No Rational Explanation For AV Win %

That is a lie, if Horde wants alliance to Cap SF they would not send all of the force to SF when we manage to contest it. SF is a crucial part of Horde’s Strategy. Without SF horde doe snot push Balinda nor SH most of the time.

Metas change, probably has changed since I last played 2+ weeks ago. Horde has only won AV consistently by playing defense. To do this effectively you allowed the alliance to cap SFGY so you did not screw your offense over. We would set up in the choke and intercept at Galv or at the choke. The objective was to farm you there, it was anathema to cap SFGY as you lost your defensive advantage and forced a turtle.

Now a days its all mixed up, when I was playing we were not capping SHGY because of some new meta that we didnt want you to turtle, yet our plan was to turtle defensively. Often those who were headed to SFGY would get chastised, dont cap it etc but they would do it anyways. When I brought up in chat we should be capping SHGY, I was getting shouted down, called a newb etc etc. What would happen is everyone we killed on defense would spawn at SHGY and promptly recap SHB and IWB.

When Alliance will understand that Taking SF is the way to Win, it will start doing so, the attempt to reverse psychology may work on some but not on all

To me looking at the map, SFGY was designed to be an alliance forward GY. If you notice, it is out of the way for the horde to go all the way to the west side of the map while spawning on the east side. The alliance however can ride right past in their attempt to move south, it is only natural to cap a uncontested forward gy as you get there first.

As someone who has lead pvp groups on multiple servers in vanilla that were quite successful, I would say great, a two front fight. Let us use an inferior force because of the defensive advantage and send a larger force on offense to counter the defensive advantage on offense. Our defensive teams were often no more then two groups. This is adjusted in real time as needed, ‘we need more D IBGY asap!’

There is no deception here, I am telling you how it is/was. The thing is you guys dont look at the bg this way and see advantages, all you see are disadvantages. You are self made victims.

What makes you lucky, is that Alliance doe snot want to Fight. This is right now the biggest issue.

Alliacne is Lazy, or is being manipulated to be lazy by those who always push at the beggining of the game.


Its not a terrible strategy to zerg cap IBGY if you manage to defend SHGY in the process. Taking IBGY will practically win you the game if done right and a strong push can accomplish it but only with SHGY being held. If you have a defensive team while you are pushing IBGY, your timing needs to considered more so then horde side as you will most likely ride right into rezzers.

The single most important factor for you guys is SHGY, if you have a strong team there they can hold it vs a superior force because of the gy rezz point, then hopefully your IBGY team is smart enough to ride to or just past the flag to avoid as much tower damage as possible.

Much like in WSG where you CC more then kill to escort the flag, here you should be cc’ing or pushing away from flag so those who do not have any sort of agro can cap. Once the flag has begun to turn, anyone who is on defense at SHGY area and out of combat needs to assess, defend SHGY/BAL/SHB or move forward and support IBGY?

I myself would prefer to try and stealth cap or utilize a small group that would attract less attention by capping by force, hell change it up, you just need to defend too. Once IBGY caps, SHGY is really not that important as you have the lead.

In the mean time Horde contests SF…of course. And then half the force pushes on SH, and the other half attacks Balinda, or often will now Push very hard on SH take it and then get Balinda and push north to SP.

GY>anything else in BG’s, EoS is a BC bg and a prime example. 3/5 objectives lead to victory, doesnt matter which 3. If you are capable of controlling 4/5 of the objectives, do you run the flag and give a GY to the opposing faction or do you control 4 towers, limiting them to rezzing at their zone in and by defacto owning 5/5 of the objectives? It would seem obvious but if you have never played this BG you would be surprised how many on both sides value the flag over the gy/tower. Boggles the mind actually, lol.

I would think currently the horde are accustomed to smashing you guys so they just take everything. Strategically, SFGY is a alliance forward gy that benefits both factions in different ways.

The Horde’s Strategy is not hard to see. You advance step by step, and you do it well. Contest Defend Cap advance, patrol and recap as needed.

The alliance is simply not accustomed to this for some reason. Maybe it is the 10+ years of Retail?

15 years of being the faction that won the zerg the boss race has skewed alliance thinking. Once that plan fails, you are already out of luck and of course not accustomed to working the long game to victory. You see it here in these threads, if the game is not over in 10m for alliance, they feel like it is a waste of time. So yeah you are right, you guys are all screwed up with retail and premade Drek zergs being a factor.

It certainly looks like Many alliance plays in Classic are retail Players who never played Vanila… I cannot explain the low percentage of Alliance which seem to remember how to Win AV and ant to Win AV by Fighting otherwise.

Most seem to want to Win by not fighting and just killing NPC’s…

It has been no fun grinding out these games as horde, one of the many reasons I am not playing. I enjoy talking strategy and would really like to see proper competition, which is why I have been trying to give you guys another perspective. I think you guys have a slight map disadvantage at times and I think horde has a slight map disadvantage at times, the art is knowing when these advantages occur and how to exploit them.

As alliance, even with full mount riding gear, I can just barely make it past Balinda’s bunker, while horde are literally half way through field of strife on wheelchair mounts.

If that is not a Horde handicap, nothing is.

