No Premades anymore is actually absurd?

Speak for yourself. Lots of guildies like to bg together and want to continue to do so.

The funny thing about your defeatist mentality in your approach is that all defeatists assume everyone is like them. We’re not. I play out losing games because it feels like most games are losing ones anyways. But I guarantee in every losing game there are people like you that say “just let them win”.


I think you are an alliance player that suxs at this game and need to be in a group to carry you vs regular pugs , that is pretty sad…

This is 100% on point and is a complete GG.

Lol i say “let them win” with in 2 min of a game . by counting the number for players fighting on the road.

As an alliance who exclusively PUGs BGs and has been stomped by my fair share of horde PUGs, I have to say this change doesn’t make any sense. All they’ve done is make it so people have a hard cap on how many friends they are allowed to play with and forced them into the very work-arounds they claim to dislike. Just make premades face premades. This solution makes so little sense it makes me wonder what problem they were ACTUALLY trying to solve…

Comments like this are thinly veiled “think of the cHilDrEn!” arguments just attempting to mask your desire to keep your ability to unfairly stomp PUGs for that sweet, sweet dopamine hit. Nobody is buying it, stop trying to sell it.

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You’re wrong, but it actually doesn’t affect you either way. If you’re right, you never have to face another premade while pugging. If you’re wrong, you -still- never have to face another premade while pugging. So what is the issue?

PS if you only ever group up with people in this game to win better pixels and the concept of playing with actual friends for no reason other than it being fun is so alien to you that you distrust anyone who says they do it, you really need to get out more. I know that line is worn out but it’s just so applicable.

well sound like something i would watch

If you can’t figure out why premades pounding on PuGs in BGs isn’t good for the game, then I don’t know what to tell you. Ideally, you should be allowed to queue as a premade, but limited to only going against other premades. This compromise is far better than no change at all though.

You are more “social” in a premade than in most raids ive been in.

Press X for doubt.

i feel bad for lmfao dam it!

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Its too much of an advantage. Rarely do you have 10 players just looking for a good time, rather 10 randoms who join discord and get gearchecked on the way in.

Honestly if they were going to change ANYTHING it should have been premade vs premade and pug vs pug.

This was probably really easy though. God forbid they should actually have to figure out how to do something.

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Exactly. All the neckbeards in here yelling ‘you only do it to farm me stop farming me!’ just don’t have any idea.

Yeah a bunch of people who think the same way as you do make premades to farm pugs for pixels, but some of us actually enjoy organised pvp win or lose, and keeping premade vs premade stops the former while keeping the latter. What is your problem with fun?

Um… did you read my post? Or am I misunderstanding??

I think if they did change anything it should be putting pug vs pug and premade vs premade.

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Yeah sorry my second sentence there was too easy to misinterpret. Am replying to the people who think premades only exist to farm them.

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Blizzard will find any way it can to screw Alliance. This change is so stupid. I now have 45 min AV queues, while Horde has 5 min queues. There are literally 0 reasons to play Alliance now. I thought this game was an MMO? The box is so trash too. At least make it give honor. Give me a reason not to quit this game.

While premade battlegrounds should be preserved, a lot of you are way off the mark thinking it wasn’t predominantly alliance that cried for this change.

Someone already made that claim and I trotted out a crap ton of posts from Horde that shows otherwise.

Go away.