I would love a cracker, so I can have it with the cheese and WHINE hunters who want to keep MM as a bed spec keep yelling about. MM could be so much more without a pet.
You don’t need to have the ability to name your eagle. It’s a helper. I can’t name my Arcane familiar as a mage, and it is still just as helpful as ever. Anyone objecting to MM changes obviously fails to understand how MM actually works.
I’ve been looking into this 5%. The implication is that without a pet you get this 5% and with a pet you get no benefit at all. This is not true.
The pet itself contributes offensive damage depending on the pet type.
The pet tanks for the Hunter minimizing damage taken.
Ferocity pets have a Bloodlust advantage
The disadvantage is in AOE but often times you can get kicked from a dungeon for using AOE because it pulls mobs the tank doesn’t want pulled.
Then consider that this is only for a very limited set of situations, dungeons and raids. For leveling, world quests and delves the pet’s ability to tank becomes a lot more critical. Also the MM Hunter has other ways of doing AOE damage in those situations.
Overall it will be a big loss if they take away MM Hunter pets. Maybe not in the limited case of dungeons and raids but everywhere else.
You really think you know better than mathematical sims?
Pets can only attack one target. In single target you’re behind but it’s about 4% behind. In aoe it’s significantly behind because your pet can only attack one target.
All pets do universal damage.
Using your toolkit this is hardly ever actually needed.
Yes and the issue is you have to summon them, cast lust, then dismiss them which is why the changes coming are so good.
What? You clearly have never done mplus.
Works content is control you don’t need the pet to tank.
Overall you’re absurdly clueless to what you’re talking about. The only people who need pets are solo players and they can learn to use the rest of their kit.
Do the mathematical sims consider the advantage of having a pet tank for you while doing quests, and delves? Or how about professions that involve fighting off mobs while gathering?
So what? M+ involves a small percentage of the players, especially at the higher levels. Does this small percentage gain even matter with normal dungeons or heroic where most people do that type of content?
You don’t need a pet for open world if you’re capable of doing more than just standing still and autoattacking
Edit: or maybe there’s just confusion on your end of the difference between “need” and “want”
There is nothing in the overworld you can’t do without a pet, therefor you do not need a pet. You want a pet. And that’s fine, plenty of people have wants. I want Prot Paladin’s Divine Toll to have no cooldown, but I don’t need it to have no cooldown
I guess 7+ years of maining MM hunters still makes me a noob. Say what you really mean “I’d NEVER use a pet as an MM hunter” which I’d buy. Don’t try to tell players what or how they play unless you’re them!
Well I’m not sure what you’re implying, Breayanna. We’ve had pets to tank for us and in my experience we do not have survivability or enough to keep mobs off us without a pet.
Perhaps you’re just a very special perfect hunter and the rest of us who need our pets to tank are just stupid.
Might as well say it there’s been enough elitist jerks saying that here.
I’m not implying anything, I’ve been rather direct in what I’ve said…you said “No one who is for MM going petless has explained how it’s going to work in solo content”, and I gave you 2 reasons: they’re unneeded in the first place for the overworld, and in delves Brann is getting a tank spec
Logging onto my level 71 hunter now, I see…
Binding Shot, Disengage, Freezing Trap, Intimidation, Implosive Trap, Bursting Shot, Tar Trap, Exhilaration, Survival of the Fittest, Aspect of the Turtle, Aspect of the Cheetah, Wing Clip, and Feign Death. Frankly, that’s an absurd amount of CC and survivability for any class, let alone one wearing the 2nd highest level of armor
Not at all, in fact ever since they made Survival melee Hunter has been probably my least played class in the entire game