Since no one has answered this satisfactorily, maybe you can. If you can not stop the horde from taking SHGY while having a defensive advantage, how do you propose to stop them in mid or on their side of the map when they have the defensive advantage?

Perhaps if you guys looked at this situation and said, ‘how can we turn this to our advantage’ and in turn played the long game instead of trying to end every game >10m, you might win more often.

I mean, Alliance kept winning the first week AV came out, the cave never moved. Seems like you guys just got lazy and your team is filled with botters/afk. :slight_smile:

Premades stopped being a thing 2 weeks ago, chill with the hyperbole.

Horde were queuing for 30m+ just to get smashed in 6 minutes flat by full premades zerging to Drek and Pally Bubble pulling for actual months, and now the shoe’s on the other foot.

horde cave positioning is an insult to alliance

move it now

Alliance strategy:

  • Ride horsie south
  • Ride horsie left/right
  • Cry

Yes it is.

There are many strategies that work, it’s in the execution. My preferred strat is one of painting the board red. Push methodically forward until horde owns both the sfgy and the shgy. Once that is accomplished, the forces move up to put the cork in the bottleneck. The only alliance that get south then are the stealthers - and a group of 5 roving defenders can deal with them.

This entire strategy hinges on being able to take shgy. Alliance just can’t seem to figure out how to hold it - even though they rez right there to fight again.

We would flex that defensive advantage if we we were able to reach an objective. Not sure you can argue there is actually a defensive advantage since Alliance generally quit after being bottled into a graveyard. I would say that advantage you speak of is actually a disadvantage when horde have a better position from the start of the match.

Its also hard to see a defensive advantage when we cannot hold SFGY and SHGY at the same time.

I don’t see how the cave being closer creates an advantage. If the Alliance side is really better then they’d be able to overpower them upon engaging eachother. How does a cave being closer = winning the skirmish in mid every time? Horde are just simply vastly better and tend to try much harder due to Q times.

This might be a tough pill to swallow for Alliance but its the reality of the situation

I would submit that SHGY should be your first and foremost objective. On the other hand if you were referring to reaching a horde objective, then obviously you could not have a defensive advantage.

So I am not sure you really know what you are going on about. If you cant hold SFGY and SHGY, there is a bigger issue. To be fair, maybe the perceived map imbalance plays a small part in that bigger issue but it is certainly not the main issue.

It’s two-fold:

  1. Horde gets initiative and can attack SH GY much sooner as well as focusing on wiping alliance from the middle (with their respawns at SP GY).

  2. Horde has a much easier time taking back IB GY than alliance has taking back SH GY.

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Its not the fact about fighting mid, or who wins there, its about the fact that horde have a much better starting position. The geography of the map also works in Horde favor because once they make a successful push, the alliance are trapped in their own graveyards, or stuck behind IW. Unlike horde, we become bottled into our graveyards. Horde can jump behind IBGY for example. The only way out of SHGY is past the flag. Similar situation with SPGY.


This is pretty much the counter argument. And then you will hear, we constantly are directed to zerg left or right and hit ibgy and then promptly lose. So you have to then also say that the strategies are not sound either as a zerg strat only really works if you are attempting to end the game quickly.

I agree with you, the alliance who complain here do not understand the intricacies of proper strategy, such as counter punching and instead keep parroting map imbalance.

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No its simple 20-50% of the ally don’t even play. I’ve stealthed to there starter cave several times and theres always 10+ ally just standing there.

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Except Horde can get between SHGY and SF before Alliance, and can cap SF before Alliance are anywhere near it.

It definitely feels in this discussion that Horde are constantly ignorant of how the map is designed, even though you really should be noticing it from where you’re meeting Alliance every match.

Also- if you draw a vertical line from SH to IB they’re both on it- SF is just as west for both factions. Heck, since the spawn from IB is north of the gy, but for SH is east of the gy, one could say it’s more to the west for Ally spawners.

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It is not that simple. You have to ask what made them not want to play.

AV originally was HEAVILY Alliance favored, but that was due to how people played the BG in 2005. The bridge choke with the archers was a massive disadvantage to horde because no one knew or thought to backdoor into the base. That said, Horde has to sit in queue for over an hour to get a game, hence they care a little more about trying to win and maximize their bonus honor per game. 99% of the alliance pugs I see are brain dead. They brainlessly rush south and don’t even attempt to fight back whilst they’re getting wiped. Then they go all the way back to their cave, come back to icewing bunker and just stand around while horde grab SHGY/SFGY. Maybe, just maybe… don’t just blitz past SHGY. When Alliance uses the ambush strat, it can be pretty effective if they’re coordinated. But the problem usually arises when they just abandon their defensive effort on stonehearth before they’ve even capped it because they’re so single minded on rushing south.

Also, I need not mention that when AV was first released, ally win percentage was at least 80% because horde only cared about killing balinda and lts. Also, there’s the drek pull exploit that was being abused rampantly by the pre-made groups. The solid alliance players have moved on to WSG premades, and the NPCS are in AV to get their rep while they AFK.

What not made them play is because they know they can AFK without consequence. Anything past that is just a whiny excuse to vainly justify not playing the game.
I payed heavily the first week of AV, it was a solid 60-80% ally winning with their rush strat. What is happening now is all the good ally pvpers are in WSG and all the bad ones are afking in AV.