No pets for marksman hunters!

Ima kinda bummed to be playing warrior next tier.

MM is looking fire.

I think MM is going to replace mage as my main alt.

Unless I find a new guild that wants me as MM (as I’m currently the only warlock in mine).

YUP! That’s what I was running too lol.

Even better, queen ansurek’s poison ring used to be busted too and would over proc from mountain thane. Since you were throwing out a lot of nature damage.

But I’ve been running SMF since at least s3 of DF. Prior, I was always arms. It’s been pretty funny though. Me complaining about getting 2handers, my guildies complaining about getting 1handers
 them rolling their eyes :joy:

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I was hunter with war alt.

New guild in in asked me to go warrior.

I would play lock but every guild that fits my schedule has 2-3 lol.

My three main classes are hunter/lock/warrior

If you insist on this being “law” then it’s impossible to balance. IMHO BM deserves a better niche than “my pets can cleave”. Using your logic, it’s inevitable Survival Hunter will lose the pet too.

Let’s not debate with data neither of us have.

It was trash because Blizzard let it be trash. Buffing Waterbolt damage and making Water Jet a cleave would go a long way IMO.

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BM’s niche is “the pet spec”. Everything there is about pets.

I know. But surely Blizzard can come up with something else pet related to give as a perk to BM other than cleave. Cleave is pretty much mandatory these days. A DPS source with no cleave is pretty much non-viable.

The BM pet niche is that pets do something like 70% of your total damage.

MM managed to cleave and AOE just fine without the pet.

I ran surv profiles for funnsies to see what the pet damage was.
5% in an aoe setting. Single target, 8%

And the only reason it’s that high is because of kill command.

For real?
Posting on alts is one thing to make it seem like you have a more popular opinion but also liking your own posts and agreeing with yourself.

It’s better how it is now honestly just like Marksmanship will be better when pet is gone and can actually be the solo sharpshooter it should have been years ago anyway.

They have a bond with being super lazy and not having to play the actual spec. And want everyone else to be impacted negatively by their laziness. All while ignoring the spec that actually uses pets MUCH more effectively.

Fortunately the devs are not of the same mind.

You guys keep saying this but nobody cares. The developers clearly do not want to maintain this split paradigm.

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The only thing that bugs me about the eagle, is what if an eagle isn’t appropriate for my oeuvre? It’s great for a highmountain tauren, I can see it for maybe a night elf, generally a good pick. But a goblin? A dwarf?

Can we pick from four or so? Maybe match it to the starting pets?

Bring back the old survival spec. Melee hunter is a misunderabomination. We are not neanderthals.

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I misread your post to be comedic pets.

Remember kids, using every tool available to you means you don’t want to “play the actual spec”.

Oh, are you talking about the people who don’t want to have to summon a pet for Lust and would rather take away pets from every MM Hunter instead?

All while ignoring the completely different playstyle that they don’t like or they’d already be playing that spec. Stop using that dishonest excuse for an argument.

It’s like asking why the people who don’t like a pet chose to level a class that has a pet. Why did they ignore the classes that don’t have pets? Why do they get to dictate how MM plays from now on?


Hey! Speak for yourself.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

the guy that “doesn’t reply to me” sure has a lot to cry about huh

I’m sorry, I forgot that Oniana doesn’t respond to me for some weird reason. They’d rather attack me for responding to them instead of responding to my arguments.

You lost your right to have any serious conversation after out last exchange. buhbye