The alternative would be destroying Wrath for your core audience and most loyal fans… I can see why they’ve sided with the anti-LFD in that regard.
None as egregious as LFD, so no, they wouldn’t be turning away Classic’s target audience.
Tourists were never the target audience of Classic anyway.
They’re satisfying a lot more than just me. Even you, despite your claims, are pretty satisfied considering the fact that you are still playing and paying them.
They aren’t positioning themselves to lose any subs. They’re giving Classic a chance at a long-term lifespan while also providing a new outrage topic for the perpetually outraged to entertain themselves with until the new outrage topic cycles in.
Does that cover things for you Elorael or do you need further explanation?
Idk, i could get defence capped as a hunter in wotlk. I get extra dodge chance and parry chance with talents. Reduced damage taken. Bonus HP. I even have a taunt with distracting shot. And thats all without cobsidering the pet who can also tank, has a taunt, and even a last stand and shield wall (shield wall if turtle).
Which, if you’ve been keeping up to date, they’ve already went back on. I do find this to be a little ironic, given your past history of asking for changes.
Regardless, keep up, we’re in #somechanges now and preserving that “classic” feel. If you had a problem with this, the time to offer feedback was about… 3 years ago, during the AV threads.
The “majority” want LFD. The Core Audience wants LFD. The Most Loyal Fans want LFD.
The Classic purists either went back to Private Servers, or are attempting to destroy Wrath to make it more like what they want from Vanilla, but that’s not the core audience.
Again, you are not the core audience for Wrath.
The whole point of Wrath’s LFD addition was to keep subs going beyond just the first character. LFD’s primary goal was adding new players who didn’t have max level characters in the first week, and adding replayability for those who’d expended the content on their main.
So no, we won’t be paying, when our mains are done. We’ll roll into the ‘modern’ style of subbing as people were doing in TBC, where you unsub between content drops. Thats why TBC’s ending was rushed. Because having 2 years of TBC for a playerbase with nothing to do, means a whole pile of unsubs. LFD was supposed to be part of that replayablity.
I’m not.
Just pointing out that we can group without social bonds. The act of grouping together, playing to the best of your ability while grouped is in fact a social experience. It doesn’t matter whether you use a grouping tool or the finder. It’s still a social experience either way simply because you interact/make aquaintences with others.
It won’t tank. Even those most against LFD are still paying and playing anyway.
Will you be playing your druid still in Wrath?
Game design isn’t a democracy and this is unproven.
No – the core audience wants Classic to maintain its integrity and values.
Wrong again – the tourists that want to play Wrath and quit after Wrath are the ones that want LFD.
By not caving in, Blizzard is creating a longterm future for Classic.
Then why is the game being designed around my suggestions and desires?
No citation – just because LFD entices you to make an infinite number of alts, as you claim, does NOT mean it will for everyone else.
Yeah, we know, no one is willing to die on this hill. “Oh well I’ll only play it a little this time, that’ll show em.” So you’ll only sub for 10 months at a time instead of for 12 months?
Sorry Elorael, it’s not convincing.
Again, you have no idea what the subscription patterns for TBC have been so far.
It wasn’t rushed – the playbase just doesn’t need as long to clear the content. At least, most of us don’t.
Only at the expense of everything Classic stands for. Providing players with a good experience, even if that experience isn’t as playable as it would be with LFD, is more important than neutering that experience for people that are going to stay subbed anyway.
The difference is no one talked about SoM at all, whereas here, even LFD’s biggest supporters are still talking about the game everyday and verbally commiting to playing Wrath, despite its removal.
This is just the latest outrage topic, similar to AV changes and dual spec. And we saw how that turned out Ziryus.
The community Ziryus. Please, do keep up with our conversation.
SoM tanking has no relevance to the discussion. I understand that resorting to a whataboutism is attractive when your arguments have ran out, but it is still a fallacy at the end of the day.