No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

You keep looking at everything as “other people are there to help me” instead of looking at it as “what can I offer to other people?”

People in 290+ gear are doing M0’s for the weekly quest, there’s nothing you offer to such groups that a hundred thousand others aren’t surpassing.

Low-end keys, however, are in extremely high demand. List a +2 and you’ll be swamped with people wanting to run it with you for easy valor.

There is no difference between one reward and another. It is all digital goodies, and even going so far as to say “but it is a mount” there have been separate mount rewards for soloing, dungeoning, and the various difficulties of raiding… So no I’m not being dishonest there.

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lol, whatever. You are arguing in bad faith. You can go get a +2 key and start a group. Do it, then drop it back down to a +2. Spam. Get gear. Or don’t.

Keep coming here and making bad faith arguments, it doesn’t matter to me.

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I agree with what you’re saying. I am also interested in what else you have to say on other topics, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

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Yes, you are. This thread has nothing to do with getting every thing in RF. It’s about a cat that people thought they could earn in RF because that’s the way the achievement was worded until 24 hours before the Fated stuff was released.

You’re right, it is plenty because the ilevel from normal, non-Fated SotFO is 250.

I’m sorry, 252. Close enough.


The point I’m making is expecting someone to outgear the content in order to do the content is absurd.


And the point that I’m making is that if you actively choose to maintain a very low ilvl compared to the people you will be competing against for invites, being upset about not getting invited is more absurd.

This is the golden ticket, right here. ANYBODY who’s level 60 can do it.

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Here you go showing you dont know what advertised means again.

I highly recomend PVP. Spam BG or EBG and raise your ilevel to 268. Its all quaeable so no worries about getting declined from groups. I went from 230 to 268 in just one week doing that. Plus I gained tons of cosmic flux which allowed me to raise alll conduits to 278. I found that to be much more enjoyable than all the drama that comes with m+.

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Lfr as is leaves no one burdened you can kill bosses with potatoes and sporks

Being barred from doing relevant content by people who expect me to have already done that content sure is a weird definition of actively choosing


Its what i doing

Oh yes! I did that too. I had a bunch of honor and conquest from some where, no idea since I rarely pvp, and was able to increase my ilevel that way.

Do this Sneaky. Don’t give in to the Premade nightmare.

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You are so stubbornly clinging to your bad argument lol.

Anyway, do +2s and get some gear. This is a fun season and I would hate to miss it.

I’d love to.

Invite me and let’s get going

I’m sure it is, shame it’s being run by tryhards that bar people from doing relevant content.

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As soon as I finish raid, I’m game.

Yeah, I found that to be so much more enjoyable than dealing with all the drama that cones with M+. Even if your side loses the battle you still get a good chunk of honor to use to upgrade your gear. I wish this system would find its way to pve because RNG doesnt exist. No worries about the wrong gear dropping. Just take your currency to the vendor and choose your piece which is upgradable

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well u answered ur own question. it takes a bit of effort which some people are against.

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Never tell the participation trophy generation they don’t deserve a trophy. Offense will be caused.

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