Everything lost from the elemental is retained. Including, but often ignored when the analogy is brought up, the damage bonus from ditching it.
For reference, Frost mage is my 2nd most played spec.
“The pet interacts with their utility but that doesn’t magically make them interact” is not a take I want to argue with you, Snoz. On some topics you get so into your own head you’re unwilling to speak from a reasonable baseline, sometime.
Devs start messing with the classes, screwing up Specs, players leave the game in droves, the devs all in a room having a pity party because players don’t like their screw ups.
New Talent: Cunning – Your Spotting Eagle gains the Cunning specialization, granting you Master’s Call and Pathfinding. Choice node with Tenacious.
New Talent: Tenacious – Your Spotting Eagle gains the Tenacity specialization, granting you Air Superiority and Endurance Training. Choice node with Cunning.
Marksmanship Hunters can expect a full suite of unique Eagle-specific versions of pet utility such as a line of sight-ignoring Intimidation, a unique Bloodlust, new visuals for Master’s Call, and even the ability to change your Eagle’s specialization between Tenacity and Cunning.
but which begs the question of why there can’t be an option that retains the pet so people can keep their crutch.
Like, I’m going to be honest with you, Snoz. Personally? I like the idea of a spotting eagle. I also think if WoW just split all of the specs off from having a parent class, I wouldn’t be arguing this at all, but we don’t live in that alternate world.
Yikes I’ve seen some pretty cringe takes in these topics but now it’s spiteful that Blizzard improves a spec and wants it to be played how it’s supposed to be?
Your entire point relies on talking about unreleased features, be a clown somewhere else. I’m not arguing any of the things you’re losing your well-adjusted mind over.
No one who is for MM going petless has explained how it’s going to work in solo content.
None of them have explained how those of us who need a tank to keep aggro off us squishy hunters, is going to work.
It’s as if none of them care because all they think that matters is raiding/mythic.
and its funny. because he is acting like he is forced to play current mm with a pet. and probably is noob enough that he does so.
blizzard can fully redesign mm and balance it accordingly without removing the pet as a “OPTION”.
what gets me the most is how vague and two faced they are. they said they want to reimagine marksman hunters by getting rid of the pet, yet with the same breath of oxygen talking about how marksman will now have a mandatory pet that you have no control over and cannot interact with…