No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

Sure, no doubt and technically any mount should have been given to Mythic raiders but I think it’s better for the game at every level to get people out of autoqueue content and into Normal raiding than it is to reward Mraiders properly.

All that this is reinforcing is that Blizzard should never ever promise LFR anything until stuff goes live because the entitled rage is off the charts.


True, or next time they can add something small like a pet for them and keep the same pattern of rewards for the other difficulties. Right now, the mount promoted Normal, i don’t care about Heroir or Mythic rewards, so those weren’t incentives for me but for other players maybe a portal did the trick.

Honestly I dont even feel LFR should award anything but the gear it does.

Its over simplified braindead content that even if you fail you get a stacking buff that makes it so you cant fail.

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I used to do regular and heroic raids, but due to circumstances beyond my control I am now more of a liability than a help in those types of groups. I had to stop doing raids in normal/heroic because of this. My condition does not hinder LFR groups. I was looking forward to the cat, but it was pretty much ripped from my grasp when they changed the requirement.

That’s true in part but sometimes not matter the buff stack, you find groups that can’t handle the mechanics, it’s more about a participation reward.

We need to consider that sometimes players pay a sub for X,Y reward, every player is different, maybe a pet/toy on LFR could boost some subs for a S4 type of content more that a mount for certaint players. Just take on consideration also the World content players that didn’t get anything from S4 too.

Or the Mythic raiders who had their mount-farming season cut short by 4 months because in a few weeks the only versions of Sylvanas & Jailer will be the Fated versions, thereby requiring everyone to do yet another gear treadmill just to kill the same bosses they were killing 3 weeks ago.

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are you kidding? I can hear the “this is a slap in the face” cries from GD already.

I’m sorry to hear that, friend. That really sucks. Message me on Bhootam#6294. If you get to within 20 ilvls of the starting fated Normal gear drops ideally on a dps spec, I’ll run Fated raids with you and try to get you the slimecat.

That’s our community always, even I do cries here about different topics, for example, every holiday event could have good updates to promote participation each year and subs, but Devs usually ignore this kind of events or just add a toy/pet to a vendor for the same activities.

Obviously, you’ll find players complaining that X content get Y reward while they get Z worse reward,

I just mentioned that something it’s better that nothing like World content players or as mentioned by Brewa the mythic raiders mount progress, I though fated was like something that you could enable/disable.

I am firmly against participation trophies.

I honestly don’t care about world only players. They chose to limit their gameplay.

And both points are your opinion but Devs nowdays have a different opinion and approach, OW for example has participation rewards for each event with play or win X amount of games, arcade…etc same for other games.

There’s also challenge rewards, I´d prefer the Slimecat attached to an evergreen fated system like Magetower now, also Worldcontent players are a reallity even if you don’t care about them and Devs acknowledge their kind of gameplay instead of going the otherway around.

Thread invalid, not KSH or leet title mythic plus poster nor CE or full Mythic clear while blindfolded.

Have a nice day!

Never said they werent.

So go play those games.

So even less players cant get it and the ones that can will cry about it?

What i mean, it’s part of a lot of games now, Blizzard, for example Vicious mounts are a participation reward, honor 500 its a participation reward…etc

All depend on the difficulty level, I would’t prefer it always available, so new players and returning players could engage on this challenge at any time, it won’t impact mount achievements as mentioned by Ion that this kind of achievement is implmented every 4-5 years due to new players perception about removed/promotional mounts. Magetower mount will be there for new players to earn compared to this one, that’s my point.

Vicious saddles are there to buy old mounts not current ones.

Not everything has to be available to everyone to earn. time limited things are a good thing.

the current one is a participation reward, you can’t lose rating and just play games until you achieve it.

True but Ion response about mount achievements makes clear that old collectors are being impacted by this approach, they should try to provide more evergreen content which in other games worked really well and can keep a challenge like MT or just do achievements around the available in game mounts without thinking about new players.

No reason you agree with.

No it doesn’t. There have always been less people clearing the raids than clearing them. Stop watching Bellular, imo.

He is a game developer so his opinion is worth more than yours.


This game had well over 10 million players even at the end of an expansion lull back when endgame progression could be experienced through queued content or casual guilds.

Shadowlands sold a record number of box copies, but today can barely hold enough subs for a functioning faction or functioning auction house for some players.

If tying progression, and now even participation cosmetic rewards, to premade group content is so good for the health of the game, where did all those millions of players go after hitting max level in Shadowlands?

(The mass exodus happened before anyone knew how bad the Sylvanas plotline was going to be, and before the Blizzard harassment claims were widely publicized. The borrowed power systems of SL were also highly watered down compared to BfA and Legion.)

LFR participation rates are far higher than any other difficulty of raid. They are actually decent considering the wide variety of activities in WoW today.

The problem is that current devs are desperate to get premade raiding participation up, which is why the mount reward is tied to Normal and above only.

If I was a penny counter at Activision, premade raiding would be the first thing to put on the chopping block. Modern WoW is forcing players to do premade raids, and putting so much development expenses into raiding, even when it is such an unpopular activity.

FFIX does raiding so much better. Queue-able raid rewards are decent, and raids are divided into smaller bite-size portions with no trash.

Players just want to queue up, do activities, and get upgrades. They don’t want to go through screening processes and get rejected for content they are qualified for.