No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

I think Blizzard should have compromised.

Imo, this situation is no different than mislabeling a shirt (for example) for $5 then someone in charge of that store’s advertisement runs an ad that says the shirt is $5 then when the customer gets to the store then the checkout line it rings up as $10. Most stores would honor their ad and/or the label, not tell that customer “sorry not sorry.”

They could have made an announcement that they made a mistake and that all future Fated achievement mounts will be earned in normal and above.


THen why did they bother making LfR fated from the start because I can pull up an article showing the raids for LfR were going to be fated back in April and an article from May showing Fated LfR gear ilevels.

LfR should of at least gotten something besides crapped on heck open world players should of gotten something for season 4.

If this is how Blizz is going to do seasons of this type then to be honest I want non regular raid tier seasons to be Mythic only. No Aotc or CE cheevo then make it only for mythic raiders . You want your mount or what ever for the special season then everyone can do what a lot of people have told those in lfr " Git Gud or buy a carry"


Its a slime cat, it doesnt appeal to me and honestly it can stay in normal+ clears like least of the things to worry about

It’s ugly and apparently the animations are wonky so gj Blizz.

Are you kidding? Imagine how much LFR players would be complaining if they couldn’t get 265 gear from Fated LFR.

You did. You got 265/272 gear from Fated LFR bosses.

People die on routinely die on mechanics at all difficulties, and you have no idea how many deaths are deliberate. I just full cleared all of Sepulcher on LFR with zero of what you described

Anything is better than gatekeeping try hard jerks who make pugging awful


Only if you have 240+. They raise the ilevel requirements for RF when it’s fated. Really disappointing since I wanted to farm The Nine’s mount with my crappy alts.

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So you wanted to burden others with your “crappy” alts by making them carry the weight of characters you haven’t bothered to prepare properly for play?


Real nice.

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Im playing the 3rd worst heal spec and the worst range spec in the game right now. I managed to still do harder content when I decided to put the effort into it.

The only thing making pugging awful is the casual player expecting to put 0 work in.


What’s funny is people keep saying, in the Slime Cat threads, that RF doesn’t deserve the mount because it’s a guaranteed kill, half the raid is afk and nobody follows mechanics but someone that does know the mechanics and would be at my keyboard would be a “burden.”

You guys are too much :rofl: :rofl:


Cool then all normal -mythic should of just gotten higher ilvl gear if we are going to go that route

I got 240 with all 233 and 1 262 crafted gear, and 1 291 legendary tho.

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Fine with me. I have 600 mounts already, most people have way more mounts these days than they’ve ever used. I don’t get the fuss over a mount that lost a poll.

(I’m also repeatedly on record as saying they shouldn’t have done season 4 at all.)

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I thought about that but hasn’t the price of legendaries sky rocketed since the global AH thing?

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Price of mats has cratered, just buy the mats and talk to a crafter friend.

Not on my server not really actually. 233 gear are all just a few hundred gold last I checked like yesterday.

262 is a like 6000? Depending on the slot.

291 is like 20000. Though the cloth hands went up to 40000 so I just got on my tailor and made them myself.

Yeah I know the 233 gear is cheap and my alts are wearing it. Some of them, anyways. I should probably update Tovi’s gear since when I got her to 60, 233 was still expensive.

I just have a lot of alts for mount farming and buying them all a 291 legendary gets expensive. I know the belt is free.

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What more effort is their than attempting to do the content and getting turned away?

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I don’t know how many alts you are talking about and how much the legendaries cost on your server but yeah I can see what you mean.

An alternative is like Brewa said, get the mats and ask a crafter to craft it for you which may or may not be cheaper. Maybe.

My opinion is that there’s no reason for that ugly, non-flying mount to exist at all.

Note that I’m an LFR Ranger myself, since I’m a dedicated soloing anti-social non-raiding skills-free scrub.

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