No RFD, Been given a terrible LFD tool

Correct when they were operating under #nochanges.

Yep, and most of the things they did other than just copying the original game were awful.


Wait, you seriously think Classic and TBC Classic were no changes? They may not have included your changes, but that doesn’t mean they were #nochanges.

You still played anyway though.

Hmm… well that was their stated goal for vanilla and TBC, which mostly they did adhere to.

For some idiotic reason they are making major changes to the most successful version of WoW, /shrug


You act like absolutely everything has to be pristine and perfect, otherwise any complaints or criticism isn’t valid because the person giving the criticism still participates.


Yeah because all the people who wanted “Vanilla concepts” had their fill, realized that they really didn’t want them, and were eagerly waiting for Wrath to change those concepts…

…until Blizzard jabbed their finger in it. People are complaining about Wrath because they want Wrath, not Season of Vanilla in Northrend.

SoM wasn’t talked about by the community because no one cared. People gave it a try, said “Nah, sick of that” and went back to TBC, the Wrath of the Lich King Waiting Room.

You are not the community’s conscience, you’re the Vanilla purists ego attempting to force its will on the community.


They made plenty of changes. The same group of people that made SoM and are making Classic Wrath, also made Classic TBC and Classic, both of which, you played extensively.

For very good reasons actually.

Participates, enjoys, and pays for. It’s important to make that distinction.

Wait, so you want Blizzard to design Classic around people that thought they did, but they didn’t?

I can’t believe that’s the argument you want to make here. If Classic isn’t for you, there’s retail, which Ion confirmed will have LFD.

Right – so Blizzard should design the game around people that, as you already admitted, have fickle desires pertaining to the game?

Why would Blizzard give into this group who already has shown that they don’t necessarily know what they want?

Are you trying to make my arguments for me? It kinda takes the fun out of this for me.

I’ll use your own phrase here, Eloreael, “You are not the community’s conscience, you’re the tourist who never wanted Classic to begin with.”

No, people got Vanilla as it was. Realized they didn’t want that, and now want Wrath as it was, not adjusted for the very things people rejected by discarding Season of Mastery.

It’s not a hard concept, but you really seem unable to understand it.

Because most of those people quit. Private servers with Vanilla builds are as strong as they were pre-Classic, because they went back there after Classic Era died and SoM was boring.

The remaining players are the ones waiting for Wrath… and apparently you.

I didn’t want Vanilla. I wanted Wrath and have been waiting patiently for it. You are the leftover that won’t go back to Era servers and instead are demanding Vanilla in Northrend.


Dismissing the criticism and feedback of players who are passionate about the game, and want to keep enjoying it and improve it, is a sign of a terrible company. This is what lead to retail, and the team in charge of Classic are making this mistake.

The people who want these changes are not in the majority. Blizzard isn’t using the playerbase and the popularity of changes to determine if a change should happen, they’re using their own design opinions and this is dangerous.

Yep and vanilla/TBC were #nochanges. We didn’t see how bad they really were till SoM when they actually tried to make design changes. Not just no duh balance changes.

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Right, so, in other words, “You thought you did, but you didn’t”, and now, Blizzard is supposed to take a shot in the dark and hope that this time, for Wrath, your side of the argument is “we thought we did, and we did”?

So yeah, you want them to take a risk with your side over just giving their loyal and dedicated Classic fans the Wrath experience they want?

And after all of this… you’re shocked that they’ve sided with anti-LFD and not you?

The remaining players are the ones waiting for Classic Wrath, which does not include LFD. If that’s not what you want, you would have unsubbed by now.

Oh right – this is all starting to make sense now. Yeah, this pretty much proves to me that you are only talking about your own niche experience with the Classic franchise, and you’re trying to extrapolate it into a generalized community sentiment, which you have no evidence of.

Again, it should not shock you that Blizzard is going in a different direction.

Actually, I’m neutral in all of this, but if I did want something more “vanilla” why would I go back to Classic Era when I can just play Classic Wrath?

That’s what you aren’t understanding.

No it’s not. I’m guessing you have little experience running a company, but not all feedback is worthy of consideration.

If you feel your feedback isn’t being considered at all, that may be a good indication your feedback could use some reflection.

What led to retail is… LFD. Literally.

Can’t prove it and game design isn’t a democracy – but you already knew that.

No – it really isn’t. The players do not know what they want, Elorael already showed us that right here:

Blizzard knows better than the community, and they’ve proven that time and time again.

See retail.

There’s a reason Wrath had 12+ million subs and blizzard won’t even publish sub counts anymore.


For the people that wanted old versions of the game, vanilla may have been too far swung in the other direction - personally I loved it, but I understand not everyone did. And that’s why they were waiting for Wrath.

The loyal and dedicated Classic fans would continue to play even with LFD added. I’m a loyal and dedicated Classic fan and I’ve been subbed this whole time playing it. Does what I want not matter to you? Should it not matter to Blizzard?

A lot of players are still hoping Blizzard changes their mind.

