No Restored Coffer Keys?

ya i opened 3 chests with no keys , its bs i guess they don’t want people to do delves

Also BS that for some reason doing world quests seems to overwrite delves in the vault… I did tier 4 and up and my vault shows world quests instead which are labeled tier one…so hey my vault’s screwed this week.

Happened to me last week.

no keys from anything no spark peaces nothing

Same thing has happened to me today. I’ve completed 2 weekly caches with no gear or keys. I also was unable to complete the Awakening the machine quest.

They need to issue EVERYONE 8 keys regardless if they where effect or not for this issue and issue sparks to everyone as well

not to mention we are loosing REP bc of this as well

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I had this today too :frowning:

key fest for me

Wife: Why aren’t you playing your game?

Me: My main character is broken and I can’t do my weekly stuff. Customer service has been mute on the problem for weeks.

Wife: It seems like every other day something is glitched or controversial.

Me: You wouldn’t be wrong.

Wife: So why do you put up with it? You seem less happy since you picked it up again. Plus you’re paying for this.

Me: I used to love the game and the nostalgia brings me back. But modern games are trash and take advantage of their customers. It’s hard to accept it will never be the same again.

Wife: Sounds like it’s time to walk away from it again. Your hobby shouldn’t be stressful. You deal with enough of that at work.

Me: You’ve always been the reasonable one in this relationship.


can we get a blue to reply today maybe? we need one

Sorry, it’s not affecting any RWF raiders so it’s not an issue.

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Need a blue post on this today, can’t make any progress. No keys, and weekly’s not dropping keys.

And with the valorstone nerf, people might be interested in running the radiant memories for stones. Can’t get the item without a coffer key though. I feel bad for anyone who don’t m+/raid because the entire delve pillar of endgame is dead for anyone with this bug.

everyone needs to open a ticket and copy this forum post put it in the ticket so they can clearly start to see it

Bumping this still a big issue

I got 4 keys yesterday. 5 if you count the one from the fragments. 7 if you count the two from rep.

day 15 of stuff still not reset for tons of people and blizzard ignoring all the posts

I got none.

Main character getting no keys from any source. On the alts its raining keys.

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