No Premades anymore is actually absurd?

Wow one guy browsed around the forums a little bit and developed an opinion on it, good for you.

What really happened is during the HvH weekend, Alliance whined and whined about facing premades all of a sudden.

You’re way deep in the horde vs alliance rp my friend. Maybe a little too deep.

Not sure what you’re referring to, I’m just correcting some misinformed people here who thought it was anybody besides tons of Alliance crying about premades.

queue at the same time over coms and only join if the BG pops for everyone.

it might? also help to leave 1 spot empty in your party e.g. queue as group of 4 and a group of 2. Anecdotally.

Totally irrelevant to the topic at hand, why derail? No one cares if alliance want premades more than horde except people who are, as mentioned, very heavily invested in the alliance vs horde rp.

Yeah, good for me for actually finding out what’s out there instead of spewing made up BS.

This is a flat out lie.

Still have no idea what you’re talking about, we would have premade games if it weren’t for Alliance showing up on the forums crying about it. Your own fault.

Uh, the point being made during the HvH test was that Alliance now faced premades at a higher rate than they previously did. Which was a completely valid point to make when half the forum was horde players chanting “HOW DOES THIS AFFECT YOU?”

Horde have been crying about premades the entire expansion. If you play on Alliance and actually PvP premades are the only way for us to get decent honour.

Do you think any Horde were upset about premade games during HvH weekend? They loved it, it was only Alliance that suddenly had to actually face premades when that wasn’t happening before. And you cried relentlessly about it.

Yeah, that’s what caused the 5man bg cap limit. Congrats.

i dunno, which of the like 30 threads to you want me to unearth where you idiots were crying over it

Edit: where do you think that literal harry potter meme sprang up from rofl

I dunno why I even replied to you to begin with, another sad dude who trolls this forum on an alt.

Didn’t happen, you’ve got nothing.

Why do you persist in attempting to move this off topic? PS, in case the avatar is unclear to you my level 18 warlock friend, I play horde.

are you really gonna make me do this… congratz ahead of time, you made me do work, trolled me good.

You’re the troll pretending it wasn’t Alliance complaining about premades during HvH weekend that got them cancelled.

Run along troll, Alliance are the reason why there won’t be premades. You got what you wanted.

The topic of the thread is the 5man bg cap limit that good put in place because Alliance were whining about it, try to stay on thread.

You need to calm down with the troll posts, triple posting the same lame bait comment just makes it obvious.

We have a ton of Alliance trolls showing up trying to dictate the narrative, I’m just correcting the misinfo. You’re welcome.