No Reason Why The Slime Cat Shouldn't Be In LFR


In b4 “omg elitism”.

What I get from all this is that LFR players would be satisfied if Blizzard apologized, and clarified that they do not consider LFR an actual raid “difficulty”.

Is that correct?

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No it doesn’t, at all. Because you can still do your own content and get rewarded. There was already a crab mount for heroic. There is already a mount for the Jailer as well. And when Slime Cat was voted on, no raiders asked for it as a reward in raid. No raiders also made issue of the achievement being any difficulty for three months. And many raiders in social media and elsewhere don’t care if it got added to LFR.

Your “reward structure” is already in place, already exclusive. And includes, mounts, achievements and gear. And will remain intact. Some forever, like the achievements. Some until the content is irrelevant.

Any content in this game can be social. Just talk to people.

There’s likely nothing that will completely kill WoW at this point. And I doubt very much that a slime cat from a community poll being given to LFR players would be the final straw.

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But their own website says it is a difficulty.


Why clarify the obvious?

They would also need to have somebody with a functioning brain write their tooltips and ad copy from now on, yes.

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Agree with you 100% there.

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Oh, sure, it can bear the same name. Still not a raid.

It’s content, but it’s not raiding.

If it was it might’ve actually counted towards the mount. I don’t find it likely people overseeing things at Blizzard change their minds on this, barring deciding brownie points are worth more than consistency.

Bad choice to not clarify the wording earlier? Sure. Still doesn’t obligate them to do jack.

No because that’s a snobby response. Just say they made a mistake and have some fun things planned for open world andLFR players in the future. Re-activate the xp buff until pre-patch.

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mate. stop. people routinely do this in LFR because not only is there literally no consequence for doing it, the encounter mode rewards failure by making the players stronger. No one goes through Details after a wipe in LFR because it doesn’t matter.

And as for gatekeeping you’d become what you call a gatekeeper quickly enough if you had to keep a raid together and wanted to maximise your chances you cleared bosses and got loot rather than allow someone who can’t pull their weight or do mechanics to jeopardise the group and potentially cause good people to leave rather than carry their weight.

Oh yeah, once you had a personal interest in success and didn’t have the crutch of Determination to fall back on, you’d become “try hard” in a hurry.

If you were running a pug raid, would you take a stranger who didn’t have dual 291 legendaries and chanted gear (when mats and chants are dirt cheap these days) over another stranger who did? Would the first person inspire confidence or doubt?

Even if (and it’s a big if) all what you say is 100% correct and there’s 0% value to the proof that those disputing your claims are advancing, it’s still fine because Blizzard has always reserved the right to make balancing changes to the game. The fact that something is one way in PTR does not mean Blizzard is obliged to continue to frame it this way.

Of course the rewards structure affects people in the game. if pet battles dropped mythic raid gear, do you think it’d be a niche activity? If the “i get the reward I want for the content I want” crowd gets its way, the social core of the game would be gutted because far too many players would just choose to do turtle puzzles if the puzzles dropped the same gear as mythic raids.

Great, then interact with others and find groups doing Normal that suit you or form groups of your own. Join the mainstream of the game, challenging group content. Just don’t pretend that autoqueue content that rewards groups for failure is anything like raiding.

Strawman. to be clear, giving players “the rewards they want from the content they choose to do” , would kill the game.

Its ridiculously fast to level even without the buff.

Their website says it is.

Who is the average player supposed to believe? The achievement that said for three months on the PTR then in the live game that they could earn the cat in RF and then there’s Blizzard’s own website that clarified what “any difficulty of raid” meant? Or Random player 01 on the forums?

You guys are acting like the achievement did say for three months “normal or higher” and the angry people seen this but are complaining anyways.

All I’m saying is Blizzard did some scummy/terrible customer service and they should have honored what they advertised or at the very, very least apologize for it. Instead they just stuck their fingers in their ears and just said “lalala” really loud. That’s not how a company should act.


Still not a valid assumption as LFR has never awarded a seasonal mount.

I dont work for Blizz so I cant answer that question

LFR got higher ilvl gear.

The difference is LFR isnt really raiding nor is it considered raiding by a probable good amount of people in the raiding community. It doesnt make sense for a raiding seasonal amount to be awarded in a non raiding mode.

Even then Heroic is the traditional cutoff not mythic. Either way I wouldnt care and I def would not be throwing entitled tantrums in GD about it either.

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Agreed and the fact that they are gating slimecat behind Normal means they want exactly what is happening - more and more people trying Normals where they would only try LFRs.

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You know it’s true and you know it said this in the game live. I don’t know why you’re pretending otherwise.

Yes, Blizzard reserves the right to change the game and yes we know this. However, until Slime Cat topics become a taboo subject we have the right to complain about their shady business tactics.


Yep, they dont even realize that Blizz is throwing them a bone with the normal difficulty. Imagine the tears if it was heroic only lol

You have the right to complain sure, however nothing was shady and in the end you just look like self entitled brats.

You can call it that if you want.

Achievement never said it could be earned in LFR. Why presume it can be earned in LFR when no/almost no achievements for a mount in the past for raids did so?

I don’t think they should change the achievement or reward. Saying “yep sorry we always intended for the mount to come out of Normal+, our bad”, sure. Just tired of “BLIZZARD YOU OWE ME MOUNT BAD MAN.”

If someone wants it, Normal raiding is right there. I did say this though:


LFR players have simply not proven their worth yet.