Horde attack from the back of Balinda’s bunker. Where is the NPC support? Archers are not hitting you there and lieutenants are on the other side of the bunker.
Horde attacking Alli from behind Bal bunker is on the alliance, no one is forcing you to meet us there. Many games you ambush us from shgy when we pulls lt’s to Bal, which is a good strategy. You get to shgy before we do and hide at the gy till you see us roll up.
Alliance are conditioned to rush for a few reasons, but one of them is the mid map disadvantages. Defending at stone hearth is shooting themselves in the foot since it’s inevitable they will lose their foothold there and they are pinned behind stone hearth then.
You have not really given any mid map disadvantages. The fact that we meet in your territory is actually an advantage to you, use it!
IF alliance get an offensive push going and can grab another GY south of stone hearth, they stand a better chance, but there’s where the plan falls apart. Horde reach stone hearth at the same time, shutting down our offense. If we get any through, they are too few to withstand the horde on that side of the map. It’s a total uphill battle for alliance to win a defensive game so they try something that has a higher success rate, rushing.
Its funny, you guys stopped capping sfgy and forced us into some stupid meta of not capping shgy. We suffer the same herd mentality you do and promptly lose shb and iwb caps all the time to it. The rest of this paragraph seems to contradict itself, you cap a southern gy but yet our capping of shgy shuts down your offense??? How can capping shgy shut down your offense if you have already taken a southern gy (I hope you mean ibgy as that is the most sensical gy to take as it pushes our rezzes back).
I have to assume you mean by us taking shgy, it makes it much harder for you to get through to take a southern gy, which is why I am preaching that you guys defend shgy. You whole game depends on it as does ours with ibgy. Rezzing further and further away from battle = bad. Allowing the opposing faction to dictate where you rezz = bad. What the horde has been doing with shgy trying to avoid a turtle while turtling = extra stupid.
So this is my point, your logic is flawed and this is why you and the alliance are having so many problems, its pandemic across all servers alliance side and more rampant than what horde experiences.
As long as horde can zug zug stone hearth, alliance are forced on defense at their worst foothold and with little or no offense to pull horde players back to defense and get some breathing space to mount a strong enough offense to make a difference.
This here is why you lose, you need to defend the gy appropriately. If we are stacking a bunker and lightly pushing the gy if at all, lightly defend the gy and take your bunker back. I do not know what class you play but many can solo cap, if you can not try and persuade two stealth to head to ibgy to cap after we rezz, then ride into our territory to defend the cap as nothing else is as important.
It’s not a matter of horde being better or alliance being bad. It’s a tried and true tactic that works to the advantage of horde.
Capping shgy works for us because we play defense. If we did not play defense, you guys would be into our base long before we would, as then it becomes a pve race and you are the pve faction apparently. We lose this race everytime and we know it, so we defend our gy’s and towers. Back in the day our defense used to start at ibgy/ibt choke and would comprise of anywhere from 10 to 20 people.
Now for whatever reason we zerg you in your territory full force where you actually have the advantage. We do this because you let us, that trinket works both ways.
Honestly, it is this thought process that you have presented here as to why you guys lose so often, all things being equal.