No pets for marksman hunters!

yeah they already did ran the metrics and the people running pets as mm are a vast minority, I am not worried lol

Yes and we already have that. And I know the pro people are a small group, a fraction of 1% but the high end customers are not that big a group either. A minority of players at best.

As for this discussion, people have a right to express their opinions.

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Incorrect. MM is currently punished anytime they use any pet utility.

Remember when I said you don’t know what you’re talking about?

The majority isn’t a small group.

Incorrect. I’d love your “source” on this.

I didn’t say you couldn’t express your opinion. I only said it’s worthless.

I’ve heard, and read, that you have a choice, you can take a pet or you can take Lone Wolf and get a passive increase in damage done.

Are you saying that’s wrong?

Even if you are right and everyone else is wrong, the fix would be simple. Just implement it the way everyone says it works and leave pets as the other choice.

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And what you’re not understanding is when you need pet utility you take a dps loss.

That’s what the changes are fixing.

I’m saying you’re not comprehending the issue and why it’s an issue.

I am right. This isn’t up for debate.

You’re still not comprehending the main two issues and I honestly don’t think I can simplify it so you can understand it.

High end are not the bulk of the player base, that would be casuals. Theirs a reason a solid 70% of the content is geared towards casual players, while “HIgh end” is just rerunning the same dungeons and raids but harder, I’d say its probably closer to 20% maybe 30% are high end raiders, but certainly not the vast majority or WOW would be pushing high end raids/mythics far, far harder than they are.

Heck, a lot of balancing doesn’t even come from the high end mythics/raids, it comes from trying to balance around PVP, and that definitely isn’t the vast majority of WoW’s playerbase.

Never said they were.

You’re confusing casual for solo.

You don’t even realize PvE and PvP have separate balancing. That’s why it’s hard to have any actual conversations with people that don’t know what they are talking about.

So what pet utility do you need if you are doing dungeons? It’s Warlocks that need the demon to block spells.


And this is why different opinions are worth more or less.

It is common to have choices in this game where one talent has one benefit for one situation and another talent has a benefit for another situation. So why, suddenly, do Hunters need to do away with this and have all helpful talents?

Next thing, of course, people taking all those talents then crying about how Mythic suddenly became too easy.


Because no one is penalized for using their utility like marks hunters are.

This has been an ongoing issue for years.

Are you seriously that obtuse?

i think the clueless person is the person that thinks fully removing the pet as an option will make the spec better.

you know the class can be fully redesigned from the ground up. completely deleted and rebuild and still have a whistle to summon your pet as a door stop for all other content outside of raid and m+, and will not impact the spec in the least for raid and m+.

in all honesty, as i said in previous threads, imo i dont care either way. i am just making a point that fully removing the pet will not make the spec better. you play mm in raids and m+ without a pet now. is the spec better? no. so removing the pet completely will change nothing.

So buff the MMs, they do that sort of thing all the time. Why does that require taking away the MM hunter’s pets?


Good thing I never said that.

And the reason they are probably moving away from that option is the balancing issues as I have already addressed.

What’s making the spec better is being able to use pet utility without having to call and dismiss the pet.

Eh. It’s a change that won’t last. Give it time.

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My word you have zero comprehension of the actual issue.

Go to a target dummy

Cast aimed shot
Then summon your lust pet
Use lust
Dismiss pet
Then use abilities.

Maybe then you’ll comprehend the issue.

Because the utility is tied to the pets. With the removal of the utility there is zero reason to bring a pet outside of maybe to tank in solo content.

i agree. i am just standing firm on the fact that people are using the excuse that “the spec will be easier to balance without a pet”. cause that is nonsense. they can build the spec from the ground up just like they are about to do but have some sort of internal passive that reduces hunter damage by 10-15%+ if they have a pet summoned.

they can still give all the utility they are giving, but the option to summon a pet will remain the same. so many people hate survival since it went melee and bm is just a fail, so they stuck with mm and their pets have been with them a long time. that whole playstyle will be out the window for alot of players. the pet can stay as an option and not hurt anything.

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Well that’s huge. So they could remove the utility and leave the pets in place for people who like to play them.

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It still won’t change the issue that the pet can only attack one target versus lone wolf getting 5% bonus damage on all 15 targets.

I simmed myself for hectic add cleave and compared lone wolf to no lone wolf and the difference was over 100k

It’s a pixelated pet. The people that even care are a small minority.

It’s a crutch. World content is so easy you shouldn’t need a pet to tank as Mm