That might be part of the reason they don’t want to bother, which is a shame.
I would be interested to see how many tickets were submitted reporting a character named some variation of “Legolasx” lol.
That might be part of the reason they don’t want to bother, which is a shame.
I would be interested to see how many tickets were submitted reporting a character named some variation of “Legolasx” lol.
Except griefing if you try to do it too publicly.
Quote of the day imo.
On non-RP servers, EVERYWHERE is “too public.”
I disagree. While there is a dedicated base who are looking forward to RP-PvP, roleplayers tend to favor PvE, since they then have control of when and how they PvP (and it isn’t always game mechanics, see /roll fights, d20 mechanics, and so forth).
While PvP can occur, more roleplayers prefer organization rather than any ad hoc PvP. Big events for story can be organized, and PvP tends to occur there, rather than in an anything goes way that open world pvp follows.
In the fall of Argent Dawn, it was less about the ‘nerd stigma’, and more about non-roleplayers coming to the server and the actual roleplayers leaving for greener pastures to roleplay with others who were more likeminded.
In Vanilla, even those who weren’t participating in RP were vocal about not caring or wanting to be involved in roleplay, and a common complaint would be “Well, if you’re not here for roleplay, why are you here?”
The common response was “I have friends here.”
AD’s decline was almost instantaneous the moment that Blizzard opened up the server migrations. Within that week, roleplayers moved in droves. That included Goldshire (which originated as “Goldshire Guilds” on Argent Dawn) - which moved to Moon Guard and developed that reputation there.
What was left were normal players, and the handful of holdout roleplayers who tried to make a go of turning Argent Dawn back to an RP server.
The thing is, RP servers have one major problem. They’re absolutely overrun with people who have no interest in RP whatsoever, but only play on RP servers because of RP servers’ reputation as a “more mature community”. So when you end up in a situation where 90% of the people on so-called RP servers are non-RPers, RP dies out and they just become normal servers with a nerdier name.
I believe that the vast majority of the people who will be playing Classic will be rolling on PvP servers and PvE servers will be relatively underpopulated. So if the “I want mature community” non-RPers who were planning on rolling on RP-PvP servers have to choose between PvP servers and RP-PvE servers, I believe the vast majority of them will choose to roll on the PvP servers. Which means that there yet may be hope for the Classic WoW RP community, as RPers would be the higher percentage of the playerbase on “normal” RP servers. While if you had both RP-PvE and RP-PvP servers, most RPers would choose to play on RP-PvP servers, leaving RP-PvE servers to die, and then have their own RP-PvP servers’ RP community die as they end up being a tiny minority of the people playing on those servers.
True story… no pun intended… when I first started playing WoW, I had never played an MMO. I had played RPG’s like Baldur’s Gate, etc., and that was my idea of a “role playing” game. And I loved the Warcraft storyline from WC1-3. The description for an RP server said something like… Do you like to be engaged in a story? Then this is the server for you… I thought hell yeah, on these servers, the game must have more story content! So I picked RP server and ended up on Scarlet Crusade.
It was only later that I learned that “RP” meant that players are supposed to stay in character as they speak and act out a fantasy story in their head as they play. Now in the 6-7 years I played there, I only ran across a few people who were like that. Either they didn’t mingle much with the rest of the server, or there weren’t many people like that. Every group I was in openly discussed real life and spoke modern English. So I doubt my experience ended up being much different than on the average PvE server.
Anyway, as far as “mature community,” my prediction is that, in the long run (after all the tourists leave within a month), WoW Classic is going to be made up of the most “mature” servers ever seen in WoW, because all the people who want ez-mode faceroll free epics will quit and go back to playing retail, while those who want a challenge and don’t mind having to be social and put forth some effort to succeed will be the ones who stick around. And that will be great… the former types will have their game and we’ll have ours. Everyone should be happy.
Argent Dawn was the server in my post! I raided for a while in a very successful stint with Purpose. Unfortunately, we burned out on Hard Mode Freya without having a Paladin tank to cheese the exploding adds.
Unless sharding becomes permanent on non rp servers.
You are doing that thing again where you pretend your personal point of view equates to “more rpers” or “rpers tend to”
The 15k respondent poll clearly showed a preference for rppvp over rppve.
