I dont like the paid boosts, but the game design intentions are moving away from retail. Rdf signifies the start of the transition from community based mmorpg to the arcade game that is retail.
I mean, you wont see the community if you dont actively try to be a part of it… just like real life. You can sit in your house and ignore your neighbors and think there is no community in the neighborhood because you are actively exlcuding yourself from it.
He kinda has a point. If you are on a mega server, your community will mainly be your guild and a few friends. 30K players, I can’t see how it would feel like a community. A server like Grobbulus is a better size example of a community like server. Mega servers don’t fit with the ‘close social experience’ the company is trying to push, and yet they encourage people to play on them.
I use in game chat, discord, and have even used in game mail to talk with people on my realm (if i didnt know their discord names and they were not online).
I know you find it hard to believe people can TALK to eachother.
In real life is the only form of community from talking to people face to face? Or do people also use phones, text messages, mail, emails, exc. To partake in the community around them?
You act like Using the tools available to interact with the community around you is a bad thing… its not, your lack of logic is astounding. And here i thought you couldnt suprise me with your nonsence any more than you already have. I had a low expectation of your logic skills, and you just wrnt underground.
LOL people dont even buff you. I ran around leveling in TBCC for 16 hours and 1 guy buffed me. I was send out buffs every person I passed. It is weird, as soon as something becomes remotely soloable people stop socializing and helping eachother. It is almost like difficulty encourages player interaction, not shoe horned mechanics/ removal of mechanics.
I didn’t say that though did I? I said LFD only replaces chat pugging as discord/mail/whatever else have different purposes that LFD doesn’t achieve as well as also not fulfilling the reason why people use chat now/want LFD.
Weird how different tools can have different uses and that they don’t have 100% over lap. For example if I just want to pug a dungeon and I don’t care about my group comp over much neither discord or mail are appropriate tools.
But I realize that level of nuance is lost on you.
Not necessarily. I have used discord and ingame mail to plan dungeons before.
Rdf makes people not plan, not chat, nothing. Press queue button and go. It devalues the social aspects of the game by removing one of the reasons people talk to eachother.
Rdf makes people not have to talk to eachother at all to do dungeons (and gives extra rewards for using this method). And you wonder why people view it as harming the community aspect? Its because it makes this game feel more like a single player game…