No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

Heck, season 4 dungeons provide better gear than normal or heroic raiding.

While true, they did heavily nerf the last 3-4 bosses to help people push thought the last 2 months or so.

Me personally I just got burn down and lost to the recruitment boss, I wasn’t going to push either way on my own guild and decide to switch over to my current guild.

You can still get the mount from regular sepulcher when is not fated.

True, a lot of my guild friends just left the game for these months because they don’t care about S4 cosmetic rewards or gear progress, it’s a good way to save money for the expansion price. Therefore, instead of a seasonal reward like the AOTC achievement, I couldn’t do this recycle content with friends, instead I had to look for PuG players which are the worst…


End of the day slimecat isn’t awarded from LFR and complaining about it is going to accomplish nothing.

I agree with this. Personally, I think that it should be like the “Glory of” raid achievements (normal or higher) which is how it is now, but I completely understand why people are upset about the change. It did say “any difficulty” originally and LFR is considered a difficulty. They should just change it to include LFR at this point.

LFRs are honestly very dumb, they are acting as if nothing has ever changed in a patch before it comes out. No, everything is set in stone as soon as the first patch notes come out! Everyone has the right to associate with who they want, if you can’t do a normal raid, that’s a YOU problem. Look deep within yourself and decide if it’s worth it to look in group finder, apply to a few groups, wait 5 to 10 mins, get in a group, get carried for 2 or so hours. Or, split the raid up into multiple nights.

Yeah, I’ve had people call me a cry baby, noob, etc. because they weren’t able to simply click my character icon and look at armory because I thought LFR people should be able to get Slime Cat too. lol It’s honestly kind of sad the level of group bullying people do on here trying to oppress players they deem lesser than themselves.


Yeah I don’t get why people need to be this nasty and rude:

I guess it’s too hard for some to be a decent human being and just say “I disagree.”


it is a ded cat land mount, not a hill to die on imo

So go out it or temporarily join a new guild. I came back and found my guild taking a break for all of s4 so I found a temp guild.

all just for ded cat mount?

Or we simply don’t care. LFR isn’t and never was getting the mount.

No they shouldn’t change it for a few reasons.

They cave in now the solo players will cry for everything to be from LFR. Classic give a mouse a cookie.

Also even Blizz doesn’t classify LFR as anything but story mode

lfr is the ppls champion, it was once the rock, now it is lfr

You don’t care that you’re being rude to thousands of strangers for no other reason than to feel special for some mundane content completion?


I’m not saying you’re necessarily wrong, but they honestly did have the wording as any difficulty. I 100% understood that as normal or better, as did many people - but many others understood it as it was quite literally worded. ANY difficulty. Caving on one thing when it wasn’t completely clear in the first place can be the one exception.

I’m not advocating on caving on anything else in the name of “but casuals” (which I’ve long argued that the definition of casual and elitist is pretty fluid on these forums in that it changes to match whoever’s agenda that is using them). I’m simply saying that this one thing was kind of an oopsie and I can understand people’s frustration with it.

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well the word any is meaning any

Tbo it’s an underwhelming mount. Saw it live. I don’t care. Now if had been the book or the caterpillar things would have been different

it does seem we arguing over the principles of a thing vs a ded cat ground mount

I have it, and I agree, it’s nothing spectacular. I’d care more about it if it could fly. Right now it’s just a +1 for my achievement.

I only need like 4 more mounts for the 400 achievement.

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