I’ve been talking to other RP/PVP guild leaders and would be leaders as well. We’ve all come together for similar purpose. Blizzard and Ion H. think 7-10% of the player base is too small of a niche to be worthy enough of our own realm.
We strongly DISSAGREE. RP/PVP leaders and guild members do our absolute best to bring Warcraft to life. The rich Warcraft story coupled with an accessible Azeroth as our stage – we create some of the most long-lasting and player driven and supported story within the game. RP/PvP has been on the list since patch 1.8. It was DEMANDED by the player base
In Vanilla and up until BFA introduced WARMODE, there were a few realm options to choose from:
-Contested territories players can fight at will in these locations
-You need to type /pvp to engage in any open world pvp conflict. Note that after you flag you’re at an immense disadvantage as other players don’t have to flag themselves for battle until they’re ready.
-A more uniform naming policy as well as the PvE realm ruleset. In addition to this, Roleplaying was monitored and protected from griefers by blizzard.
The player base DEMANDED a mixture of PvP and RP.
Patch 1.8 we got the first RP/PvP realms!
-A unique blend of RP and grief protection as well as engaging open world and guild versus guild conflict.
RP servers were known to create their own server history and timelines on the forums and elsewhere. RP servers bring the Warcraft story to life. Please support RP/PvP servers by commenting in favor on the official forums!
If Vanilla is your favorite flavor, please consider helping out in support of your community!
Imagine applying the design philosophy of your failing/dying game to a new one and expecting a different result.
And I will continue to do so, unless you have a poll of every roleplayer in the world.
Rather, your narrow perspective is why you keep saying that it is my personal opinion, rather than a general observation across years of roleplaying - WoW not even being the focal point.
Feel free to post links. I will post more links across the broad spectrum of roleplayers, rather than the blinders you’ve posted in regards to Classic.
“I speak for every person on earth, feel free to dispute that but the only evidence I will accept is a poll of every person on earth”
It is a general perspective from YOUR point of view. Now you are handwaving a poll with 15 THOUSAND respondents? Do you not grok what a poll is?
Do you honestly think 15,000 people speak for every roleplayer in the world? Or is it just a poll, like any other? There’s plenty of polls out there that say that Classic will fail.
Do you think 15,000 people speak for the supposed MILLIONS of WoW players that are desperate to come back to WoW? And what of the roleplayers who aren’t paying attention to this poll?
Honestly, to say a poll that is focused on Classic WoW is representative of what is much more likely to occur is overly disingenuous.
In truth, just look at retail. Emerald Dream is lauded as being the biggest and best RP-PvP server. Numbers are dwarfed by RP-PvE. This is why Ion dismissed an RP-PvP as being ‘niche’. He’s wrong, there should absolutely be an RP-PvP server, but those blowing smoke to try and make RP-PVP more important than it actually is aren’t being realistic.
You can rely on your poll all you like, what will actually happen is pretty obvious.
Did YOU interview every single roleplayer in the world before you pretended to know what they “tend” to think? Did you speak with or observe over 15,000 of them?
And it’s just a poll. You can repeat that until you turn blue in the face, but it’s just a poll.
Again, the reality is that more roleplayers don’t care about PvP than do. Emerald Dream has been struggling with that for quite some time. Lots of PvP, not nearly as strong as RP scene as their PvE contemporaries.
“It is a poll” doesn’t change that.
And you have provided zero evidence of that, while handwaving actual numbers to the contrary.
Keep on doing you.
It is pointless discussing it further against such ignorance.
points at WrA and MG vs. Emerald Dream, then points to their server forums
Actual numbers and observation.
WrA: RP-PvE: Full (60k characters at 120)
MG: RP-PvE: Full (54k characters at 120)
ED: Previously RP-PvP - Full (58k characters at 120)
The numbers prior to BFA showed similar numbers, and all of the concerns. You can just go back and read all of the drama about ED’s PvP scene if you like.
I think it would be better for everyone, specially the people that want RP-PvP realms that they don’t come at launch and if the demanding for rp realms is high enough they implement a pvp version of it than having it from launch just to realise there isn’t enough people on them to have a satisfactory RP-PvP experience and ending up merging it with a normal rp realm. Or at least that’s how I see it.