Let me guess, you own and operate a Fortune 500 company and have thousands of employees?

Feedback is extremely valuable no matter what it is. You should always take feedback into consideration, and when it’s actual feedback that can improve the game - like, say, “don’t do this with covenants and here’s why” - it should be addressed.

Of course it’s my fault. It can’t be that Blizzard - a company well known for taking absolutely zero feedback into consideration and repeating the same mistakes - is the one that needs to reflect.

No it’s not. The game was still going just fine with LFD, with LFR. The last two expansions have been the worst the game has ever had and it was because Blizzard took zero feedback into consideration, doubled down on the worst designs they’ve ever come up with, and overpromised and underdelivered.

The, “pull the ripcord” fiasco is just one of the latest things we can use as evidence.

Actually, OSRS - a very successful and more faithful, “Classic” - uses democracy in the form of votes for all their changes. Instead of just going with what one or two devs think is right.

Their own design decisions lead to retail. If you think LFD is the cause of all the problems - then you’re a fool, but that was also Blizzard’s design.

It’s not that the players don’t know what they want. There are plenty of people who loved Classic, and plenty who never went on to TBC because they didn’t want to leave Classic or the full vanilla experience is all they wanted.

It’s that Blizzard is deciding for the players what they want, and that’s the worst design you can do.

What a load of bollocks. Blizzard flat out said they’d never do Classic and mocked the players for wanting it.

And now here we are.


And after they saw how both Classic and Classic TBC panned out, they decided to stay for Wrath hoping it would be as it was?

That’s on them.

Not unless you’re willing to unsubscribe over it. Otherwise, you don’t want it badly enough.

Right, right. I suspect this is what you will say halfway into Classic Wrath as well, when those same people are still here, complaining about the next outrage fotm topic.

Again, all this proves to me is you have very little experience running your own company and developing a product.

All feedback is not built the same. If your feedback is being dismissed, the first thing you should blame is NOT the party you are giving the feedback to. The problem, nearly always, is a lot closer to home.

If you truly think this, why do you continue to pay them? So that they can continue to ignore your feedback and repeat the same mistakes, as you claim?

Yes – it is. A large portion of retail’s most controversial features all stem from LFD… such as, cross realms, the talent revamp, cata revamp, LFR, M+, etc.

This entire portion is completely irrelevant. Your feelings towards Shadowlands is not relevant here.

But is it as successful as Classic WoW?

No – it’s not. Blizzard should not follow what less successful MMOs are doing. Not to mention, OSRS has a completely different community to classic WoW. That’s a desperate apples-to-oranges comparison.

Yeah, design decisions such as retail, which they are going back on for Classic… that’s the entire point, Piezuri. Do you not see that?

Correct, finally, we’re getting somewhere. And, it’s a design decision they are going back on.

And there’s even more players that asked for Classic and quit shortly after, because, drumroll they thought they did, but they didn’t.

It really isn’t, especially when the community has proven time and time again they are incapable of deciding for themselves what they want.

Yup, here we are – 3 years of people constantly asking for changes to Classic. Why do you think they started making changes to Classic in the first place?

Blizzard did know better. The players thought they did, but they didn’t. Blizzard is taking back control of their game for Wrath. If that’s not your cup of tea, Dragonflight will have LFD, confirmed by Ion.

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I amended this. I didn’t want Vanilla.

You mean all the ones that played Season of Mastery?

Yes. Literally the decisions they’ve made are shocking because they’ve used your inane rambles as covering fire to encourage paid boosts.

No, the ones remaining are hoping things will change. Some have decided that Blizzard is not worth trusting to fix their mistake and quit. Others are fighting to see LFD included, and others are just hoping. You’ll see the death of Wrath without LFD around ToGC when people get super bored with nothing else substantive to do but level alts, but no way to do it without paying for a Blizzard Boost.

Not “my own experience”. The experience of everyone who ever said “TBC is Wrath’s Waiting Room”. AKA most of the playerbase.

Hahaha, this has got to be the biggest lie in all your posts. If you were neutral, you would not be posting. You’d just let whatever happens happen. Instead you’re loudly arguing against anyone who disagrees with what you want. Over. And over. And over.

You aren’t neutral any more than I am. You want Vanilla in Northrend and anyone who doesn’t is “No true Classic scotsman”, because you consider yourself the final arbiter of what it means to be “Classic”. Except your only mindset is Vanilla, and most players want Wrath or we’d all be playing Vanilla still.

Because people want Vanilla to be more like Wrath.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah… sorry, that’s just… you’re laughable in every point here.

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Right, you didn’t. You just want Wrath. Meanwhile, there’s many other players that are invested in Classic as a franchise, that are not only excited for Wrath, but now Cata, MoP, even WoD… all because Blizzard is willing to go in a direction DIFFERENT from the direction retail originally took. That same direction that made them all unsubscribe in the first place.

So again, I ask you, why would Blizzard design the game around Wrath only players, when they can instead, invest in a longterm player base?

