No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

The comments were edited. The article was not.

SSs with no dates? solid evidence lol.

The only achievement that was changed was the meta achievment not the individual raid ones.

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Yes they did.

Clicking on the “Fates of the shadowlands raid”

takes you to

Which DOES say Normal for each individual Fated Raid achievment.

No need to get nasty because you arent getting your way.


It’s in the live version right now. I think that’s probably the one that counts.


I think that the reason most people are upset is because the achievement in-game read ANY fated raid before the season started, so people assumed that included LFR. They only found out that it was Normal and up right before season 4 dropped so they felt like Blizzard had bait-and-switched on them.

Personally I don’t really care because that mount is ugly af.


Just got the slime cat myself through pugging. Got hard stuck on Anduin for a few days and every pug I joined couldn’t down it. Finally got into a group yesterday that downed it, followed by the final three bosses. If next week Blizz threw up their hands and said “Fine, we’ll put it in lfr, now quit complaining about it!” I’d have no problem with it. I wouldn’t care in the slightest I had to trudge through the pain that is pugging while others could take an easier road. It should have been that way at the start of the season anyway. But lets be real, Blizzard has a history of being stubborn and they aren’t going to relent on this.

At the end of the day, they took what could have been an easy win, especially after their miscommunication over the months leaving a live achievement as is and apparently not reflecting their intent, and just let the lfr raiders have it. It wouldn’t have hurt anyone and would have made many people happy (and might have convinced players that Blizzard actually IS listening). Instead they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in their stubbornness and players won’t soon forget.


The people that look down on LFR players are the very reason why LFR players don’t want to deal with pugging.

Yall are the bad community we talk about


The only achievement that said any was the meta achievement not the individual achievements for each raid which DID say Normal or higher.

One achievement typo isn’t any evidence considering it was changed before the patch went live.

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I think that people are upset because they wanted a mount for free, and they’re using an obscure argument in which they read an achievement and interpreted in such a way that it lined up with what they want. Upon further clarification of the matter, they’re attempting to use their perceived grievance as the reason why Blizzard should do as they want.

Put another way, people wanted an easy out for this. They mistakenly read they would get their easy out. They didn’t, but they feel owed because the wording wasn’t 100% clear.

It effected no one negatively, as the clarification was included before the season began. Everyone was on the same footing. There are a zillion things to collect in WoW. If people decide that this one isn’t worth their effort they won’t bother with it. If they decide it is worth their effort, they’ll pug normals and get it done.

There’s nothing wrong with Blizzard incentivizing and normalizing the need for group content. This is an MMO, after all. There should be an effort toward getting people to play it like one.


Wrong. Before August 1st this is what the achievements read.

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Regardless, they corrected it. No one is owed anything due to a correction of bad wording in an achievement that wasn’t achievable before the season started.

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Dates to prove that? Because I have linked articles that say otherwise.

Also even if true it was changed before the patch went live.

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If they arent in game in a group then it doesnt matter. You cant police the internet.

It’s not that people wanted a mount for free (ok there are probably a few who did) but that some players thought that LFR would be how they could get the mount, a difficulty of raiding that they are comfortable doing, at their own pace, as their time schedule allows for.

Personally for me, had the achievement said normal when it went live or when lfr was added to the fated pool, my first order of business would be to find a guild that would be running this instead of staying in my current guild full of RL friends who quit in 9.1 but are coming back in DF. Luckily since I am pursuing KSM this season I have a pretty solid ilevel that has helped me get into pugs so it didn’t turn out to be much of an issue at all. Since I did KSM last season my gear score put me in a really good spot at the start of this season. For anyone that either didn’t join a guild or have a solid ilevel at the start of the season, pugging is going to be extremely hard to get into groups, especially since Blizz in their infinite wisdom didn’t buff world content gear to help people catch up in this new season.

I would agree that the intent is to get people to raid, but the communication was poor and misleading, and at least for me that’s where my issue lies. I was lucky that my prep work was easy to get me into these pugs and even into M+ groups to get my gear in an even better spot. Others weren’t so lucky and had they known ahead of time they could have prepped better. And lets be real here, putting the mount in lfr wasn’t going to hurt anyone, other than Blizzard and their token sales.

