No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

It’s weak for you in your ilvl. It’s not for them in their’s and it really doesn’t matter in the bigger picture. It’s just digital game rewards. The value added due to effort is made up.

And your perception of what is earned is your own standard, but honestly it’s pretty snobby. Because who cares really?

It’s a mount that doesn’t fly, that a lot of people that earned don’t even like. So who cares if those that do like and and want it get it from playing a mode you think is beneath you?


So they could spam their own M+ key week 1 and get easy gear then 270+. There’s very easy mode ways to gear now, specially low keys. ilvl 290s are queing up for +2s for easy valor and making the runs 5-10mins.

Or, they could put it in LFR like they have with other mounts. And everyone can play the game at the difficulty level that suits them. The problem initially wasn’t even that it was in normal+ and people wanted it. It was that people asked them for a long time if any meant any, they didn’t answer, and then it came out as not really any.

And I feel like even just making a statement about this would probably calm people, but they didn’t do that. They removed the XP buff which could have been an easy win for keeping people in the game. But they stated, no that’s for season 4 too, so we are removing that.

It costs them nothing. It’s not like the slime cat costs you or them anything. And that only normal+ raiders earn them enough to keep the lights on.


They made a typo on the meta achievement, but the 3 achievements that made up the meta always stated normal or higher. So it was always impossible to complete the meta in lfr difficulty, and completely obvious lfr was excluded.

Of course, everyone throwing a tantrum over this always conveniently ignore this fact.


Not really when most people in lfr can fail 90% of the mechanics and not matter and do 2k dps where they just auto attack, then die and 5 competent people solo it. Biggest reason why I had problems with it not being in lfr wasn’t due to casual players since if your casual you could just try doing what pal is doing and kill 2-3 bosses each week and get it over a few months. But rather the people who have disabilities and its hard for them to play, since unlike other mmos Wow players are selfish and never help out those who are are special needs and their aren’t communities for it either.

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No they didn’t. I literally have pictures of them in the community council forum. They didn’t mention difficulty at all.

Please point out where that says Normal. I will wait. LFR is fated. It says Fated Raids. Logic isn’t hard.

Notice how the other 2 say heroic and mythic and the other just says the raid?


Blizz picked the hill their dying on. At this point all this will fall on deaf ears and elitist ears.

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Want the slime cat as an LFR raider? List a normal mode group and instant invite the first 2 tanks, 5 healers and the rest dps that apply and head on in.

I dont really see how making it in normal is Elitist when anyone can do normal pretty easily and can get into groups and make them without major issues. You have months to kill the 30 bosses on normal Even if you can only play 2-3 hours a week you should still be able to get into a group after 1 hour of waiting at most and kill 1-5 bosses then you could simply tell the group leader you have to go or ask someone to lead the group for you. It sounds like more people who are casual are expecting everything to be handled to them instantly without wanting to try a little.

We are on week three since season 4 began. Its not going to be in LFR. Ever. Either do the normal raids or learn to deal with it. Your only making yourselves look like petulant children at this point.

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Then you clearly missed the 98594328 threads of why I wrote what I wrote after seeing the attitudes of these ‘‘elitists’’.

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I dont ever see elitist in the 10 normal runs I’ve done. People have done sub 4k dps on bosses and no one was kicked or flamed. It seems your too scared of bad previous encounters to be able to realize that most people in normal groups are chill, and if you really are scared make your own normal pug and if someone is too toxic instantly kick and ignore them

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I’m talking about the attitudes on GD and the interwebs.


This I fully agree with since people love to demonize casual players to seem like they are all lazy all instantly go afk and die after tagging a boss in lfr when that isnt the reality lots of the times. Casual players should have the same level of respect given as the cream of the crop

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Your opinion was valid before you got the slimy cat.


Maybe this all really is just for selling carries. Plenty of people who take the easy way out and buy the achievement.

I hope you never get your wish because in an MMO the reward structure affects everyone in the game. This is more so in an MMO based on player power progression through gear upgrades with the best upgrades given for challenging group content.

If you could get whatever reward you wanted from the content you wanted to do, then social groups would suffer because there would be no need to group up to do content.

Its nothing personal but what you want – rewards you choose from the content you choose – would kill wow.

casuals dont need mounts like slime cat. But also, Blizz doesnt need casual money to support the game. once blizz stabs casuals in the back like this enough, they might just find out if this is true. We will see. They dont have a good track record of keeping accounts.

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I appreciate it. As someone who can’t commit to playing two hours for raid nights I’d love to see even different colours or something from lfr. I miss raiding both on retail and classic but I just can’t commit that much time, especially when most of the raids happen in the evening. But grats on getting it. One day I’ll be able to farm it myself solo (unless they remove it).

Nope still not valid. Now the reason is you got it later then the rest of those with the kitty.
You just got it and was like “I need to make another post about this in the forums NOW!” Lol

Look…I get it. But normal wasn’t that hard to pug. Blizzard said no and changed it. Last second or not, fair or not, the decision has been made. Screaming at the wind isn’t gonna change it.

Blizz obviously doesn’t see LFR as a raid difficulty.