not sure why you think me responding to your comment is hypocritical unless your saying your comment was negative feedback towards the UI. I don’t think you understand the principle behind that idea if your trying to use it against me here in this manner.

here son…since you have no self control, I’ll fix it for you…blocked

The UI is FINE just needs some tweaks…
THIS is what these folks are whining about…lol