No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

He’s not saying that either.

What is so hard to understand that what they did was scummy? I almost wish they would do the same thing with something you guys cared about.


They did, actually, they clarified it wouldn’t be available in LFR.

I get that you don’t like it, but saying they didn’t clarify the intent is incorrect.

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No, they didn’t actually.

They have never apologized or admitted they made a mistake.

It’s a good thing I didn’t say that.


So again, we’re back to, you want them to apologize and clarify that they have never considered LFR to be a raid difficulty.

No, I didn’t say that either. I said they didn’t do that.


I don’t think you can separate these things, though. An actual apology/explanation from Blizzard would involve that, but if they come out and say it, that will only generate more rage.

Not sure what exactly you want Blizzard to even do. I don’t think anybody is.

What exactly do you want? I have no doubt people would just continue screeching until Blizzard added the mount to LFR. They clarified it wasn’t going to be in LFR, so it’s not.

They stated it was never intended to come from LFR, so it doesn’t.

When have they ever cared about that?

I’ve said it, several times, over the past three weeks: put the cat in RF since that’s how it was originally advertised.

They do, they just like to pretend they don’t.


Which obviously isn’t going to happen.

You’re probably right but you can’t know for sure.

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Well, there’s no real reason for that to happen. It was never originally intended to be in LFR, and there’s nothing wrong with it not being in LFR. They clarified that it was never intended to be in LFR.

Then what is he saying? Because to me he is saying something should be available in LFR that Blizzard does not intend to be in LFR. Either you believe in a hierarchy of rewards or you don’t, and Blizzard is the arbiter of how that hierarchy is set up.

Scummy? Not really. A bit careless with the clarity, but this wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard was careless.

Do you realize how often my class has been nerfed? I effectively quit pvp when they made bladestorm disarmable even though it was some combination of PMR dominating. I lost interest in it so badly I’ve needed like 3 rated BG wins for my artifact weapon since Legion.

And the way they did it was scummy, like I’ve been saying all along.

They waited until 5 days before the patch to say in a thread with like 700 post that it was normal and higher.

Then 24 hours before the patch dropped they slithered into live and changed the wording on the achievement without saying anything about it.

They make threads on the GD about stupid crap like new emjois but they couldn’t even make a thread about something as hot as this? They knew people were going to flip their lids over this which is why they “announced” and fixed it in cowardly ways.


He’s saying put the cat in RF because that’s the way it was advertised for three months.

He never said “mail it to me” or “make it appear in my journal for logging on” like you’re dishonestly implying.


Because it’s not hot. It’s a mount from secondary season content. If people want it, they’ll do the content. If they don’t, they won’t.

I mean…

These would basically be the same thing, just one wastes a bit of time.

What’s so bad about taking a bit of effort and doing Normal?

Right, that’s why there’s not threads on this subject every day, several times a day. :roll_eyes:

This is the last time I’m going to reply because you’re just asking me the same questions and ignoring the same answers I’ve given you several times.

People are upset the rug was pulled out from under them. Why do they feel that way? I know you don’t want me to link the pictures again so I won’t but the answer is there.

p.s. I will say that another reason I don’t blame people for being angry is pugging in Premade is awful. The atmosphere is worse than RF because at least RF doesn’t decline your invite or let it expire.


When is the last time you’ve done looking for raid? This does not happen on any of the characters that I’ve routine was right on. Most fights are tank and spanks all the way through maybe one or two people dying in the entire time.

People absolutely do look through details after the first wipe or two and get rid of underperforming players and players who are AFK / obviously intentionally dying on removed swiftly.

It’s a problem, in normal raiding, the people who actually need the content to progress get denied. We cannot progress further.


I assure you, you’ll spend less time looking for and being accepted into a normal pug than you will waiting in an LFR queue

Not true because you assume many things here.


That’s weird, I completed all of LFR in maybe 2 hours, and wasn’t able to get into even a single +2 let alone normal raid in the same amount of time.

250 item level players don’t get invited instantly and get overshadowed a majority of the time. That’s a fact.