No Rational Explanation For AV Win %

Actually as Horde we do not want sfgy, we actually want you to have it. With all things considered and the argument that horde tunnel is much closer to support gy cap, perhaps you guys should start taking it again…

How exactly did you measure the distance from horde starting cave? More importantly distance to where?

I would think this info would have to come from blizz and I think it would have to be measured from the exit of the cave to the entrance of Drek/Vann bunker or some other point associated with the bosses. I feel this way because of the advantage alliance always seem to have in the rush. Does not make sense to encourage more 7-15m games, depending on pug capability of dealing with Drek & wm’s. Not to beat a dead horse but horde queue sucks for these sort of games. I dont mind losing, I mind being in a pvp bg where pvp and the majority of objectives where pvp might occur are ignored.

Or…and hear me out here…it’s got something to do with the map. Even if Alliance wipes the Horde in front of Balinda and again at the choke on the way to IBGY and manages to cap IBGY, it’s very difficult to hold that GY for 5 minutes if Horde are determined to get it back. Not to mention that realistically the Alliance have lost several people in the 2-3 skirmishes it was necessary to fight just to get to IBGY. There’s no choke in front of it and Horde can attack it from a hill that overlooks it. Over time it’s not that difficult for Horde to kill Alliance faster than reinforcements can get there. Plus they spawn way closer (cave) than SPGY is to SHGY. It’s also relatively easy for Horde to slip by the Alliance to get a team to cap objectives and/or slow down reinforcements. They can actually slip several by IBGY and have several group up in IBT and use the choke to prevent any reinforcements from getting there AND to launch a pincer on Alliance from the hill overlooking IBGY and from TP side. Alternatively, the Horde pretty much fight the first skirmish at SHGY…if they win that the game is essentially over. SHGY has a wide open approach when defending from Alliance side and a narrow choke when defending from Horde side such that it’s very difficult to get through if Horde are defending it, and Alliance have to run way farther to defend it (and Horde can shoot down into their spawn to boot).

you don’t understand alliance can’t spam trinket and have the same “wiping” effect horde have. we’re trying to explain to you ALLIANCE DON’T HAVE /ANY/ DEFENDABLE POSITIONS

we don’t defend because we simply cannot defend!
even in the best case scenario, alliance use trinket and wipe horde back to cave, right? HORDE CAN RUN TO SH/GY AND SF/GY WAYYYYYY BEFORE ALLIANCE CAN!

do you understand the implications of this fact alone?


Distance to end boss should be equal, but it’s really not even close to the biggest factor in map advantage because a rush is so easy to counter.

Really? No rational explanation? Like how the premades took all the people interested in winning and put them all together while PuG’s had to suffer with their teams of AFK’s/Bots? Nah that couldn’t be it. Horde always have the advantage with their OP racials and AV starting location.

90% of my AV’s Horde are communicative, calling out enemy positions in BG chat, suggesting strats and generally working together. Is this because of some inherent advantage Horde have? No. It’s because with our long queues we actually have a reason to try and win the game. AV made Alliance soft and they expect their rank to be fed to them. Plus the Alliance who are actually good at PVP are in WSG now over AV.

So you see there’s plenty of rational explanations for the AV win %. None of them involve Horde being OP though. It’s entirely the Alliance’s fault. If you really want to blame getting dominated in AV on 25% stun resist or instant fear/charm/sleep break then by all means, enjoy your PVE rank instead of improving at the game.

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So maybe the “fix” is giving allies 1.5 hour queues? Maybe if they have to wait longer they will play harder?

Maybe, but I don’t think anyone is under the illusion that “alliance are better at pug pvp than horde”. Horde deserve to win more often because they are better. Giving alliance an 1 hour q would in the end just screw over people because we couldn’t win even if we tried our hardest.

If there was to be something that makes alliance try harder, it would be to like reset kill DR after the AV recall trinket has been used. I’ve been in a few games where alliance just give up after being recall wiped because we’re DR capped on every horde and have gotten max honor from objectives. It’s simply not worth it for alliance to try after DR cap has been hit.

The problem is horde have about 99% win rate. That is grossly high for any game.

Most of the AV matches start the same way… Group up, rush south, wipe them at Bal/SHGY, rush SFGY. We get stomped each time.

Instead of complaining about things that won’t change, maybe the Alliance should change its strategy if it isn’t working?


One thing i fail to see explained by the alliance claiming that the starting cave is the reason horde win is why it is the alliance almost always lose the first zerg fight.

Regardless of where we meet on the map the battle that occurs first is on even terms if not alliance favored because of the proximity of their elites and archers

Yet somehow, every time we clash in the beginning the horde comes out on top

Inb4 “muh racials”


Backdoor happens in every match. Where have you been?

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If only there were a gy closer to ibgy. :thinking:

If only there was a comically easy to capture gy south of ibgy, one that was in an open field, one right outside a main base with virtually no adequate defense and multiple ways to infiltrate. :thinking:

You guys are just full of excuses.

This version of AV is 1.11. What 1.12 changed was the introduction of the crbg cancer.

Paladin unfairness should win you every game to be honest.

Backdoor won’t happen every match if you keep 1-2 defenders there. It baffles me how alliance seem incapable of understanding that.

Every games alliance had a couple there it forced us to go through SP

So, the Alliance AFKers have NOTHING to do with it? Right, so…

If 40 Horde met 25 Alliance a bit further south (because the cave got moved) the 25 Alliance would have a better chance against 40 Horde?



One that alliance has to get to in the first place as it’s behind horde’s much better forward GY.

Now sure you switch FWGY with IBGY and we can talk.

I don’t care too much about the racials. As many have pointed out, the alliance races are very unappealing, particularly the dreadful gnome.

Gnomes are disgusting little creatures, on par with goblins but without the humor.

Are there irrational explanations?