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I’m sure everybody reads articles.

If what Ocicat said is true, then they changed it RIGHT BEFORE season 4 dropped on 2 Aug. Like less than 24 hours before the season dropped. Which is why most people are upset.

This is all I have to say about this matter honestly.

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LFR is giving the mount for free.

I swapped toons after the first week from hunter to mage and havent had any issues.

It was dumb for people to assume that a seasonal raid reward mount would be awarded from LFR because thats never happened.

Choosing to ignore evidence doesnt matter.

Things get changed before patches go live all the time. Only entitled solo players are upset.

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No, no one is owed anything, you are correct. But they are also justified in being upset and angry for what they feel was being misled. The mount isn’t going to lfr, but if you think that saying that is going to change their feelings on this issue, well no matter how much you or others gaslight them, it won’t.

It was hotfixed literally the day before the season went live. Why in the heck couldn’t Blizz have done that months ago when the fix to the wording was so easy? Regardless of why it happened, it misled people up to a week before the season started and then pulled the rug out from under them. They have every reason to be upset.

Probably because they didnt realize it was worded that way till Peppermint made his/her thread.

There are thoughts that LFR wasnt orginally planned to be fated and was changed.

No they actually dont.

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It’s still work. Arguably harder depending on the group and time of week you do lfr lol (ie, never wait til Monday or it will be a bad time!). Your perspective is that it would be free, others do not. Free would be getting it in the mail for simply logging in, like the tree mount. This would have a least taken a bit of effort.

Not everyone is you. Not everyone is at your skill level or have your diligence in gearing up (or luck). I’m glad it was easy for you as it was for me but that doesn’t change that it won’t be easy for many players and I at least can empathize with them.

Things change. Remember, this is the age when Blizzard is “listening.” This is also an experimental season that they’ve never tried before at the end of a fairly unpopular expansion. And when an achievement is left for months that says “any difficulty” people trust that is exactly what Blizzard means. The fact they didn’t change the wording after lfr was added to the fated system (which they should have) led players to thinking Blizzard was throwing the lfr community a bone. So instead of trusting Blizzard, all this has done it teach players NOT to trust Blizzard due to their incompetent handling of the wording of that achievement.

Yes they do and gaslighting them isn’t going to change that. But very nice of you to assume how someone else should feel and try to impose your judgement on them. /golfclap


I’ll grant you that this might not be the case, but I suspect that it is. Respectfully, I’ll defer to you even though I disagree.

Well, it seems like LFR isn’t the means. However, the good news is that they still can do this at their own pace as their schedule allows. There’s an extra step involved this time as opposed to doing it the LFR way ( I guess.) They click ‘apply’ until they click ‘accept’ via using the LFG tool.

Glad to see you were able to gear up and hop into pugs, and I’m especially glad to see you went the M+ route. It proves that the system of doing content that rewards power rewards thereby helping you enter harder content works, as I’ve suspected all along that it does.

Not so. People can follow your example and run sub 10 keys to easily outgear normal. As you said, an inflated ilvl absolutely helps in being invited to normal (heroic too btw.)

This is a mixed emotional issue for me. On the one hand, gearing up an alt will be a little less smooth. On the other, gear rewards for doing catch up mechanics have been outsize to the effort expended upon them for the entire expansion.

WoW has always been about character progression. It seems natural and normal to me that people would have been working on gearing if they knew there was a reward they wanted tied to any form of content that would require gear.

I disagree with you on a few points here. The first is that I don’t deal in conspiracy theories. If Blizzard really wanted token sales boosts to the point that they would affect the game in such a way that this happened, they would have increased the ilvl of legendaries. The amount of people buying raid carries pales in comparison to people like me who have four characters with max double legendaries. I bought tokens for the gold for that.

Secondly, adding outsize rewards (my opinion) to a game mode such as LFR encourages people to never attempt to leave introductory content. This is bad on a lot of levels. This is an MMO, and I firmly believe that the best, coolest; and most exclusive and exciting rewards should come from group content.

I appreciate your position on the issue, but cynically I believe that this is the same argument that has been made for some time now regarding people wanting the best gear for doing the easiest content. I disagree with this idea fundamentally.