No pets for marksman hunters!

Taking pets away from the pet class in wow is as stupid as if they forced a warrior spec to play with pets. How many xpacs have been released without a new class? Blizz is too lazy to create a new one so instead they’re going to ruin the most popular one. Meanwhile all the Blizz fanbois/Elon Musk identifiers/Top G wannabes will lap up the crumbs like good little beta bois they don’t know they are.

Imagine a real dark ranger class. That would be amazing. But no we settle for this nonsense instead.


Not really.

You can’t name you eagle, unlike hunter pets.

You can’t customize the eagle’s appearance, unlike hunter pets. Even if you could, Blizz would likely limit it to birds only instead of the vast array of tameable animals that hunters can use as pets.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the eagle wasn’t visible outside of certain times during combat, unlike hunter pets.

Removing pets is a huge loss when it comes to customization. Eagles are not the same thing.


Well we can certainly see that you’re here to argue in good faith

“Those who are insulted by a remark probably fall into the category that the remark is criticizing.” – Confucious (probably but not really)

Imagine making things up because you can’t refute points.

You’re so clueless you don’t even realize using a pet for lust and then dismissing them is an actual thing.

They haven’t been able too since legion. Which is why MM isn’t he bad state it’s in now.

Because it’s not a traditional pet. It’s now like sentinels owl.

Thank you for proving my point

Well, dunno about the eagle, but Blizz just needs to come here if they need vultures.

Are you asking total number of expansions that did not add classes, or the number released since the last class? Because we just got evoker added in DF and I am not sure if it really makes a good argument for added a class every expac.

Also pally has taken the title of Most played class last I checked. Not sure how you would go about otherwise choosing something as subjective as most popular.

yo kid, why you so mad

It was more of a rhetorical question. My point being that we should be expecting new classes with every xpac we pay 90 bucks plus a sub fee every month for. But Blizz is lazy and has conditioned too many of us to not only not lower expectations but also simp for them when they cheat us on things that used to be the norm.

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Doesn’t beast master play with the pets. MM the pet is just kind of passive micro damage. And technically you get a bird pet that no other spec gets. So that’s something. I guess Blizz could put in an illusion that looks like your pet if you wanted to see it.

lol you can only argue in bad faith when


The irony of who smells it deals it is that it necessarily applies to whomsoever invokes it, as well.

Not mad at all. Entertained by someone so inept at the class they play they think they know what they are talking about.

Then the need to make up lies was pretty hilarious too.

And yet, plenty of people do still play Warlock. They adapted.


Confucious probably but not really never said that. I know cause I asked him. But I have it on good authority that Cicero once said that “i know you are but what am i” didn’t win when were six and it doesn’t win now.

i bet you click all your abilities by the way you got so offended.

and keyboard turn to boot.

Haha sure thing.

It’s cute you think I’m offended though.


100k dps loss isn’t significant?