No Premades anymore is actually absurd?

I want to play premades, and I find it too bad that you are going to get them banned and then pretend like Horde did it. You seem to be obsessed with the wrong angle on the subject.

You selected from 3 post threads made by level 10s and posts from weeks ago when Horde had 90 minute queues and could not form premades, you brought no actual evidence.

premades are literally impossible to prevent unless blizzard ddoses discord or bans players for using voice comms

wouldn’t be surprised if they found a way

Why do you care so much about the in game factions?

Pug players from both factions would like to not get stomped by premades and would prefer to just roll the dice on whether their faction or the other one has more competent players in each bg. Fortunately, there is a solution available that would allow them to do so while not killing off premade vs premade bgs. I’d honestly rather they made arenas pug only than the objective based pvp.

alliance players adapt and overcome, horde players whine on forums

You may just want to play with your friends.

The vast majority of premade people do not.

This was a regular topic of conversation on the Battleground forum years ago, and the common refrain from people objecting to premade vs. premade was, “What’s the point if you’re going up against another premade?”

That’s ok though right? All you need to do is stop premades from vsing pugs, not stop them entirely.

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ok ngl after thinking about it for a bit i’ve decided i actually like your crazy alex jones conspiracy theory that alliance players are running some sort of false flag operation mass impersonating horde players on the forums

it’s chad af

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I think it should be premade vs. premade and there should be true solo queue – you can’t join it if you’re in a group, period.


See, we got to the bottom of your whole rp shtick, I have no idea why you brought that irrelevent stuff up. Thanks for finally being honest, you just don’t like facing premades, and you want to use other narratives to cover over your objection to having to do that. That’s what I’ve been talking about Alliance doing this entire thread.

I simply want your premade to que into another premade or not exist :slight_smile:

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