You don’t play mm hunter this expansion?
I “play” it in the sense that I have one at level 71 but have little interest in actually doing anything with it because I find it pretty boring as is. I’m hoping the coming changes breathe new life into the spec
I main my MM hunter, I use all my utilities, I’m fully aware of my spells, been playing for years. I speak only from my own experience.
It’s gotten tiring that other people posting here have accused me of lying and not knowing what I’m posting about.
I use my pet for tanking in solo content and world content, it feel necessary to me.
Also, you say
I see no evidence of this in the patch notes. No one has explained how our eagles will tank.
But they have a level 71 hunter!
I don’t know what to tell you…while I’m logged onto my hunter I decided to head over to the beginning quests and see how it fared, and despite being horribly undergeared (ilevel 364) this is probably one of the smoothest experiences I’ve had solo questing of any class. Killed the Malfunctioning Spire while I was there and ended the fight with 90% health left, and even that was because I just pathed into a Nerubian while kiting
Higher you level the worse it gets. And a new 80 isn’t great either until we gear up alot.
Unless they’ve changed that.
I’ve got an 80 shaman, warrior, 2 paladins, priest, druid, 2 monks, and a 78 (survival) hunter, and beyond the initial couple of levels they all only felt stronger as they leveled, if you actually keep up with your gear. I sincerely doubt MM hunter is the odd one out
It might feel necessary to you, but I distinctly recall when I made the decision to start using Lone Wolf in open world and delves. It took a little adjustment, but it was also the most fun I had on my hunter. Moving to kiting, cc, and just outright bursting dudes down over the plain pet tanking was a huge improvement in terms of engagement. I believe I even have done tier 11 delves on my marksmen that was entirely petless.
I have at least 4 80s and I’m telling you my experience at the beginning of the expansion. I play my MM hunter alot now in world content and I have better world content gear and it’s getting better but having a pet that keeps aggro is still really helpful in solo content.
It really seems like again I’m being told I don’t know what I’m talking about.
Good for you, you found an OPTIONAL choice that help your engagement levels for this game you’re paying to log in to.
I recall your opinion is just that, yours. We don’t need “help” finding engagement doing the activities we choose to do.
It might feel necessary for you to pipe up with your personal experience and not whine when others don’t care.
I have an 80 of every class, multiples of many.
Ignore the troll that is quite obviously Quiver hiding behind a classic character.
There’s no way to say this without sounding rude, but…yes, it does seem like you don’t know what you’re talking about. Or at least you’re a lot worse at the class than you think you are
But if it’s worth anything, I’ve been floundering trying to think of something to do for a while now so maybe my MM hunter is a solid project. We’ll see how it feels as I finish TWW leveling
That’s fine for you.
It doesn’t sound fun at all to me, tyvm.
Of course. There it is.
I never said I excel at playing this game. And you know what, my opinion still matters.
They don’t make this game for people who are only optimal at playing their class.
What do you want me to say? I’m not going to lie just to protect your feelings at the expense of you possibly improving so that your issues will stop being that. It’s not about being “optimal”, it’s about knowing the very basics of your class. You claim that hunter is a low survivability class when it wears the second highest armor class and legitimately about half of your entire kit is some manner of “keep them away/don’t die” button. Hunters have by far the most survivability of any dps
Gonna stop you right there, oh almighty ‘expert’. You keep telling me how YOU play, and I have no quibble with that now or ever. How I play isn’t your concern and is certainly not even a tiny bit irrelevant. Irrelevant to you? Likely. You can likely guess what my concern is for what matters to you. You do you, I want to do me and leaving hunter pets alone doesn’t stop that from happening. Taking them away from MM hunters does. That is my argument, that is my issue and we quite clearly do not agree. Fine. Disagree all you like. Under your hat, in your lane and on your server if you please! (go on, insist on having the last word like I know you intend to)
None of these players in favor of these changes obviously never did Stave of the Ancient Keepers in 2005. Nor would they do it on the Classic servers if/since it’s available.
Thinking learning how to kite, and cc and have ‘more’ utility in an upcoming patch is a really big deal.
Ya’ll really need your own Lone Wolf class, and it really really shows how Lone you truly are. To do only group content that you’re probably carried through.
You know I don’t really care anymore what anyone else thinks.
I know how I play and I’m having fun with it.
I don’t care how you or anyone else plays.
I"m asking blizz not to take away MM hunter pets.
Good day.
So are you going to keep saying that no one has told you how not having a pet is going to work, then?
73 on that hunter now and still feeling pretty invincible in the overworld despite still being undergeared, btw
You’re not stopping anything.
It doesn’t matter how you play come 11.1.
A terrible argument based on someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about.
You whispered me. Maybe don’t try and discuss something with someone when you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.