No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

Right. right. I don’t want to put in the effort.

u don’t. u putting in the effort doesn’t suddenly mean you wanted to. please keep up with the convo.

That makes no sense because nobody put a gun to my head so obviously I had to want to enough to do it.

MyBoyBlue#1426 always game

My only issue with the slime kitty is the fact that:

  1. It’s currently bugged, causing the player model to have their legs splayed at a 45 degree angle.
  2. It’s small. For some unknown stupid reason, Blizz thought it was a good idea to make it about 20% smaller than a regular Saber mount. As a result, any race larger than a belf or velf on it looks seriously bad.
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false dichotomy fallacy :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

willing to put in the effort and wanting to put in the effort are two completely DIFFERENT things :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

Houston we have a problem

I’m always working on this toon or that, and play every role. I’m good to my word and will definitely hang out with new people. Making new friends is always a good time =)

You’re still not making sense. For one thing, there are only two choices. Either I get the cat or I don’t. I’m not sure what other options there are.

And what does all that have to do with my desire?


im not the one relying entirely of fallacies that’s what you are doing lol you’re getting yourself confused in this conversation. :woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:

See, you’re trying to make yourself look smart and me dumb by throwing out a phrase that’s not used in every day conversation. I’m not too ashamed to admit I had to Google what the hell “false dichotomy fallacy” (which isn’t a fallacy almost the same thing as false? Isn’t that like saying “a dumb person is stupid?”)

This is what I found: “a disjunctive claim asserts that one among a number of alternatives must be true” and based on the example I was given, what I said doesn’t not apply. A good example and something I see all the time on the forums is: “if you hate Baine then you love Sylvanas and/or Garrosh.”

So… me getting the Slime Cat isn’t a “false dichotomy fallacy” because there is only two options, especially since season 4 ends with Dragonflight. So either I get the cat or I don’t and yes I had to want to a little bit because nobody forced me do it.


well you’re welcome for the converstaion i guess lol.

I’m “welcome for the conversation” you guess… right.

“I guess” that if I was busted using a phrase I got off of some other forum incorrectly, I wouldn’t know what to say either.


i am using it correctly, you admitted to me you dont even know what it means, so there’s not much for us to discuss here. but you’re welcome to think what u want.

this is why blizzard listens to me and not u lol.

LOL no you weren’t because if there really is only two options than it doesn’t apply.

I didn’t know what it means but I do now.

Dichotomy fallacy: “if you hate Baine then you love Sylvanas and/or Garrosh.”
Not a dichotomy fallacy: “Of course I wanted to get the slime cat, even if it was just a little, because I did get it. I was not in a situation where I was forced.”

It’s really not a good look to try to make someone else seem ignorant when you can’t even type or spell at an adult level.


Except the idea you’re using to validate your opinion could be applied to anything and everything. You’re even repeating your own dishonesty by going back to my original broad example, instead of my condensed one of only targeting mounts to try and be as fair as possible to your opinion.

So Blizzard was unclear, or to steelman your opinion, let’s just say they lied. That isn’t relevant because they have lied before. I wasn’t very happy about how they lied about artifact weapons and how they would handle nerfs to a decision they were intentionally making players commit to. This is where they put the goalpost for a reward on the released product, so it is more fair than changing it on a live version of the game. Your mistake here is you forgot what the “T” in PTR stands for. Anything in a test realm is subject to change.


They listen to themselves. The rest is coincidence. They’ve gone against raiders many times.

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I rather not my mental state of mind is more important.

I honestly don’t even know what you’re talking about here. It’s word vomit.

People are allowed to give feedback. If you don’t want to see this feedback, don’t come to these threads.


That problem is?