No pets for marksman hunters!

Yeah, this looks like something could be acting strangely with Withering Fire.

I don’t know specifics, since I’m not in the aforementioned Discord.

I really only keep up that close with Shaman stuff. (And even there I’m behind since I haven’t been very active.)

That’s what they are doing but they can also just keep the Lone Wolf talent and roll these changes into it.

They aren’t because it’s a balancing nightmare.

The spec has been pet less since WoD outside of solo content.

Solo players will be fine.

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How is it a balancing nightmare? They just have to tune pet damage numbers to compensate for the Lone Wolf damage buff.

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I’m not trying to be rude but you clearly aren’t understanding what I’m telling you.

If they buff pet damage to one target to compensate for lone wolf’s 5% bonus damage to each target that would break MMs single target damage.

Like I said it’s not worth the effort considering they clearly view MM as a non pet spec.

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And, let’s be honest here, it hasn’t been for more than half of the game’s lifespan.

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Can’t speak facts here. People have too much of a bond with a pixelated “pet”

This is why I mentioned earlier that pets need cleave abilities. Cleave is just how classes work now.

It can be balanced. Frankly I don’t think it’s all that difficult for the math and sim people at Blizzard.

I don’t understand why Blizzard has to make such radical changes that angers a significant portion of the player base unnecessarily.*

* Frost Mage has had the option of a permanent Water Element for more expansions than it did not. MM Hunters always had / had the option of having a pet.

I think Blizzard should take into account what players view MM as. Clearly many want to keep the pet. And to be blunt, I think what players want is more important than what Blizzard wants.

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They could call it Beast Cleave.


Or what if
 you debuffed the target
 with bombs?!


For no particular reason, you could call it Explosive Shot.


And since they got the option to get rid of the water elemental in Legion, they ran it for all but 1 patch (bonus points to anyone who knows which patch that is).

So Frost was only really a pet spec from Cata → Warlords.

And because of the changes, you see a lot more Frost elemental now than you had since Warlords.

Just like you’ll see more of a pet with MM now than you had in a very long time.
By all means, let there be a glyph to turn the bird into whatever pet you want. But from a gameplay perspective, everything they’ve shown has been an improvement over what we have now.


BM cleaves with pets.
MM cleaves with shots.

If you’re insistent on wanting a hunter spec using a pet where the pet option is better than a no-pet option, BM and Survival already do it.

The ‘radical change’ is to give MM an identity of its own that is truly unique compared to BM and Survival, just how they did a radical change for Demonology warlock to make it unique compared to destruction and affliction.

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And as I already stated pets cleaving is BMs niche. Did you even read that part?

Even if it could (it can’t) they clearly have a vision of MM not having a pet.

The majority of MM players aren’t angry. The only ones angry are a vocal minority of solo players.

The option doesn’t magically make the spec not primarily a non pet spec.

The majority want this change. Like I said. You have a loud vocal minority of players that either don’t even play MM or are solo players. The game is a group focused game first and that’s where the priority is.

Water elemental was trash when it was a pet now that it procs from using icy veins it’s much, much better.

It’s the same with anyone using a pet as a Marksmanship Hunter it makes your DPS drop massively so having it redone to be whatever the eagle does passively will be an overall improvement to the entire spec.

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How’s SMF been doing since it came back?

Unironically pretty well actually, but this is mostly because some of us just play well and a lot of the min/maxers can’t perform at a point where smf vs titans makes a difference :sweat_smile:

(Me on my smf meme war usually always beating titan wars)

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I played SMF a little this expansion and it was kinda alarming how often I was beating out higher ilvl furies.

On MThane, too.

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And, on top of all that, You’re going to have Streamline up almost all the time next patch (which will also reduce the focus cost of Aimed Shot).

You’ll be able to spend Precise shots with Killshot/Black Arrow, you’ll get precise shots from Rapid Fire. Consuming Precise shots can now grant Streamline.

Double Tap is back. Trueshot lasts longer.

Salvo looks to be just a passive part of Volley.

You can now 2 target cleave.

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