No Restored Coffer Keys?

Also noticed one of my characters is not receiving keys this week.

I used chore tracker to find out that my DK is 4/4 for restored coffer keys, yet he has opened 3 chests and got nothing. This is a glitch that seems to be effecting 1 toon for people. Blizzard needs to fix this and issue keys to those toons. imo … btw my other toons are 9 chests 9 keys

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Same issue, please blizz fix

This is my main toon I logged in right after reset, I have also opened three chests and got no coffer keys. My awakening the machine is also not reset.

I didn’t get any keys either! What gives!

There’s no “catch up” for keys if you missed a week or two… “bad luck” says microsoft.

im sure they did… lmao or they just said that to make you go away.

bump, no word on this yet?

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obviously no… I would love for catch up keys but I don’t think this is on their priority list no.

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Still bugged

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I have not experienced this, I don’t think, but I’m curious if it has been mentioned: is there some kind of “hidden” coffee key limit like there exists for crests? I did not play EA or for a couple days after launch. And I’m wondering - while it still sounds very buggy - if there’s some kind of hard limit on keys week over week. And it’s just not being communicated.

Still bugged

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