No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

LOL they do not. Get 265, 4 piece and double legendaries or don’t bother.

I actually had that and was still getting declined.


The answer being Blizzard clarified how the mount would be given and people are upset because they can’t AFK to get it?

Iunno, I’ve found pugging Normal to not be problematic.

I like how the slime cat looks!

As they should. If you can’t be bothered to put in a minimum effort in gearing your character, you shouldn’t be surprised when you’re competing against people for invites who will put in that effort.


Of course you didn’t. I’m not sure which anecdotal evidence is more true: mine or yours.

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From what I’ve seen there was a lack of clarity here on Blizzard’s part and people inferred that all fated raids included LFR, when that wasn’t what Blizzard intended. Blizzard being oblivious to such things isn’t exactly something to be unexpected.

I was being a bit hyperbolic by stretching the point in a direction consistent with the basic idea. You called me on it so I amended it to something exactly equitable to his premise, if you recall:

In fact it is at least equally dishonest of yourself to ignore this concession to your criticism.

Normal is the minimum effort my dude. It’s supposed to be the entry level mode.

What other minimum effort is there?

I genuinely don’t understand this line of reasoning.

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Wth do you mean? VC still didn’t say “everything” so you’re still being dishonest.


There isn’t any. They just like seeing people upset.


Sure you do. You can do LFR to increase your ilvl. You can do m+ to increaes your ilvl. Increasing your ilvl is going to increase your chances of getting an invite.

If you want to sulk and not work on your character, you won’t get invites. Because again, you’re competing against people who will do the minimum.

Normal is how you’re supposed to work on your character. 251 is absolutely a good enough item level for normal.

Why would I even bother to do normal if I’m expected to outgear it before I can step foot in it?

Sure, as soon as I get any gear to drop I’ll get right on that. 11 bosses with zero drops besides a single conduit.

Can’t get invited because I don’t have the right item level. Even tried hosting a M0 tour and got no results.

This is just pure frustration, and why pugging is just a miserable experience through and through.


Would have been nice for Blizzard to give you a heads up 3 months ago, amiright? More time to raise your ilevel.


M+ drops unlimited quantities of gear, it’s very easy to get an inflated ilvl. Especially with no valor cap. (And before you bring up score, you can upgrade all the way to 278 with a zero score.)

If you hate M+ and don’t think it should be the center of the universe, my sympathies, many of us feel the same, but the fact is that Blizzard designs the entire game these days around the unlimited amount of gear that can rapidly be farmed from Mythic+.

That’s the world of warcraft that we play.

Means diddly if you can’t get into a group (which is the same issue: players with inflated gear and experience run the show and take spots from people who need it)


Start your own or join a guild, been explained to people a million times.

That’s because farming +2’s is the fastest way to get valor, since all key levels drop equal valor, but the reason all keys drop equal valor is because the people who do lower keys would have complained if they didn’t.

I came to the conclusion that I had to either join a guild or give up. I hated pugging raids in Premade.

I picked joining a guild because I really wanted that cat. I probably would have unsubbed until prepatch if it was a different mount.

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Now what?

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Dude, no one is interested in carrying you because you think you’ve reached the ilvl threshold for normal fated (you haven’t)

No one is going to do a m0 either when you can just do +2s.

Why do it if you outgear it? You want the mount.

Again, people aren’t declining you specifically. You’re an exceptionally small fish in a very large pond. If you don’t make yourself more attractive to pugs, you can hardly complain when you don’t get picked.

Heroic dungeons drop 249, the raid should be tuned for people right out of heroic dungeons. Ergo, 250 is plenty.

You can’t get more attractive to pugs if you don’t get the chance to participate in content that makes you more attractive.

Yall the kind of people who are fine with asking 15 years experience for an entry level job.

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251 was what came from Normal last patch, and it wasn’t exactly hard to get to with double legendaries and pretty decent world gear item level.

LFR and m0 literally drop better gear. And somehow I’ve never had issues doing m0s for gear on undergeared characters. I sometimes wonder if people are picky about dungeons or something.