No pets for marksman hunters!

So did the notion of making a melee hunter, but, here we are, survivals right over there, still existing lmao.


Honestly ranged warriors are what mountaineers(dwarf) and riflemen(orcs) would be in WoW.

And it would be cool.

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That makes more sense in the context of rexxar. Even their class art on the talent page shows him.
Find an example of a ranged war anywhere in the game. And if you can find even 1, are they remotely as iconic as rexxar?

You just described a hunter.

The only way a ranged war makes sense, again. Is a javelin/spear mid range/melee build.
Full ranged, they would just be a hunter. And that doesn’t fit the plate armor style either.

the irony being that Rexxar acts more like a Beastmaster than anything, survival being based on him is weird. You’d think BM would be the melee based one with that train of thought in mind. That said, I don’t tend to pay much attention to Any of the modern WoW heros.

Honestly, when I play MM (most of the time) I prefer not having a pet and go hunt alone… when I want a pet (for big elites) I go Surv or BM. For me MM is more like a sharpshooter fantasy, hits hard, need to kill fast. I like these changes and can’t wait to go hunt and call my eagle when I want bloodlust, and then keep on hunting alone.

We can be a class with pets capable of tanking big mobs, or a class in melee range exploding everything to bits while the pet is tanking for us or we can be a lone hunter hitting hard AF.

I realise it’s a change and every community across all games hates changes, it just takes time to adapt. I am a UX Designer, I know my clients don;t like changes… and then after a bit they love it. It’s normal and expected.


u want a pet play BM easy fix i would say

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If all you have is “just change to BM”, then you have nothing to offer to this conversation. We’ve been hearing that nonsense parroted from various people since they announced this change. All you’re doing is lazily dismissing our concerns with “just change your spec”.

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just like we needed another thread about this when there’s 500 up all ready . forums are just that for players to post .and that’s what i did . look the game is broken in many many ways .i think the change is GOLDEN .again want pets play BM they have tons of options for PETS . MM seems to be a good way to get LORE back to hunters with the changes . plus seems Hunters are or maybe getting a 4th spec . with tinker or gunner … players need to look out side the BOX .

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Or they could just, you know, not take away pets from MM. You’d think they’d have learned after attempting it multiple times and failing each time.

What lore? Ranger? Sniper? Both of those go out the window, never to be seen again, if you do solo content. This is a class “fantasy” being built around doing group content.

Wild conjecture without a hint of reality.

10 years, all petted MM’s were asked to leave and most of them did. That’s some serious obstinate dedication to keep on staying while the rest of the Hunter world moved on. “Now yous can’t leave.”

Now it’s BM, SV, or get the Fred Fuchs out.

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If anything, it’s all the petless people who came into a pet class who should be asked to leave.


That conflict was handled differently, and thus, produced a different outcome. I wasn’t in the forums back then, but I remember some pushback from the MMO Champion forums.

You can say that Melee SV completely eclipsed it. The Hunter community raged more about that than petless MM. Way more. So much more that nobody cared about cute little MM no longer existing.

Also, I should point out that this is Microsoft now. This is not Team Bobiablo anymore, who was slain.

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This is something like the third or fourth time they’ve attempted to remove pets from MM. They’ve failed every time before, I guess they’re hoping enough pet-loving MM Hunters have left to be able to pull it off this time.

Look at SoD. The Lone Wolf Rune still exists and is useable for ALL 3 specs. Yes, even a petless BM is “possible”. You think it might have been more inspired by that?

I don’t think 11.1 is going to be controversial at all. It might cause an existential threat to BM mains who want their RDPS slot, but that’s about it. I think that’s the real reason; that this new MM might be so good it won’t be worth maining BM anymore despite that BM has been the most meta of the three ever since the gates of Sescheron had stood.

It’ll only dethrone BM if the numbers are good, and they could do that without making any significant changes, just boost our damage output.

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That right there is the dirtier-than-Ashley-Madison secret. Last year, I was arguing that Blizzard ought to separate MM and SV from BM, so BM can be its own class and MM+SV can share their own class, and it looks like that wasn’t going to happen after all.

I was hoping it would because I knew BM mains were going to be upset if MM starts to outperform. I think it still works best for all if BM and MM could compete as of two different classes altogether than in the same class. I predicted the resistance was going to happen.

And who knows? Separation might still be possible…

Snuzy only get carried in his dungeons and raids, and dont do anything else, so he doesnt understand what the pet can do, dont mind him

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Funny enough he is actually called a beastmaster. He was the og hunter with a pet I think wow hunters derived from. Especially since he also dual wields.

But how he acts and “plays”, he is more like a cross with modern surv and bm. Or much closer to og bm, since that was a completely different playstyle back then.

And I guess I am biased on a melee bm since Ive played bm so long as this point with pets and ranged that it being melee just sounds wrong in my head.
Maybe pet focused and melee without the bombs? And dual wield? You might be able to sell me on that. But Im also a sucker for dw.

I like that Surv is melee, otherwise it would just be a BM with different skill names but same gameplay.

But I will be flamed for this… :smiley:


Survival needs to be allowed to dual wield.