No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR

You keep posting this like it’s supposed to provide some enlightenment? I thought I was clear enough already in my statement that LFR isn’t raiding.

Normal raiding is right there for the people who want the mount.

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I hope so because you keep repeating the same false statement. The picture proves you wrong much better than saying “you’re wrong.”

And your opinion on what raiding is means nothing. My opinion what raiding is means nothing. Blizzard is the one that said RF is raiding.


This isn’t mythic raid gear. Slippery slope fallacy.

I do. I just did yesterday while doing world content and it was lovely. After all, it’s World of Warcraft, not instance of Warcraft. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just to be clear here, I did normals and heroics for years, and don’t want the slime cat. I just think some people on GD are just using conjecture to troll LFR players.

Explain how it is, when you were already being plenty rewarded before slime cat was added, and now are being rewarded again for Sepulcher having the lowest participation rate of any raid this expac? Because you do realize that’s why they did that right? Fated is their third attempt to save the raid community.

It doesn’t matter how fast it is. It’ll actually be faster in DF. So give the people want they want. If the pre-patch leak is to be believed, there’s only two more months til pre-patch. It won’t kill anyone. And hey, maybe some of those leveled alts might make it into raid.

Then why doesnt LFR award the slimecat?

Blizz has said in the past LFR is storymode for solo players.

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Normal is super easy. The only problem is time for many ppl. This week only have one boss that break ppl and that is “ Lords of Dread

False how? You queue into something, you hit a loot pinata (or somehow you/the group does so poorly as to not be able to kill LFR bosses in one go), you teleport out. At best it’s basically just a regular dungeon with more people.

And yet LFR doesn’t give the mount and seems to have never been intended to give it on Blizzard’s end. Says a bit, eh?

Yet here we are, with LFR giving no mount.

Dreadlords is easy, what?

Ye still ppl fail and most groups fall apart on him!

Mounts do not determine if something is a raid. Actually more content outside of raids rewards mounts. And LFR has rewarded mounts before.


Isn’t normal and higher raiding running into a zone with 24 other people, hiting the boss, get loot and teleport out? If you’re just going to reduce it down to that then there are no raids in WoW.

Huh no. The Slime Cat isn’t the end all, be all on “what is a raid.” The cat is three weeks old. Raids are much, much older.

Yes, I know. I’m not under some delusion that the cat will drop in RF if I think hard enough. The point of the thread is that people think it should because that’s how it was originally advertised.


More of my point was the fact that, y’know, they changed the wording on the achievement. Evidently they didn’t consider LFR to be of sufficient challenge.

Note I have been saying achievement mounts. I’m not talking mounts that incidentally drop from a boss on every single difficulty.

I’m perfectly fine with raiding not existing and endgame just being M+, personally. Would have a rather negative overall impact on the game, but I’m down for that.


And I think if someone wants the mount, they should go do Normal and get it. Normal really isn’t that hard.

True! As healer can I outheal most mechanics in CN, SOD and SOF. So ppl just have to join the raid and blast as hard that they can!

This right here is the problem. What you’re saying is there are people that have no business being in a raid of any difficulty. In the current normal+ way to get the reward, they cannot hang in even a normal raid and won’t/ can’t get the gear or most basic of encounter knowledge, so you want a method to force others to carry them through a queue system


You’re right, it’s not, but that doesn’t make them feel better about having the rug pulled out from underneath them.

Also, there is no harm is providing feedback. Supposedly they’re supposed to listen to feedback more. Part of their better communication thing. The way they handled this situation is 10 steps back.


Aside from saying “we always intended this to be this way, sorry for any confusion”, they’re really not obligated to say or do jack. The achievement was updated, and that’s that.

And they didn’t even do that.

Yes, we know. They also weren’t obligated to give velves belf customization but they did based on feedback.


We should be able to just log in and get all the things we want because there is no reason we shouldn’t.

That’s not what VC was saying at all. Not sure why you think you need to go there.


Okay, there is no reason everything in the game shouldn’t be available in LFR.