No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

I also have proof that I’m not looking for handouts nor lazy and I think the slime cat should have been LFR because that’s how it was advertised for 3 months. Pulling the rug out on people was a scummy move.


This is an extremely intellectually dishonest use of this word. It’s…dare I say it…

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Braindead content isnt “work” You literally get a debuff after a wipe to make it impossible to fail.

Its easy for everyone. It just takes more effort than worldquests and whatever else solo players play.

LFR rewarding a seasonal mount isnt one of them. The only people upset about this are solo players which are the minority of players.

Being upset over a mount you were never getting in the first place in LFR is the definition of entitlement. People upset over this mount are literally throwing tantrums over it.

Nothing was advertised. There was a poorly worded achievement that received clarification. That isn’t advertisement. They didn’t advertise it in any way.


The achievement said this for three months:

Blizzard clarified what all difficulties of Fated raids meant on their website.

The only people being dishonest is you and Blizzard.


and what would you call a “community” where people routinely and deliberately die to mechanics or autoattack so they get carried to loot rewards?

To be fair running those 10+ and lower keys to get gear and valor for upgrading was substantially easier since my ilevel was pretty high going into season 4. My argument here is that had players known more than a week before season 4 went live that normal and not lfr was the means of getting this mount, they could have prepped more in the months leading up to season 4 if they really wanted the mount. Now some would still wouldn’t have done that prep work and complained, but at that point if the achievement had been accurate at the start, there really wouldn’t be any ground for them to stand on other than complaining that season 4 didn’t have any content for them (which is a valid criticism).

We won’t agree on some points which is ok, and Blizzard isn’t going to change their stance, that’s clear at this point. And I really shouldn’t waste my time trying to help others understand why people are upset when they’re only interested in gaslighting people (this is not directed at you) because it’s like talking to a brick wall. I have the mount now and even though the journey for me was relatively painless, I can still empathize with those whose journey will not be.

Nah that would be you.

They advertised which raids were fated.

They clarified the meta achievement when the rest of the achievements were normal or higher.

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Show me where I’m lying.


You are trying to use apples to argue about oranges.

Show me dates on the achievements saying any because I have linked wowhead articles from April showing the raid achievements saying “Normal” and only the Meta achievement saying “any”

Ok where’s that?


You don’t understand what intellectually dishonest means, and that’s okay.

It means that you are attempting to twist a situation in an effort to “win” an argument no one but you is having.

You also seem to not understand what advertising means as well.

It means that in an effort to sell something, Blizzard actively promoted the idea by expressly saying the mount would come from LFR.

Remember when they advertised the tree mount in the Blizzard launcher? Or how they advertise dragon flight?

Those are advertisements.

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Incorrect again, you are linking a wowhead article that has been updated since Blizzard clarified in response to Peppermint’s question. If you check the date the webpage you can see that it was edited, much more recently. Hmm, wonder what that could indicate?


Wanna show me where they ever advertised using the definition you provided in regards to this mount?

I’ll wait.

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The only thing they actually advertised were Fated raids and that they would be on LFR/Normal/Heroic/Mythic

They never advertised that the mount would be awarded via LFR.


The comments were edited not the article.

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… that doesn’t have a date on it and the first comment says:

any includes lfr? that would make me happy u.u
Dated April 28th.


Because the META achievement stated any.

The individual achievements for the raid did not.

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