I’m not sure how you’ve convinced yourself that SoM was for loyal and dedicated Classic fans.

Oh here we go. The old “Everything is to encourage boosts” conspiracy. If Blizzard wanted to encourage boosts so bad, they’d remove the restrictions placed on them. That would be their FIRST STEP.

Right – I suspect you will say this when we are deep into Wrath as well. It’s really just an excuse as to why you don’t have the numbers to prove that the removal of LFD is as unpopular as you claim it is.

Not only do you not have the numbers, but you didn’t walk the walk yourself either.

Citation needed for that.

I am neutral, I just feel the urge to point out bad arguments when I see them.

Also, textbook use of NTS fallacy there.

That’s a projection if I’ve ever seen one. This entire rant of yours is based in no true neutral Scotsman. Also, it may be helpful for you to review what no true Scotsman actually is. You are butchering the meaning quite a bit here.

Because people thought they did, but they didn’t. And if Blizzard did make Vanilla more like Wrath, those same people that asked for the changes would all quit, just like they did in retail originally.

Are you forgetting we’ve done this dance before already?

So, now that you’ve had your arguments dismantled at every point, you resort to ad hominems.

Do you think that’s going to convince me or Blizzard of your points? I can see why Blizzard has stood their ground if that’s your trump card.

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Because the people you keep referencing… already quit. They’re goneski. Back to Private Servers, when the majority of players moved on to TBC.

It was, to use your words “because Blizzard is willing to go in a direction DIFFERENT from the direction retail originally took”. That was the point of it. To provide different avenues like Ironman, improve bosses, and if it had been popular, probably add more content.

It wasn’t. It was a massive flop. It failed. Those people didn’t come back to Vanilla.

No, because they know the backlash would be massive, so they’ll add it around phase 2 or phase 3 when people are looking to level alts, and already used one boost. You’re a far too shortsighted thinker (as evidenced by every post you make).

I levelled to 60 in Classic Vanilla, got bored. I raided all the way through Classic TBC, preparing for Wrath. You don’t get to “No True Scotsman” while advocating changing the Classic Wrath experience and design concepts. You’re the “not walking the walk” Classic player.

Except you don’t. You repeatedly advocate your stance regardless of whether you have any basis for it except your opinion.

You repeatedly tell me that I’m not a “real” Classic player. That’s literally the definition of the “No True Scotsman” fallacy. Claiming that someone doesn’t meet the criteria and therefore their opinion doesn’t matter. You have repeatedly said “Classic isn’t for you” which is a textbook example of “No True Scotsman” because only ‘true scotsman’ want what you want.

Back to school for you.

Yes. Literally you are soooo close to an epiphany, and then you walk away from it. People didn’t want Vanilla as it was. Many, many people quit early in Vanilla because they didn’t want it, and then came back for TBC. I know because I’ve talked to many of them in many places. Reddit, various Discords, here on the forums. People came back for TBC in prep for their favourite expansion Wrath. The concept of the “Wrath baby” is literally the people coming back for Wrath. A huge swathe of the community.

Wrath is the Vanilla people wanted, or it would have been except Blizzard listened to the vocal minority who wanted Vanilla in Northrend, like you.

Again, back to school. Literally made no personal comment about you and only about your arguments. That’s not an ad hominem, that’s discarding your stance after pointing out all the flaws in your arguments.

And now, since I know you’ll come back with the same points because you have no real argument, I’ll let you respond one more time without answering any of your nonsense for now. There’s no point to arguing with someone who’s not listening, just repeating a checklist of debunked arguments.

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Wrong again Elorael. They’ve all resubscribed for Classic Wrath because of the removal of LFD.

Right – so therefore, it WASN’T a classic experience. So again, it makes no sense why you would claim it was for Classic fans.

Please, do try to keep up with your own arguments. You are contradicting yourself.

Ah – so you’ve decided to double down on your own conspiracy. Again, if any of this were true at all, they would’ve done this already FOR TBC boosts.

Yeah, and have stayed subscribed the entire time. Were you too hoping things would change, or did you fail to recognize the pattern of #somechanges? Which is it, take your pick.

Elorael – that’s absolutely not what NTS is about. Me rightfully pointing out that a game does not have to be designed solely around you is not NTS. Again, as I’ve already suggested, it would be wise for you to review NTS.

No, they didn’t. They left for good because Classic was NEVER for them and they saw the signs early on that waiting for Wrath would be a lost cause because it would NEVER be as it was.

Something you failed to catch onto, apparently.

You should add “ad hominem” to your review list alongside NTS.

Projection at its finest. Chef’s kiss

Right – debunked arguments that Blizzard, a multi-billion dollar company, is listening to.

Are you sure I’m the one that’s been debunked? You can say that until your blue in the fact, but the opinion of the only people that matter disagree.

Enjoy your time in Classic Wrath.

It is doable.

Is it optimal is the problem you have.

For all the “gatekeeping” the pro rdf side complains about they are unwilling to acceot that off meta builds do work.


Okay …

Also, ‘when your arguments have run out.’