I mean, it’s not like I could see that Classic was going to be free to everyone who already had a sub or a license. That must have just been ignorance, too.
I’m looking forward to that Vanilla milkshake with purchase of a Diet Coke.
I spent most of vanilla on CC, and my characters were all named after giant anime robots.
Ha ha, wow. Those OOC rules. I certainly don’t remember any of that being enforced. I can’t imagine the labor required to do so, such would be the scope of the endeavor.
I played BC-Cata on an RP-PVP server and it was some of the best times I’ve had on wow. We used to RP huge battles in Arathi, Swamps of Sorrows, Grizzly Hills, and Hyjal between different Horde and Alliance guilds and it was really fun.
I had intended on rolling RP-PVP once classic came out, so I was pretty disappointed when I heard there wouldn’t be an RP-PVP server. I sincerely hope that they change their mind of this matter, maybe at least have ONE RP-PVP server, because I really feel like we could recapture those experiences I once had in newer form.
kind of OT really, but just a random comment I wanted to make, everytime I see people use ED shorthand for Emerald Dream, even though I know what they are talking about, my mind goes to a medical condition with the same initials and it makes sentences like that a little funny to me:O)
It was an interesting time. I think that the enforcement was more significant very early on in vanilla. When it became such a huge success fairly rapidly, it became harder to enforce. I remember trying to start on an RP realm as an Undead Priest (I think). I hadn’t played on an RP realm, but I thought it would be more interesting and could be a redemption seeking character. I would see people speaking with ((What is this))? and had no idea what it meant haha. Eventually I asked the General chat channel for help and several people whispered me that I would be banned if I kept up that behavior (of which I knew nothing haha). So… I drifted away for a while…
So No RP-PVP servers might be the the thing that kills classic for me. Honestly if you check YouTube polls RP-PVP servers had more interest on polls than just RP servers. I guess maybe I’ll just stick with Guild wars 2 until they decide to make RP-PVP servers. This is such a shame for me. I was really looking forward to playing classic at launch and joining a community of liked minded people once again. Blizz please rethink this hard.
The problem with rping on any server is we won’t likely know the names of the servers until launch and the rp people will be more spread out across other servers lacking a real community.
This link shows more people want to play on RP-PVP than just RP servers. Only around 2% that took the poll want RP but a little over 7% want RP-PVP. Come on Blizzard do the right thing.
I think they should make RP-PvP servers. My thinking is that if it is as small a niche as Blizzard says, then what’s the harm in making the server. If the audience is that small then it won’t really affect other servers, and if the people playing on it doesn’t mind a small server then fine, leave them be.
It’s just such a flawed analysis. RP-PvPers will have no interest in playing on a carebear ruleset. RP-PvE is just bad for those that want an RP-PvP ruleset.
As for your experience, I can’t say that was ever an issue on any realm I was on. I never RP’d in a ‘hardcore’ way, but if I looked for it, I could find it.
Usually you just walk into an inn or something, or find an RP guild; was pretty simple.
I wasn’t looking for an RP guild. I transferred to a non-RP competitive raiding guild. I was just curious, since it was my first time on an RP server, so I asked.