No RFD, Been given a terrible LFD tool

I think you’re mistaking warm bodies for community.

Community requires people to recognize others around them and share a relevant common identity and/or culture. Cross Realm RDF doesn’t require any sort of community, just warm bodies to throw in the meat grinder.

LFG requires people to talk and communicate. That also doesn’t equal community, because if you just say “LFM 1 DPS” or “inv” isn’t recognition or identiy.

Community comes from people meeting each other, finding common ground, wanting to re-interact with the same person, and generally establishing a shared culture within a group of people.

A guild is a community (usually). A server can have a community. LFG does not equal community, but if people choose to do it, it can create one. RDF does not equal community, and if cross-realm, generally cannot be used to build one.

A realm-locked RDF however, would actually foster more chances to create and maintain a community, because it would continue to randomly connect people within the same realm together, allowing a culture to form and persist. Allowing people to reconnect and re-interact on a daily basis. Regularly matching people will generate recognition and over time, people will reach out outside dungeons alone. Community forms when people choose to interact with those they’ve met, over and over. Realm locked RDF by it’s nature, actively causes that reinteraction with a low bar to effort, within a single community. It makes people who would otherwise likely not do pugs, or perhaps not even play, join in the discussion because of familiarity with the people they’re grouped with. It’s the ‘gentle nudge’ many people need to reach out to others, and it puts people in a position where others will recognize and reach out to them.

And for this reason, Realm Locked RDF is actually a better community tool than the LFG chat.

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Never said that. What i said was rdf removes one of the reasons people talk to each other, which hurts the community and social aspect of this game.

Please learn to read.

LFD does not stop you from talking to people.

What it does is expose how hollow your talking to them actually is.

“I’ll go” such meaningful conversation. Your friends and guildies will still want to talk to you and group with you with LFD, if you are worth doing so with.


It removes one of the reasons people have to talk to eachother.

Please learn to read and stop replying to words i never even said.

“I’ll go” such meaningful conversation.

Yes I just formed a BFF.

You fail to understand that first people don’t treat each other like disposable NPC’s in LFD and that people have never formed some deep emotional connection with everyone they do a dungeon with.


There are currently no reasons to talk to each other now, this defense is old and tired and holds no weight lol.

Pretty much this. If Blizzard is really wanting players to travel to the dungeons then they better disable summoning stones or they’re just full of crap.


What reason do they have now? The LFG tool AND the LFG channel do not require conversation… all they require is queueing up in the LFG tool or using the LFG acronym with the dungeon name afterwards. These players get an invite and THEN asked, insert dungeon name dps/healer/tank? Then they get a summon to the dungeon (JUST LIKE THE RDF TOOL LOL). And that’s it. Most groups boil down to that.

I’m enjoying the LFG tool on the beta right now, maybe because I form my own groups, and I get the pick of the server when selecting my group members. I get to judge their name, level, and class. I will pick a certain class over another. I will pick an armor type that does not compete with me. I will pick a higher level over lower level. If I can decide between two players, I will pick the name I like the most.

This isn’t WotLK Classic+. This is WotLK Classic Discrimination. It’s funny how hard Blizzard is going after this discriminatory philosophy.

In his cases it’s not so much talking with others as inflicting himself on others.


It actually isn’t. They couldn’t make themselves more obvious if they tried. Blizzard just doesn’t care to solve the botting problem. They’d lose subs and money, literally the only reason the botting issue hasn’t been dealt with seriously.

Exactly what will happen.
Hit flying mount, press space bar till you’re above all obstacles and auto fly to where the dungeon is.

I don’t know what magical dream land these dev’s are in but they’re going to ruin wrath.
Wrath was already the absolute peak of subs for a reason, but these new age incompetent dev’s think they know better than the ones who made the best MMO that’s ever been made.


depends on the level of bots, like 10 years ago sure, the pathing gets funked up, and they sputter everywhere, but with now its different. its hard to tell what is what if blizzard is putting pressure on the players to report bots, like i know damn well im gonna go out to every single layer to find a bot and report them.

There was no dungeon finder in Wrath until patch 3.3.0, so you’re getting exactly what you want.

We’re getting the final patch, and there were systems that were added much earlier than historically already in Classic.

I think no LFD for at least the first phase is fine.

3.3.0 - you can’t even get the patch it was released in correct…

Oh I know that, but putting the dungeon finder in would not be the same experience, which is his point.

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