It has been pointed out over and over and over that fighting at your bunker is an advantage for you. You and your ilk are trying your damnedest to paint it as a disadvantage.
fighting at your bunker with your archers providing DPS
fighting midfeild one a huge open area where PVP can simply be avoided
fighting at our bunker where our tower is providing us cover fire
I’ll take any of those 3, but the suggestion that the first is a disadvantage to your side is flat out asinine.
We have talked about that choke, and it also has repeatedly been pointed out that once 2 alliance make it past that point, it is a free for all to take FWGY, and then our base GY. Unless horde start trinketing back, 2 alliance players can literally take everything to the south with no issues whatsoever.
You guys can be dense, sorry to say. he is saying that since we meet in your territory, it is actually an advantage of sorts for you since you have the closest support of a gy (shgy) where you can rezz and continue to zerg support whatever objective (read pvp defense) you are choosing. You ALSO have your npcs that add +dps to your defense. Those lt’s and commanders hit cloth pretty hard, if you plan your offensive push behind a defensive start, perhaps you will not lose shgy so easily (provided we are trying to cap it, we have stupid metas too).
You guys get to Balinda before we do, our epiced riders are just coming up to Balinda bunker when we call out which side you are on. If you are not zerg rusing one side, that usually means you are holed up at shgy waiting to ambush, which is smarter then trying to zerg rush our side of the map without taking a forward gy or defending shgy (again provided we are trying to cap it because you know for some reason we dont like to, no turtle or something but turtle).
Oh please, at the beginning of the match, neither zerg does anything remotely akin to “setting up”. At that point there are 2 choices being made: engage enemy or avoid enemy. If the horde cave was further back such that both sides arrived simultaneously precisely at mid map, are you truly going to suggest that alliance would not choose to be in zerg formation, but instead choose to “set up” at SH?
No, you wouldn’t, any more than horde “set up” at their end of FoS.
Some thing doesn’t help is your own faction has turned on you. Because they separate themselves into premade teams taking the more experienced players away from the true pug teams they lack the skillset to lead and over come the odds. If that leadership and skill base would just play with you guys there would be more 50/50 match’s instead of the lopsided match’s we see today.
Both sides have AFK, Bots, PvE and PvP players, it’s just the Horde has found ways to work efficiently. Moving the cave, which happens in a later patch in WoW history, maybe solve some issue’s but until Alliance stop separating themselves and start working together its going to be two types of match’s, premade win more, and pugs lose more.
This is the correct answer. Absolutely ridiculous that there are so many Ally in here are specifically talking about how bad Ally PuGs are, but not realizing that the issue is that there are two classes of Ally AV players, but only one of Horde AV players. When all of the Ally who are good at PvP/care about ranking are self-segregating themselves into their own groups that exclude the others, of course the people that are left in the PuG games are going to be a lot worse than average. The fact that no one else in this thread has mentioned this at all yet definitely speaks to the average intelligence of the Ally forum trolls…
Congrats on advertising that you have no idea what you’re talking about. The distribution of skill level between the players on both sides is not in fact equal when we’re talking about PuG group vs. PuG group (which is what this thread is about presumably, no one is talking about the Premade games where Ally win in 7 minutes). When premade groups are alive and well, they will suck all the ally that care about ranking away from the PuG groups and into these groups. Logically, that leaves the Ally PuG groups with only the people who don’t care about ranking, and are generally a lot worse at PvP. So maybe you should stop talking about something you clearly have no understanding of and talking about “statistics not computing” as if you even understand the variables.
Supernatural forces are at work! No, no! Aliens make us lose at AV!
Those are actual irrational explanations. I’m going with aliens, thus we have no hope since if ActiBlizz can’t (or won’t) stop BoTs, what can they possible do against aliens?
The only solution is to move WoW from PC to the Apple since Apple OS is the only OS that can thwart aliens, well as long as Jeff Goldblum gets hired as a dev.
“All you have to do is defend”, which does what for Alliance exactly? You already have everything else, and even if you guys didn’t exploit the back door, (which Blizzard tried to fix later on), because you know, it’s not an intended entrance (unlike snowfall) you would just have to wait for Lok. You don’t even need to protect your shaman npcs at that point, and you just have to summon Lok, and defend your GY, and Lok will break the defense.
Not to mention, Alliance archers don’t respawn once they get taken down (either killed by a backdoor player, or despawned by rogues), and horde archers have to be cleared multiple times. Once the archers are down, “the bridge” becomes even more useless.
Lets start here: The game begins. You have SHGY in your possession. Horde arrives at Bal. If we choose to assault you at SHGY, it may take 5 or 10 minutes, but we will take that GY from you. We nearly always do. That has nothing to do with Lok or our other NPCs, or the map. That is just Horde fighting your zerg and your Lts, that are moving about freely and causing us damage. You rez right there, to fight again. We rez about 1/5 of the map back at IBGY.
Why do you always lose position? How do we take SHGY?
Yes, once we cap SHGY, we move up to the choke point and the game is nearly a foregone conclusion by that point. BUT - how on Earth does your entire zerg lose SHGY??? There is only one answer - you guys are terrible.
Once a team is backed into their base, there should be no way the offensive force can take the base from you. That is why Blizzard included air support and the summoned boss - to break a turtle that was invulnerable. But Horde rarely needs that stuff because we cut through you guys like a hot knife through butter.
With Horde, we virtually never all recall. We fight like independent agents and many Horde just want to stay on offense no matter what. So our base will eventually yield to your numbers.
Wow, you’re a regular sun tzu there aren’t you. Let’s say we fight on the bunker. 40 horde wiped and killed 10 alliance. Yay, we won the battle. What happens now?
Oh yeah, horde rez at the best chokepoint in the game making it impossible to proceed south.
That’s why the winning condition for us is to avoid the fight in field of strife and get as many south as possible early.
Any argument about stealth capping flags is irrelevant. Both teams can steal flags, and it’s actually easier for horde with being able to walk straight into dun baldar.