No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

Who cares? It was announced and corrected before the raids went live.

There’s been a huge number of times that things have been altered, kept hidden, or whatever until long AFTER stuff was released. Too many to list.

And people are fussing about this? About something that was clarified before the stuff even released?

People making a mountain out of a molehill like this… you’re surprised people don’t take you seriously? Come on.

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Lots of people apparently do by the endless topics on it. And I think it’s because it was on the community poll. If it weren’t I don’t think many would have cared.

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Hopefully, Blizzard has learned what many of us told them when the poll was announced:

Don’t do polls and let them be decisive. Remember Boaty McBoatface.

I want Boaty McBoatface still, lol!

They did name one of the robots that.

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At least for me it’s a matter of communication and lack of awareness of their own community, I don’t care about the actual reward being LFR or N.

I also want Epicus Maximus


A much bigger deal was when they nerfed the drop rates of raids in Castle Nathria, since they were never “unintended” to drop that much loot.

That’s something that got changed AFTER content release.

I think it’s pretty universally disliked that Shadowlands kept drops so restricted. Especially with the vault liking to hand out the same item for weeks.

That’s right but we didn´t have time to rise expectations about it compared to something datamined and then added to live servers with a text, I care about the communication and awareness from Devs and community manager, because for me it’s similar to other feedback that i care about.

for example the 500 mount achievement, it was a Yeti on an alpha build datamined (alpha, so it could be changed) that’s why Devs mentioned it was a placeholder, Blizzard acknowledge the “issue” but instead of taking time to think about the feedback, they just changed the reward on the next alpha build 1 week later…lazy work as always.

if the Community managers actually checked some comments on forums and other sources, they could have the feedback needed without creating a community council…that’s ignored too.

LOL Millions.

It was hotfixed on live on 2022-08-02.

Right, the risen expectations over the mount that lost the poll.


Possibly. The reversion to the same platitude after I addressed it multiple times was getting tiresome, but if you want to discredit an idea you have to at least pretend the advocate for it is operating at least mostly in good faith. I think after the 3rd or 4th time it becomes apparent what is really going on and I was going to call her out for doing the exact thing I said she was doing with a truncated quote. Then I got dragged into some key farming groups which took priority over arguing on the internet so that moment is gone.

I wasn’t talking about the mount with risen expectations, I was talking about the way to obtain it, remember there’s a lot of people that look for the path of less resistance or they do X content and tought it was a participation reward.

I was looking for the path of less resistance since my guild is not doing a Core during S4 as example, but also I did a post about this mount and fated content that could be evergreen with proper design like the magetower but it’s going to be removed later :upside_down_face:

I dont careif LFR stays or not. Its when LFR players demand rewards.

LFR has no real role in the gearing process. Did you even read the date on the article?

“August 23, 2012 3:00 PM”

Its over 10 years old stop reaching. LFR then is not LFR now.

Dragon Soul was a fun raid.

The change (not the text) was never live. Not only is Blizzard entitled to change things at any time even after the change goes live on servers, they are certainly entitled to change them before the changes are in effect (not text) on live servers.

Not just that, it’s a great move to encourage Normal raid participation so they have absolutely nothing to apologise for. I’m glad they did this.

Its dumbfounding how people cant seem to understand that just because an achievement is on live for an upcoming patch can be changed is sad.

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Guess what I have SL normals and they aren’t worth doing over again even for a mount that honestly isn’t special for the season because it wasn’t created for it .

To be honest and I will say it again if Blizz is just going to do end of expansion seasons like this make them all Mythic only and if people want the end of season rewards they can all pug or buy a mythic carry .

Then dont do them.

What an atitude to have. “If I cant have it from the easiest content its just fair to make it only reward from the hardest content” type of t antrum.