No pets for marksman hunters!


Due to the holidays, I havenā€™t had the chance to check out the datamined talents yet.

That being said, I have read the blue post multiple times.

Iā€™m not very excited. If anything, Iā€™m flabbergasted.

You wanna know why?

That whole ā€œSpotter Eagleā€ which spawns randomly to put a debuff on your enemy that stacks for your heavy hits to hit hard?

Thatā€™s literally the Legion MM Hunter design! Spotter Eagle = Marked Shot and Vulnerability.

I hated the Legion Hunter so very much. This is the 3rd time Blizzard is trying to push this type of gameplay. (The first time? Warriorsā€™ Colossus Smash.)

If Blizzard changes it to a predictable thing (like every 5 shots, for example, before the eagle spawns)ā€¦ then itā€™s gonna be OK. But if they stick with the RNG?

Oh, itā€™s gonna be bad. Thereā€™s a VERY good reason the Legion MM Hunter design didnā€™t survive after Legion.

EDIT: forget the word ā€œreasonā€ in my last paragraph.


Again, youā€™re overreacting the unknowns. Even if it rolls out relying on RNG, if that RNG to work out poorly they will make changes. If a class is in a provable bad spot Blizz has proven it becomes a focus. So maybe then they decide to make it more like Wailing Arrow, as you say procā€™s after x auto shots or something.

Seriously, I recommend leaving the blue posts alone for a bit and avoiding the datamined stuff. Youā€™re allowing it to get you worked up about something you have no real information on. As Iā€™ve mentioned before you will not know how it feels and plays until you get your hands on it. All thatā€™s gonna happen if you stress about it now is you wonā€™t give it a fair shake or look at it for what it is when it does roll out. Take a breathe and remember, itā€™s not here yet. Enjoy what you have until itā€™s gone then get your hands on the new before judging it. RNG is RNG, that means thereā€™s no way to theorize it either

Huh. You think Iā€™m overreacting? Hmm. Iā€™m curious, what makes me come off as overreacting to you?

EDIT: hereā€™s what Iā€™m feeling ā€” Iā€™m wary. Iā€™m wary, because every time Blizzard has attempted to make MM a more RNG-based spec, it has never turned out well for us. So Iā€™m tired of this same old song-and-dance.

Iā€™m flummoxed that you think Iā€™m overreacting. Seriously, what made me seem like that?


Words like ā€œHatedā€ or ā€œgonna be badā€ are by definition overreactions. As this is a game, hate is literally never justified. And you canā€™t say itā€™s ā€œgonna be badā€ because you literally have no idea how it actually feels and plays. Youā€™ve bought into what others have decided ahead of time because they stole code from Blizz to create a sense of panic around something to garner views.

Rephrase after you calmed down all you want, but none of that is what you originally said. You just admitted to overreacting friend


Iā€™m overreacting because I said I hated the Legion MM design? Seriously? (The same design that almost made me quit WoW?)

Iā€™m saying, ā€œI predict this is going to turn out badly because in the past, Blizzard has never succeeded in a RNG-based MM spec.ā€

Iā€™m wary because of the past designs. I also said, ā€œIf they donā€™t make this RNG, itā€™s going to be okay.ā€

You can carry on and accuse me of overreacting, which I find strange and a little condescending, frankly.


I know exactly what sims do and I know they donā€™t take into consideration how helpful a tanking pet can be doing world quests.

Which was the mistake they are now realizing they made, which is why we now have follower dungeons, delves and story time raids.

Here is a simple fact. There are not enough of you high level M+ and Mythic raid guys to keep the lights on. If the rest of us left, you wouldnā€™t have a game to play.

But if the few percent who play those high level games left, there would be less development cost to put those high level raids together leaving normal and heroic and the rest of us would never miss you.


You didnā€™t say this :rofl: like you know we can scroll up and see what you actually said right? And we can see if you edit it. Youā€™re changing your own words to try to prove me wrong. When all Iā€™m doing is pointing out the actual flaws in what youā€™ve actually said. Sorry youā€™re getting mad about that

this argument is so invalid by the simple fact that we both know you arenā€™t leaving mate :expressionless:

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The fact remains if high level raiders and key pushers left, the game would never feel the effects. But the developers would love the reduced stress.


Notice that ā€œrandomly?ā€

Out of curiosity, do you know about the Warriorsā€™ Colossus Smash gameplay? It was a RNG-based debuff that worked similarly to Legion MMā€™s Vulnerability. It was not popular with the warriors.

Notice that wording I bolded?

There, I quoted the relevant parts of my post that you accursed me of overreacting in and then accursed me of misleading you. :roll_eyes:


Look up behind you. That was a point flying over your head.

I saw once something that said only 15% of the players had ever killed more than a couple bosses in a Mythic raid. High level players depend on subscriptions from the bottom 85% for them to have a game to play.

But if the high level raids were gone and the top 15% were gone, development costs would be lower and the rest of us would be easily able to keep playing.

Just something for the snobs among the elite to think about when they are looking down their nose at the rest of us.

Of course the real elite know this and donā€™t insult everyone who helps them keep the game alive.


Quoting yourself after the overreaction has happened and claiming you didnā€™t overreact is another flawed thought. Originally you overreacted. After it was pointed out, you calmed down and corrected your overreaction statements. That doesnā€™t take away from the fact you overreacted to begin with.

I was trying to help you reach a point of calm instead of freaking out about the unknown. But now I couldnā€™t care less how youā€™re reacting to stolen code and other peopleā€™s opinions. You do you boo, itā€™s not gonna effect my game :rofl:

What on earth are you talking about? All I did was expanded on my post, because apparently I needed to spell out every single detail instead of letting people read the implicit in my original postā€¦

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Have a good day. Maybe one day youā€™ll learn how to read what youā€™re typing. Good luck on your adventures in Azeroth friend.

Clearly the only solution is to delete Hunters.

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I have heard rumors of a Ranger class. No real need for Hunter class if Ranger is a thing as they are largely the same thing and the differences can be baked into different Ranger specs.

Did the Hunters complain their class out of existence :rofl:

Thatā€™s a progression based system at work. Once you reach the end of that progression people tend to quit, itā€™s good for there to be a fairly high peak for the average player. Heroic raids are popular enough, M+ as well.

I think youā€™d generally be surprised at how the effects of removing raids would effect the game but talking about hypotheticals is annoying so Iā€™m not doing this.

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Godspeed with that. Heā€™s all the bad traits of me without any of the good.


World content is so trivial you dont need a pet.

LOL no its not a mistake.

Incorrect as usual. Casual players not solos keep the lights on. Learn the difference.