No pets for marksman hunters!

Snipers also typically kill from miles out. I doubt they’re going to give MM Hunters a 4000 yard range on Aimed Shot.


You didn’t read what I wrote. Here it is again. Do the mathematical sims consider the advantage of having a pet tank for you while doing quests, and delves? Or how about professions that involve fighting off mobs while gathering?

Where in that sentence did I mention group content other than delves. As for Brann, I have him mostly doing healing but my lion still does a lot of the tanking and offense.

As for the 100% success, that varies from player to player. Clearly those who have the unfair advantage of getting better gear from high level M+ just walk through that stuff but they are a small minority. The rest of us don’t.

Then there’s the major point. If you want to go Lone Wolf you can do that already. Why take the option of having your pet away from everyone else?


If you don’t make radical changes every so often, you can’t justify your team’s budget. That’s why they’re dismissing player feedback and pushing this silly idea through. It’s for their benefit, not ours.


Frankly, they’ll just roll it back if the spec suddenly drops in player numbers by a substantial margin or they get enough complaints about it, and we’ll be right back to net 0 again.

More likely they will buff the heck out of it so the FOTM players all flock to it. That way no egos are bruised by having to admit it was a bad idea.

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Really. Heheheh. Join us.

I did read it, then I laughed because its so ireelevant that it should be ignored. You clearly dont know what sims do or how they work.

You also cant comprehend that world questing is so easy that you should be killing the mobs before they even reach you.

Group content is whats balanced around not solo content.

It doesnt change the fact that its still designed to be so easy that if you fail it youre making major major mistakes.

As its already been explained.

Its due to balance issues and fixing the problems with pet utility.

Like actually read whats told to you.

So aggro. Just saying that marksman hunter isn’t helpless in solo play without a pet, as others are quick to imply.

Also, glass houses, yada yada.

its that thing you use so tanks cant blame you for their pulling half the dungeon lol

My and other hunters feedback was that survival should not be melee. Did that change anything? No. Blizzard even said they knew the change would be unpopular but that’s what they envisioned the spec as.

Agree with it or not, the same design choices are being employed here.

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Blizzards been trying to kill hunter as a class for a while, lmao, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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No, it’s clear they are just trying to make each spec distinctly unique from each other. Kind of like what they did with warlocks where they got a bunch of changes so there were clear differences between the specs.

Unfortunately, not every change is going to be popular with every player, but such is life.


You can play your class with whatever talent build you’d like. If you know the rotation you will be effective. You won’t be top damage, but knowing your spec is far more important than running “ideal” talent build. Especially if you’re not one of the 1%

So, even if they buffed Lone Wolf, there are still pets that will cover a good portion of the damage lost to not taking the talent. It’s not about your talent build alone, or your ilvl, or your rotation. No one aspect of play will make you better. Learning all aspects will make you better. And when you’re better at the class, you will still out DPS others of that spec while running a suboptimal build. Simply because you know your stuff better than they do.

We all need to stop blaming low numbers on gear, or talent builds we don’t like, or a convoluted rotation. If we have low numbers it’s because we aren’t trying. I’m not intending to flame you on the mentality because it shared by a large portion of the community because the 1% have conflated the importance of Parsing or ilvl, when the truth is we will almost certainly never be doing what they do so we don’t need to worry about that information as much. Before trying to Parse high you need to learn your class. I’m only consistently around 45-50 so not the best or even good by definition. But by focusing on the things I directly control (rotation, talents and gear) I have gotten to 45-50 from 15-20

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I think you got it twisted. People aren’t complaining about the damage throughput, some folks are using it as a justification for the change, people are complaining that lone wolf is being baked in and pets are going away in favor of a “Xuen esqe” temporary summon/skill creature, rather than blizzard attempting to balance for flavor between the two.

Pro pet players are mad that their chosen spec are losing pets, lone wolf players are happy.


Ah, thank you, I was misunderstanding. I appreciate the clarification.

But, still, it makes sense. They’ve been pushing MM away from being a pet class for at least a few couple expansions now, and it kind of makes sense. In a class that is called Hunter, having a spec that goes solo makes sense because a lot of hunters prefer being alone so they can control the surroundings a bit better. Also, there is an entire spec built around players who love the pet aspect of the class. Or do we forget Beast Mastery in these moments. They stole MM pets and trained them better :rofl: that’s a jest.

But, I guess I don’t see what people are going to miss about having a pet as MM. Personally, I’ve avoided the Hunter class like the plague until I found out there was a pet less version because I never liked the mechanic. But even I identified there is a version of the class I can play if I ever really want to roll around with a pet.

So, can I ask, if they are going to be defended in complaining about something that makes a lot of sense; can I complain about only having two options in my class? Even though in outside versions of Lore there is a ranged DH? Because, if anything, Demon Hunters have the most room to complain about class play restrictions since we have a whopping 1 DPS spec and 1 Tank Spec. Yet, you don’t see us out here raising a ruckus even though we aren’t near the top of damage meters and basically are viewed as tanks right now.

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… do you even know what this thread and all of the others are about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What are talking about? None of this has anything to do with the deletion of Lone Wolf and hunter pets for MM.


I think its mostly just going to be missed for the flavor, people liked it even if it wasn’t optimal, and they’re mad its not being kept as an option even if it is a DPS loss. Its the RP/Identity aspect, and they didn’t vibe with the beast master (more about your pets) vs the marksman (More about bang bang sticks, pets are optional), and then survival which became the Special version of the hunter that gave up their ranged option for a melee, so they’re mad that the more gun focused Fantasy is being forced entirely into either a non pet outright, or a slap to the face by being given the bird in its place instead of just allowing a talent that transforms the bird into the primary player pet or something so those who want their “dog tracker + marksman” Fantasy arent left out.


Ok, but what about the last part? While they’re complaining that one of there three options are being overhauled. We DH’s are still just cooking. Getting better as Blizz tries to work against us. Where’s our third Spec, Hunters? Like let me have a third option before you start complaining about how many options you have. That’s all I’m saying. If you want the pet RP it still exists. If I want a new DPS rotation, oh well.

With stuff brought in from the comics and Hearthstone before why can’t we translate the Ranged DH from Hearthstone to WoW?

But, I realize it’s not that big of a deal. I’ll reiterate, if you want the RP of having a pet you can have it. Stop complaining that you can’t have your cake and eat it to. Because literally every class has something they can complain about, shamans have been proving that since vanilla. But most keep our mouths shut because we know we are playing a game designed by someone who’s not us.

Jean got one detail wrong, unfortunately.

Lone Wolf players aren’t all happy, because Lone Wolf is being removed.

What’s happening is that both Lone Wolf and the ability to tame and use pets are being removed from MM.

What we’re getting is an eagle that spawns randomly, “exists outside of game space,” and we cannot name, control, or choose a different pet in its stead.

THAT is what’s happening.


I really do feel sorry that the class is being reworked that hard. But, don’t flame the idea until you feel it. If you are one of the Lone Wolf players then you might consider being excited about how this might make the play style feel new or fresh. Maybe it will be implemented poorly and y’all will be hard carries to start 11.1

Either way the point is, in this case your overreacting to something you don’t fully comprehend yet. As of now, MM should be seen as Schroedingers Spec. It might be great, it might be crap. You won’t know until you get your hand on it.

But, I’ll ask a hunter, do you really feel good complaining about your third spec when I don’t even have that many options? And before you say “roll a new class then” I could say the same thing to the hunters mad about this incoming rework.

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