No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

Its not that they don’t understand. It’s “papa promised me an ice cream if I did my homework and he broke his word !!!”

no. The game affects far more than you - pretend as much as you want, this is not a solo player game but an MMO and the rewards structure is a potent tool to guide the game in the direction Blizzard wants.

The self-infantilisation is off the charts.

To what end? The GD is full of whiners who constantly beg for terrible things in the game. They would be swamped with endless QQ regardless of them making a statment other than ‘it won’t be possible to get the mount in LFR.’

These are crocodile tears I’m seeing. No one who cares about this mount is going to abstain from raiding in order to obtain it. People are far more interested to kick up drama on the forums than they are actually upset about not being able to get it from LFR, or for Blizzard’s “lack of communication.”

I certainly wouldn’t bother with the GD if I worked at Blizz. I’d get fired in two days dealing with yall.

To be honest Blizz should just be giving us all the mount as a thank you for just staying subbed this late into the :biohazard: :wastebasket: :fire: of an expansion


No, the most distinctive and time-limited rewards should be for Normal raid content to incentivise more people to do Normal raids and to disincentivise asocial autoqueue-induced behaviour.

I think SL is great. If you don’t like the game you should take a break. I took a break for 18 months and I came back and I really like WoW.

Or you don’t get that’s about communication, similar issue if everything is ready for a season to start on X day or Expansion and then Devs for X,Y need to move the release some days or week, there´s people that take vacation time…etc

Devs can change a lot of thing at any time, a lot of players that discuss this topic know that but some of us are talking about how the message is trasmitted and the time involve.

Example: Endwalker delay
“Unfortunately, the consequence of this was that we ended up in a situation where we cut into the time required for final quality assurance checks due to this time spent on additional improvements,” he continued. That lead to a compromise on the game’s stability: “As such, I humbly ask you all to forgive me for the decision I’ve made,” said Yoshida.

There´s a lot of examples of PTR,LIVE content that can’t be active due to a major issue and players already planned aroud that activity, it’s a common topic on the game industry but Devs handle this different on each company, IMO Blizzard handle this poorly.

Blizzard has apologised in the past and the playerbase has continued to pillory them. I don’t blame them if they never apologise for anything instead because every apology is instantly met not with graceful forgiveness but with “these are empty words, if you mean it, gimme what i want”

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What we call normal now is just SoO Flex difficulty so LfR 2.0

What we were doing prior to what is called Heroic now back prior to Warlords prepatch was normal .

So to be honest maybe Heroic and Mythic are the only levels that deserve the rewards .
Especially since people keep going current normal isn’t much different then LfR.

Then they have no idea what they’re talking about. LFR Anduin doesn’t even have the Kingsmourne realm.

I would say that “papa didnt even promise them ice cream” because Blizz never stated LFR would award slimecat.

It more like Brother got straight As and got icecream but I did Fs and Ds and didnt get icescream.

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SL wasnt even that bad. Was it great? No but it wasnt trash. That would be WoD.

It’s kinda telling though that the participation rate of raiding has got to the point where Blizz has to not only dangle a mount as a reward but they also have to FOMO it. Makes you wonder if the days of raiding are coming to an end. Or at least a significant scaling back. SL only had 3 raids. Most expacs had more than that. How many did WoD have?

Ion has been going out of his way to crap on raiding since he took over in Legion.

I’ll take WoD over any expansion from Legion - SL and I was there for the whole thing .

I didn’t start coming to GD until BfA and even more so in SL .

The expansion was literally delayed. I didnt go make multiple cry posts about it.

The difference is Blizzard never stated the slimecat would be awarded from LFR. People made assumptions

WoD is by far the worst expansion ever.

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Screw it I’m done with this thread because I know there are bunch of hypocrites here that would be complaining if Blizz did something they felt was wrong but because the issue is LfR they are all on their soap boxes beating their chests


Since, SL announcement Blizzard mentioned that Small raids won’t be part of this expansion and those are really good, not for RWF but to provide lore and content.

Also, I don´t get how this game has a broken raiding path until this day, you can promote players to engage on Normal or Heroic but then you must meet a requirement of 20 exact players for the best difficulty, instead of keep a pattern.

IMO, During PTR you´re right people did assumptions due to “any difficulty” and LFR its a kind of difficulty and then went it was introduced on the live servers those weren´t assumptions, it was implied by their design, otherwise Blizzard didn’t need to change the text at all but they did.

The irony considering the only one on their soapbox here is you and everyone else complaining about LFR not getting the mount.

The achievments on live were edited before the patch went live. Achievements get moved over early to help on patch days.

achievements on live arent actually live when its for the next patch

That’s a matter of user perception that Blizzard doesn’t handle well with datamined on PTR and elements added to the game even if those aren´t live yet, for example during DF pre patch, I’ll check the glory achievement and notice those achievements with a text “normal or higher” that provides the Devs intention to the player.

As Devs they should care about anything moved earlier, actually they started to care about anything moved to PTR due to datamining issues with lore and some gameplay.