No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR


This makes no sense.

I said for three months the achievement was advertised as “any difficulty”.

Then you said “lol u dunt no wut advertize meenz”

Then I linked this definition: 1. describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance.

The website on Fated Raids, patch notes and blue posts is “drawing attetnion for attendance.” :roll_eyes:


Those screenshots dont prove anything. Everytime you link them it just proves you dont understand what the argument actually is.

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Achievments stating “any” isnt actually advertising that the mount would be awarded from LFR.

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This is wrong. The meta achievement didn’t say what difficulty until 5 days before the patch. Provide proof it did because so far you haven’t.


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The META achievement is what everyone has been linking. Its the one that said awarded the actual mount

Each individual fated raid achievement clearly stated any

Again you dont understand what an “advertisement” is

I bet marketing companies love people like you lol

Also, you should actually check the comments on that page you keep incorrectly referencing. Any comment longer than a month was under the impression that lfr was a viable way to get this mount as how the achievements were worded, unless they have been edited (some actually provide the dates when they were for your reading pleasure) after Blizz revealed in late July that the mount would come from Normal or higher.

I’m done responding to you though, as you’re either being a contrarian for kicks or being willfully obtuse. Talking to you is the epitome of


So I took a look at that article you linked and found this.

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ok but its not in lfr so

I read the comments and you are actually wrong. Any of the ones asking about LFR are referencing the meta achievement not the individual ones.

Sorry you dont like facts or being wrong.

Yes the META achievement was hotfixed because it said any

I meant the part where they striked out the “any difficulty” part for the achievement of each raid.

End of the day LFR is not getting the mount so you have two options.

Keep crying and throwing a tantrum


Go earn the mount from Normal.

Nothing is going to change.


Shows it was posted 23 days ago just before season 4 went live .

People are mad that they waited until the last minute to change it . because people were talking about it being available for lfr as far back as April and May .

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People can be mad all they want too. Its not changing anything.

People making wrong assumptions doesn’t change anything.

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I felt the same way when I got my cat. Gating it behind normal mode was needlessly cruel.


Wrong, but valid assumptions yes? Since apparently the achievements did in fact say any difficulty before they hotfixed it.

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